Play Library Jeopardy at New Student Orientation

Library Jeopardy is an informative and interactive game presented by Westchester Community College librarians to all new and transfer students during New Student Orientation, August 8-10! Modeled after the original television show, it provides a fun and innovative way to introduce students to all of the resources and services available at the Harold L. Drimmer Library.
Student team members collaborate to provide correct answers to questions in five different categories, all related to areas within the library, including How to Get Help, Locations in The Library, and How Do I?
Giveaways and prizes are included.
To sign up to attend New Student Orientation, please visit All first-time, full-time students at WCC are required to attend. All other are strongly encouraged. Questions about New Studetn Orientation should be directed to or 914-606-6731.