Rideshare Services – 511NY Rideshare Program
Rideshare Services – 511NY Rideshare Program
Save money and time, carpool with WCC friends! We make it easy to get to campus with sustainable commuting options!
Share the Ride to Campus. Go Green and Save Green!
Westchester Community College is pleased to offer the WCC 511NY RIDESHARE program. The program has been assessed by members of the college’s Sustainability Transportation Committee and is supported by the Student Government Association.
This rideshare program provides Westchester Community College students and employees a way to arrange rides and coordinate pickup scheduling needs, to and from the Valhalla campus and any of its extension centers. There are two separate systems: one that allows students to share rides with other students, and another for faculty, staff, and administrators. Participation in this program is voluntary.
Get to know other Westchester Community College students and staff through the 511NY RIDESHARE program:
- Register in our FREE Rideshare System
- Carpool & Vanpool Ridematches
- Guaranteed Ride Program
- Transit Routes and more!
- Offers an easy-to-use online, confidential and flexible ride share system
- Parking privileges for drivers begins Fall 2017
- Save gas money as you make new friends
Westchester Community College urges everyone to participate in the WCC 511NY RIDESHARE program which is designed to minimize long commutes. This transportation initiative is intended to address student, faculty, and staff transportation needs while supporting the college’s sustainable practices.
The Beeline Bus schedule is also available for those who would like to use public transportation.
How to Enroll
Students |
Faculty & Staff |
Or, Simply login into your MYWCC and under NEWS AND INFORMATION you will see the 511NY RIDESHARE information.
Send us an Email info@511nyrideshare.org
Live Chat https://511nyrideshare.org/
Give us a call 718-886-1343 OR 866-NY-COMMUTE
Our Member Support Team is available every weekday except for Federal Holidays:
Monday – Friday: 6:00 AM – 7:00 PM EST
Saturday – Sunday: Closed