Students Honored at Student Leader Recognition Ceremony
May 11, 2020
Westchester Community College’s Student Government Association and Department of Student Involvement held its 72nd Annual Student Leader Recognition Ceremony remotely. Over 60 attendees viewed the presentation of the numerous awards.
The award recipients are:
- Maajeek Flores – Vera Delgrosso Award presented to a student who has demonstrated tremendous personal and professional growth from experiences in the co-curriculum while maintaining a positive attitude in light of great challenges.
- Aline Engler – Student Involvement Award is presented to a student who has stayed actively involved in campus life throughout their tenure at the College and has made significant contributions to improve the student community.
- Maricy Sendras, Gianna Moglia, Emily Moriarity, Cecile, Linton, Maimuna Joof, Alejandra Diaz, Janat Choudhry, Charles Greco, Aleksandre Jeladze, Kelly O’Brien – Key Award presented to students who have made consistent and outstanding contributions to the College community, particularly in the areas of student life and the educational environment of the campus. Recipients exemplify characteristics of leadership, service and an earnest desire to learn and grow from their experiences in the co-curriculum.
- Accounting Club – Club of the Year
- The Healthy Essentials “Stuff Your Bag Event” sponsored by the Radiology Club – Club Event of the Year
The 2020 SUNY Chancellor’s Awards for Student Excellence Recipients were also acknowledged. These prestigious awards recognize students who demonstrated the integration of academic excellence with accomplishments in the areas of leadership, athletics, community service, creative and performing arts, campus involvement, or career achievement.
The Westchester Community College students who were honored are:
- Joel Andrade
- Hugo Espinoza Rodriguez
- Bryan Goodman
- Paulina Majerkiewicz
- Alexender Meltzer-Werner
- Olivia Quiñones
- Rene Tenesaca
“We are so proud of these accomplished students,” said Tiago Machado, Director of Student Involvement at Westchester Community College. “These honorees have exemplified the determination, poise and sense of accomplishment that is the hallmark of WCC students. They are truly Viking Strong!”
About Westchester Community College
Westchester Community College is the largest higher education institution in the county, serving over 24,000 full-time, part-time Workforce Development and continuing education students. Students pursue over 60 degree and certificate programs on a beautiful 218-acre campus, at 7 conveniently located extension centers, and online. Westchester Community College reflects the rich diversity of its region, and was the first SUNY campus to be designated an Hispanic Serving Institution.
President Miles Named to Task Force on Reopening the NYS Economy
May 4, 2020
Governor Andrew Cuomo appointed Dr. Belinda Miles, President of Westchester Community College, to his newly-formed NY Forward Re-Opening Advisory Board.
The advisory board, chaired by Former Secretaries to the Governor Steve Cohen and Bill Mulrow, will help formulate and guide the state’s re-opening strategy. According to Governor Cuomo, the board will be “made up of business, academic, community and civic leaders from across the state to help guide this process and ensure businesses are following the necessary guidelines to preserve public health as we work towards a new normal.”
“I am honored to join this advisory board in its efforts to develop an evidence-based approach to re-opening New York State,” said Dr. Miles. “Located in the epicenter of the pandemic in our State, our institution, employees, and students were among the first to rapidly adapt to this health and economic crisis. I look forward to bringing our experiences and perspective to the work of safely re-engaging college students on our campuses and all New Yorkers to businesses and community life.”
A complete list of the members of the advisory board is available here.
About Westchester Community College
Westchester Community College is the largest higher education institution in the county, serving over 24,000 full-time, part-time Workforce Development and continuing education students. Students pursue over 60 degree and certificate programs on a beautiful 218-acre campus, at 7 conveniently located extension centers, and online. Westchester Community College reflects the rich diversity of its region, and was the first SUNY campus to be designated an Hispanic Serving Institution.
7 Students Honored with Chancellor’s Award for Student Excellence
The Chancellor’s Award for Student Excellence honors State University of New York students who have best demonstrated their integration of academic excellence with other aspects of their lives, which may include leadership, campus involvement, athletics, career achievement, community service, or creative and performing arts.
Congratulations to our students being honored with the Chancellor’s Award for Student Excellence. We are proud of you!
Video Playlist
Hear from our award winning students in their own words.

Joel Andrade, Liberal Arts & Sciences: Social Science
Joel Andrade is a member of the Honors College, and has earned sincere affection and respect of his peers and instructors alike. He is a member of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society, serves as the Student Government treasurer, is a member of the College’s Faculty/Student Association Board of Directors, and vice president of the Philosophia Club. Even with his active involvement, he has maintained a 4.0 GPA.

Bryan Goodman, Liberal Arts & Sciences: Social Science
Bryan Goodman is an active student leader on campus. He has an office in the two largest student organizations, serving as secretary of the Student Government and vice president of the programming board. Bryan is also a member the soccer team, works three jobs, and maintains a high GPA. His commitment to others is what makes him stand out, and no matter the task, you can count on him to get it done.

Paulina Majerkiewicz, Business Management
Paulina Majerkiewicz was born and raised in Warsaw, Poland. After graduating high school, she spent a year in Florida and New Jersey working as an au pair. In 2018, she moved to New York and continued her education at Westchester Community College. She is an active student leader in the community, serving as a senator of the Student Government and active with the Commit to Change Leadership program. She has maintained a 4.0 GPA.

Alexender Meltzer-Werner, Computer Science
Alexender Meltzer-Werner had many personal challenges growing up. It was not until after he took a year-long trip with his father through Europe when he discovered his passion for higher learning. Alexender has been an active and involved student who demonstrated his high-quality leadership, intellect, and compassion for others. Notably, he served as the secretary of Student Government, and led the effort to have the college designated as a Voter Friendly Campus.

Olivia Quinones, Digital Filmmaking
While attending Westchester Community College, Olivia Quinones has been an active member of the campus community. Notably, Olivia holds leadership positions in several major student organizations, including vice president of both the Westchester Events Board and the Student Government Association. Olivia has also served as an orientation leader. She is active in the Digital Film Club, and has won several awards for her film-making talents. Olivia’s passion for helping others and supporting the community sets her apart.

Hugo Rodriguez Espinoza, Paralegal Studies
Hugo J. Rodriguez Espinoza is the son of an immigrant family. At age 19, he enlisted in the United States Marine Corps, serving four years in the Infantry and deploying overseas on two different occasions. During his enlistment, he was naturalized as a United States citizen, which in turn opened many doors that allowed him to pursue a higher education. His career goals are to become a lawyer and serve the people of the U.S.

Rene Tenesaca, Liberal Arts
Rene Tenesaca is the first in his family to go to college and graduate from high school. Rene is committed to a life of service and takes pride in being able to help others, as demonstrated through the many events he helped sponsor as vice president of Service for Phi Theta Kappa. Rene has also helped bring many community building programs to campus as president of the Westchester Events Board (WEB).
Visit SUNY’s page for the Chancellor’s Awards for Student Excellence to learn more about the award and other winners in the SUNY system.
2020 Black History Month Events Gallery
In February 2020 we honored Black History Month with over 20 events. Here are some photo highlights from a selection of the events.
Click here to see the photo gallery
Coronavirus Preparedness
Westchester Community College continues to monitor closely the evolving public health situation with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). A Preparedness Response Team is working closely with all areas of the college to respond to this evolving situation. The team continues to maintain close contact with the Westchester County Department of Health, New York State Department of Health, and the State University of New York System Administration.
As of March 16, we have no confirmed cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) at Westchester Community College. In light of New York State and Westchester County state of emergency status, with guidance from state and local health officials, and in an abundance of caution, the college is closed for in-person activity until further notice. Students should utilize college services available via email or phone.
We remain fluid as we respond to this evolving situation. Each day, we are taking additional preventative actions in order to protect the health and safety of our students, employees, and visitors.
Here are some important things to know:
- Spring break is extended an additional week, ending Sunday, March 22. This includes all English as a Second Language (ESL) courses offered through the English Language Institute.
- Starting Monday, March 23, classes will be offered via remote learning.
- Starting Monday, March 16, all noncredit workforce and community education classes have been canceled through Sunday, March 29.
- Mass gatherings are cancelled through the end of the month.
As part of our continuing effort to limit the spread of the coronavirus, all college locations are closed for in-person activities until further notice. During this time, classes and student services are remote and online. For more information and answers to frequently asked questions see our dedicated Coronavirus (COVID-19) FAQ.
To date, we have implemented several actions in alignment with our updated Pandemic Preparedness Plan for the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) including:
- Encouraged social distancing practices,
- Canceled mass gatherings,
- Conducted a deep cleaning of all college sites,
- Ordered additional hand sanitizers to be installed as soon as delivered, and
- Provided continual reminders to follow CDC preventative measures to slow the spread of viruses, including asking employees who experience flu-like symptoms to remain home.
Stay informed at and stay healthy!
Pandemic Response Team
A Westchester Community College Preparedness Response Team is working closely with the relevant areas of the college to respond to this evolving situation including updating the College’s Pandemic Preparedness Plan. The team members are as follows.
- President
- Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs
- Vice President of Student Access, Involvement, and Success
- Vice President of Administrative Services
- Chief of Staff and Vice President of Strategic Operations
- Vice President of Information Technology
- Coordinator of Health Services
- Director of Marketing and Communications
- Director of Human Resources
- Director of Physical Plant
- Director of Campus Security
- Executive Director of the Faculty/Student Association
The team is working across all college divisions to update division specific contingency plans for managing operations during a potential disruption in normal activities. Key objectives of the plan are to (1) minimize the risks of exposure among faculty, staff, and students; (2) maintain and/or restore the student-learning environment; and (3) maintain a reduced level of key campus operations through remote or online interaction in the event social distancing measures and/or a campus closure are invoked. Employees with questions on these plans should contact their supervisor or division vice president.
It is important to note that student privacy (FERPA) and medical privacy (HIPPA) laws guide the college’s communications, interactions, and responses to inquiries.
Important Phone Numbers
- People under self-quarantine or exposure to a known case, call (866) 588-0195
- NYS Department of Health coronavirus (COVID-19) Hotline (888) 364-3065
- Westchester County coronavirus (COVID-19) Information Call 211
Prevention & General Information
- The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has information on how to protect yourself and what to do if you are sick.
- The World Health Organization (WHO) has specifics about the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) including specifics on the virus and outbreak.
- The New York State Department of Health posts the latest updates from Governor Cuomo as well as the most up-to-date information on number of infected persons.
- The Westchester County Department of Health has information on local school district closings, healthcare providers, and more.
Mental Health & Wellness
- Call with questions or concerns about travel and symptoms
- The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has guidance on managing mental health and coping during coronavirus (COVID-19) for children and caregivers, as well as guidance for higher education administrators.
- The Child Mind Institute has published a resource on how to talk to young people about COVID-19.
- The Hope Center has outlined resources for supporting college students during this crisis.
- The American College Health Association has created a guide to help college health staff and campus administrators address coronavirus (COVID-19) on campus.
- The World Health Organization (WHO) has information on travel, media resources, and other research on coronavirus (COVID-19).
- Anxiety and Depression Association of America Psychologist Jelena Kecmanovic provides some science-based strategies and tips for coping with COVID-19 anxiety.
We are taking further action as more instances of COVID-19 have been reported and New York State Governor Cuomo has declared a state of emergency. With updated guidance from state and local health departments and State University of New York System Administration, we are cancelling events in which large numbers of people are within an arm’s reach of each other, also known as mass gatherings. Here is a list of affected events and programs.
- Women’s History Month Events (through 3/29)
- Green Business Partnership Meeting (3/13)
- Ballet Hispanico - Smart Arts Cultural Event (3/15)
- Huaxia School (3/15)
- LIGA Soccer (3/15)
- Screening Me Too, Now What (3/16)
- Transfer Tabling (3/17) - Mount Vernon
- Teaching & Learning Brownbag Lunch (3/18)
- Career Development Labs (3/18)
- Luncheon with Sybil Strum (3/18)
- State of the College Address (3/19)
- Journalism Talk: Camila DeChalus (3/19)
- Presentation on Lewisohn Sisters Suffragettes and Entrepreneurs (3/20)
- FREE DACA Renewal Clinic (3/21)
- Collegium Special Event: A Conversation with Congresswoman Lowey (3/23)
- Reflective Practice (3/23)
- Women in Mathematics (3/24)
- 24-Credit GED Info Session (3/25) - Mount Vernon
- Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) (3/25)
- Scholarship Ceremony (3/26)
- Teaching & Learning Brownbag Lunch (3/26)
- Great Books Forum (3/26)
- Career Development Labs (3/26)
- Women In STEAM (3/27)
- Johnny Peers & Muttville Comix and David Darwin - Smart Arts Cultural Event (3/29)
- Spring Transfer Fair (4/7)
- Spring Collegium for Lifelong Learning Program (4/1 - 5/15)
Past Events
- Native Plant Center’s Landscape Conference (3/9)
- Greater Westchester Youth Orchestra (3/9)
- PNW BOCES Young Authors Conference (3/10)
- High School Information Session (3/10)
- Youth Media Arts Festival (3/10)
- VITA Tax Drive (3/11)
- Westchester County Planning Federation’s Annual Meeting (3/11)
- Staff Council’s Professional Development Day (3/12)
SUNY System Administration has notified all campuses that study-abroad programs in China, Italy, Japan, and South Korea are being curtailed, effective immediately. Since there are no Westchester Community College students on college-sponsored trips in these areas, no students are affected by SUNY Administration’s action. For more information, read the full news release on SUNY's Study Abroad response.
Following the guidance of the CDC and SUNY System Administration, Westchester Community College is suspending all nonessential travel by employees or students to any of the Level-2 or Level-3 countries (Japan, Iran, China, South Korea, Italy).
If you have personal travel plans, please consult the CDC travel guidelines prior to your trip and be aware of the potential for social distancing for 14 days following your return.
In an effort to be proactive and help to reduce risk of potential exposure, students should contact Health Services and employees should contact Human Resources if they have traveled to Level-2 and Level-3 countries in the past 14 days.
Archived Messages
Employee Messages
Sunday, March 15 - COVID-19 Update
As we continue to monitor new developments this weekend in this very fluid situation, Westchester Community College is taking the following actions.
- Starting Monday, March 16, the Valhalla campus, all extension centers, and the library will be closed until further notice.
- Starting Monday, March 16, all noncredit workforce and community education classes have been canceled until further notice.
- All events on campus have been canceled until further notice.
- Student services will be available online and via phone. Check the college website for details on how to connect with the support you need.
- Registration for Summer and Fall classes continues online. Academic counseling is available online, see the college website for details.
- Spring break is extended an additional week, ending Sunday, March 22. This includes all English as a Second Language (ESL) courses offered through the English Language Institute.
- All courses will be offered in an online format beginning Monday, March 23 until further notice.
We have an FAQ available on our Coronavirus (COVID-19) webpage that will be updated regularly.
We will continue to monitor this turbulent situation, as we remain in contact with local and state experts. Classes are moving online but we remain dedicated to delivering the teaching and learning experience you expect and deserve from Westchester Community College.
Monday, March 11, 2020 - COVID-19 Update
As of today, we have no confirmed cases of coronavirus at Westchester Community College. We are in regular contact with state and local health departments and the State University of New York System Administration and remain ready to respond to this very fluid situation. Today we are taking additional preventative actions in order to protect the health and safety of our students, employees, and visitors.
- Spring break is extended an additional week, ending Sunday, March 22. This includes all English as a Second Language (ESL) courses offered through the English Language Institute. Since the college’s regular spring break commenced on Saturday, March 7, this marks two full weeks of social distancing for students through suspension of instructional activity.
- Starting Monday, March 23, classes will be offered via remote learning for one week through Sunday, March 29, extending further the recommended social distancing practices.
- Starting Monday, March 16, all noncredit workforce and community education classes have been canceled through Sunday, March 29.
- Mass gatherings are cancelled through the end of the month.
During this time, the college remains open, including the Library and student services.
The college activated its pandemic response on February 27, 2020, and updated its Pandemic Preparedness Plan for the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). In the intervening weeks, we have
- Encouraged social distancing practices,
- Canceled mass gatherings,
- Conducted a deep cleaning of all college sites,
- Ordered additional hand sanitizers to be installed as soon as delivered, and
- Provided continual reminders to follow CDC preventative measures to slow the spread of viruses, including asking employees who experience flu-like symptoms to remain home.
Monday, March 9, 2020 - COVID-19 Update
We are taking further action as more instances of COVID-19 have been reported and New York State Governor Cuomo has declared a state of emergency. With updated guidance from the New York State Department of Health, Westchester County Department of Health, and State University of New York System Administration, we are taking the following steps to protect the health and safety of our community during spring break week (3/9 to 3/15):
- Special events in which large numbers of people are within an arm’s reach of each other, also known as mass gatherings, are cancelled. Here is a list of affected programs.
- Native Plant Center’s Landscape Conference (3/9)
- Greater Westchester Youth Orchestra (3/9)
- PNW BOCES Young Authors Conference (3/10)
- High School Information Session (3/10)
- Youth Media Arts Festival (3/10)
- Westchester County Planning Federation’s Annual Meeting (3/11)
- Staff Council’s Professional Development Day (3/12)
- Green Business Partnership Meeting (3/13)
- Ballet Hispanico (3/15)
- Huaxia School (3/15)
- LIGA Soccer (3/15)
- The Physical Plant is continuing its deep cleaning to disinfect all high touch surfaces in Valhalla and at all extension locations and WEOC in cooperation with their custodial staff. Housekeeping staff are moving diligently through each building, and cancelling events allows them to make sure that spaces are disinfected before classes resume on Monday, March 16.
- Supplies have been ordered and are expected to be delivered this week, to replenish all hand sanitizers on campus and add new ones in common, high-traffic areas. Physical Plant staff will install these as soon as they arrive.
- Non-Credit classes are meeting as scheduled and without disruption. Classes are not considered mass gatherings.
- Anyone on personal travel internationally should follow CDC guidance and be aware of the potential for a 14-day quarantine upon return to the U.S.
While no one wants to see special events disrupted, especially with such late notice, the COVID-19 situation is very fluid and Westchester County is the epicenter of a majority of positive cases in NYS. Although there are still no cases reported within Westchester Community College, these precautionary measures are taken to limit potential exposure to the virus for us and our outside guests.
The college remains open during this time. We remind students and employees to stay home when you are sick and be mindful of CDC’s other recommendations to help prevent the spread of viruses:
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- Cover your cough or sneeze by using a tissue and then throwing it in the trash, or if a tissue is not available, by using the crook of your arm.
Thursday, March 5, 2020 - COVID-19 Update
Westchester Community College continues to monitor closely the evolving public health situation with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).
A Preparedness Response Team is working closely with all areas of the college to respond to this evolving situation. The team continues to maintain close contact with the Westchester County Department of Health, New York State Department of Health, and the State University of New York System Administration.
Important Information for the WCC Community
- There are no identified cases of COVID-19 in the WCC Community.
- There are 21 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Westchester County.
- Students that have been advised by reliable sources that they have been exposed to COVID-19 and need to self-quarantine should notify the WCC Health Office: or call 914-606-6610 and ask to speak to one of the nurses.
- Employees who have been advised that they have been exposed to COVID-19 and need to self-quarantine should contact Cathy Estella-Flashman in Human Resources: or call 914-606-8592.
- The CDC, SUNY System Administration, and Westchester Community College recommend employees and students refrain from travel to any of the Level-2 or Level-3 countries (Japan, Iran, China, South Korea, Italy). Those who do travel to one of these high risk countries should be prepared for a 14-day self-quarantine period upon return.
- Physical Plant is supplying personal protective equipment (PPE) to the housekeeping staff along with extensive training in the proper cleaning protocols specific to combatting viruses and bacteria. In addition, they have purchased sanitizers and disinfectants that are formulated to kill a broad spectrum of microorganisms. The staff is disinfecting all areas more routinely including doorknobs, handles, elevator buttons, phones, and door push plates. They are re-filling all soap dispensers more frequently.
- Continue to be proactive and encourage those around you to practice proper handwashing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, covering a cough with a tissue or elbow, avoiding others who are sick, and staying home when you are sick. Please post and print the attachment “Stop the spread of germs” where students, employees, and visitors will see it.
For more information please visit
February 28, 2020 - Coronavirus Preparedness
News reports of the spread of the novel coronavirus, COVID-19 is of grave concern to our college community. Accordingly, the college is in constant contact with the Westchester County Department of Health, staff at the State University of New York System Office, and the New York State Department of Health, for specific updates relevant to our region. In addition, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) updates information on its website regularly. Individuals are encouraged to check the websites of these official sources for information (see links below).
Additionally, the college is in the process of updating the institution’s pandemic response plan based upon new information on COVID-19, which is an evolving situation. These plans outline operational guidelines should the college need to close, partially or fully, for a period of time. In addition, the college’s emergency response plan outlines procedures for maintaining a safe and secure campus environment (see link below).
This is also a time to practice extra compassion and care. Please guide any international students and others with concerns about family, travel, or other questions to Janice Gilroy at ext. 6334. Please also review the CDC website for the latest travel advisories when considering travel for yourself or your family.
Finally, keep up with good health practices! Frequent hand washing, using hand sanitizer, covering your cough with a tissue or your elbow, avoiding others who are sick and staying home when you are sick, and cleaning and disinfecting surfaces regularly, are all basic measures we should take to keep ourselves and our community safe and healthy. Please review, print and post the attachment from the CDC, titled Stop the Spread of Germs.
Thank you all for helping Westchester Community College continue to be a safe and welcoming place for our students, employees, and visitors.
Janice Gilroy R.N., M.A
Health Services Coordinator
Student Center, Room 183
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:
New York State Department of Health:
Westchester County Department of Health:
Information on WCC’s Emergency Response Plan:
Public Messages
Sunday, March 15 - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update
Sunday, March 15 - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update
As we continue to monitor new developments this weekend in this very fluid situation, Westchester Community College is taking the following actions.
- Starting Monday, March 16, all non-essential employees should work from home, unless otherwise directed by their vice president.
- On Monday, March 16, the campus will be accessible to any employee that needs access to their office and for employees authorized to pick up a laptop from IT for work purposes.
- Faculty, staff, and administrators will be permitted onto the Valhalla Campus between 6:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. for limited access to their workspace.
- The Grasslands East Gate Entrance is the sole vehicle and pedestrian point of entry for the Valhalla Campus, with the exception of persons arriving via bus.
- Faculty, staff, and administrators seeking to access the Valhalla Campus should present their Westchester Community College Identification to Security located at the Native Plant Center Parking Lot (at the East Gate Entrance).
- If you had requested a laptop, follow this schedule for pickup:
- For last names starting with A – L between 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
- For last names starting with M – Z between 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
- Starting Tuesday, March 17, only approved essential personnel will be permitted onto the Valhalla Campus. Contact your Divisional Vice President if you have questions on who is identified as essential personnel.
- Essential employees should report to work on their normal work schedules.
- A Physical Plant U.S. Mail delivery procedure will be communicated and coordinated with Divisional Vice Presidents
- Extension centers will be closed until further notice.
We will have an employee FAQ available on our Coronavirus (COVID-19) webpage tomorrow evening.
We thank you for your dedication to student success during these turbulent times.
Wednesday, March 11, 2020 – Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update
As of today, we have no confirmed cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) at Westchester Community College. As we are monitoring this very fluid situation with state and local authorities, we are taking additional preventative actions in order to protect the health and safety of our students, employees, and visitors.
- Spring break is extended an additional week. Classes resume Monday, March 23, via remote learning for one week. Faculty will communicate with students about their classes via MyWCC email or Blackboard. This includes all English as a Second Language (ESL) courses offered through the English Language Institute.
- Starting Thursday, March 12, all WEOC classes have been canceled through Friday, March 27.
- Starting Monday, March 16, all noncredit workforce development and community education classes have been canceled through Sunday, March 29.
- Mass gatherings are canceled through the end of the month.
During this time, Westchester Community College remains open, including the Library and student services.
For additional information including details about preventative measures the college has taken and what you can do to prevent the spread of viruses, please go to
Monday, March 9, 2020 - Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Important Message from WCC about novel coronavirus (COVID-19)
Westchester Community College has established a link (see below) on the College’s website which will carry updates related to the Corona Virus. WCC will update the page as the need to share new information develops for our entire community to view.
Thursday, March 5, 2020 - Pandemic Alert Email
Westchester Community College continues to monitor closely the evolving public health situation with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).
A Preparedness Response Team is working closely with all areas of the college to respond to this evolving situation. The team continues to maintain close contact with the Westchester County Department of Health, New York State Department of Health, and the State University of New York System Administration.
Important Information for the WCC Community
- There are no identified cases of COVID-19 in the WCC Community.
- There are 21 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Westchester County.
- Students that have been advised by reliable sources that they have been exposed to COVID-19 and need to self-quarantine should notify the WCC Health Office: or call 914-606-6610 and ask to speak to one of the nurses.
- The CDC, SUNY System Administration, and Westchester Community College recommend employees and students refrain from travel to any of the Level-2 or Level-3 countries (Japan, Iran, China, South Korea, Italy). Those who do travel to one of these high-risk countries should be prepared for a 14-day self-quarantine period upon return.
- Physical Plant is supplying personal protective equipment (PPE) to the housekeeping staff along with extensive training in the proper cleaning protocols specific to combatting viruses and bacteria. In addition, they have purchased sanitizers and disinfectants that are formulated to kill a broad spectrum of microorganisms. The staff is disinfecting all areas more routinely including doorknobs, handles, elevator buttons, phones, and door push plates. They are re-filling all soap dispensers more frequently.
- Continue to be proactive and encourage those around you to practice proper handwashing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, covering a cough with a tissue or elbow, avoiding others who are sick, and staying home when you are sick.
For more information please visit
(last updated 3/17/2020)
Westchester Community College Celebrity Salon Series
Join the conversation as the Westchester Community College Celebrity Salon Series connects its supporters with leading professionals from the worlds of art, publishing, sports, history, food, wine, and politics. As the first series of its kind in Westchester County, these events continue to attract top names who help the Westchester Community College Foundation raise funds for student scholarships. All events are held in private homes and are sponsored by The Nancy Kennedy Team at Houlihan Lawrence, Cuddy & Feder, and Lucille Werlinich.
Will Shortz on Sunday, April 19 at 4:30 p.m. Not everyone knows that crossword puzzle guru Will Shortz is also a major table tennis player. We will gather at his Westchester Table Tennis Center in Pleasantville, one of the top places to play or train in the U.S. Our hosts, Stephanie and Lee Spiegel, will serve up refreshments, sans topspin, at Will’s place so that we can all experience the intersection of his two worlds. Shortz is widely revered as the crossword editor of The New York Times, puzzle master for NPR’s “Weekend Edition Sunday,” and the founder/director of the American Crossword Puzzle Tournament. Somehow, he also manages to play table tennis every day, and has done so without a break for more than seven years. Join us as this extraordinary wordsmith illuminates the similarities between a sharp volley and vocabulary, answering questions about creating and solving puzzles. Will plans to toss out some interactive brainteasers, too, so come prepared for a high-octane exchange!
Michael Doran on Monday, April 20 at 7:00 p.m. Steel yourself to look ahead at the roiling political horizon, while taking comfort from a spectacular view of the more tranquil Hudson provided by your Ossining co-hosts Dorry Swope and Joanne Landau. Michael Doran, who publishes regularly in major newspapers and magazines, including The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and Foreign Affairs, is a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute in Washington, D.C., where he specializes in the Middle East. During the George W. Bush administration, he served in the White House as a senior director on the National Security Council, and his 2016 book, Ike’s Gamble, looks back at Eisenhower’s take on the region, telling an especially relevant and riveting tale.
Susannah Cahalan on Sunday April 26 at 4:30 p.m. Take a sip or two in the English-style pub in Carla and Brian Eccleston’s 1911 Pelham Manor home, and get ready to hear an incredible story. The New York Times bestselling author of Brain on Fire: My Month of Madness, recently published another book, The Great Pretender, which looks at what constitutes sanity. This leading voice on the treatment of mental illness in America tells the true story of a doctor, who, in the mid-1970s, convinces eight healthy people to consign themselves to a mental hospital, and then try to prove they are well in order to be released. What ensues changes people’s definition of madness and how it is treated.
Melissa Clark on Thursday, April 30 at 7:00 p.m. Suzanne and Andy Yearley’s meticulously updated 1929 Scarsdale colonial has an enormous, sumptuous kitchen where Suzanne’s consistently sold-out “What’s for Dinner” classes are held. Melissa Clark, a winner of multiple James Beard Awards, is a wildly popular cookbook author and New York Times food writer. Her new book, Dinner in French, explores classic French cuisine with a dash of Brooklyn moxie. Recipes from the book will be used as inspiration to prepare the evening’s hors d’oeuvres. Her other books—Dinner, Dinner in an Instant and Comfort in an Instant—are go-to’s for many, and her food column, “A Good Appetite,” along with her Weeknight Kitchen podcast on NPR’s Splendid Table, create an ongoing conversation with her many fans, who continue to be inspired by her accessible and inventive recipes.
Andrew Carroll on Thursday, May 7 at 7:00 p.m. Diane and Marc Greenwald’s elegant Scarsdale Tudor provides the perfect setting to learn about the magic of Andrew Carroll’s cache of historic soldiers’ letters and the personal stories they tell about our country’s history. Andy Carroll is the director of the Center for American War Letters, which seeks to honor and remember veterans and their families by preserving wartime correspondence. Once you see a letter with an actual bullet hole in it, it’s hard not to be affected by these potent artifacts. The center has approximately 150,000 letters (and now emails) spanning from the American Revolution to current conflicts in Afghanistan, and Andy can tell you about the provenance of most of them. He is so dedicated—and so afraid of losing any of these precious fragments of our collective story—that he often travels with a case of letters handcuffed to his wrist. The editor of several New York Times bestsellers, including War Letters and Behind the Lines, Andy also played a part in the creation of the Emmy award–winning PBS film Operation Homecoming.
Rob Petron, on Wednesday, May 13 at 7:00 p.m. Wendy and Scott Kleinmans’ stately art-filled home, located in Scarsdale, is an ideal setting to discuss food and entertaining. Rob Petrone, a six-time New York Emmy award–winning food personality and TV journalist, was the host and executive producer of Restaurant Hunter, and appeared as a guest judge on the Food Network’s Beat Bobby Flay. He recently launched a podcast, Hot Takes on a Plate, for the Bleav Podcast Network, where he and established foodies debate where to get the best eats and share restaurant tips. Come get the scoop.
Robert Manfred on Wednesday, May 27 at 7:00 p.m. Rob Manfred gives a poolside talk at this Briarcliff Manor Tudor perched high above the Hudson River. Manfred, the commissioner of baseball, is now in the fifth year of his tenure, and his current goals include encouraging more young people to take up the sport, pursuing technology initiatives to widen the game’s appeal and promoting baseball internationally. An MLB executive since 1998, Rob has played a key role in creating a cooperative atmosphere among team owners and players. Come hear this key player’s take on the state of America’s quintessential sport.
Timothy Kopec, on Friday, May 29 at 5:30 p.m. Enjoy exceptional wines in this Briarcliff lookout with views of the Hudson River below and majestic Hook Mountain beyond. Renowned wine connoisseur Timothy Kopec was the wine director of, and a partner in, Manhattan’s much-missed three-star restaurant Veritas, where he won the James Beard Foundation Award for Outstanding Wine Service. Now a founding partner of Private Cellar Selections, which sources great wines for restaurants, corporations and private collections, Timothy will open up some very special bottles for us, selected both because of their fine quality and their personal significance to him.
MoMA, on Sunday, June 7 at 5:30 p.m. Join us for cocktails in a Lenox Hill apartment overlooking the Frick Museum’s charming garden, following an after-hours tour of the new MoMA. Come experience the new MoMA once the crowds have dispersed for the day, with a private tour guided by a professional art historian. We will take a look at the museum’s expanded galleries and spaces for performance, conversation and art making. This will be an incredible opportunity to explore MoMA’s reinstalled collection.
Cocktails and hors d’oeuvres will be served at all salons. Salon fees are $165 per event. For further details, call 914-606-6558. Or visit
Historic Preservation Speaker Series in Peekskill
Pieter Estersohn
Hudson Valley Estates of the Livingston Family
Date: Thursday, April 16, 2020
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Admission is free.
For registration information please email or call 914-606-7300.
This is the first lecture of the 2020 three-part Historic Preservation speaker series on the architectural history of the Hudson Valley region. The series is in conjunction with the Westchester Community College’s certificate program in Historic Preservation. This series examines topics related to historic preservation and architectural history, focusing on New York State and the Hudson Valley region in particular.
Pieter Estersohn is a leading photographer of architecture and interiors. His work regularly appears in major architectural magazines and he has contributed to many interior design and lifestyle books, among them Charlotte Moss’s Rizzoli publications. He is the author of Life Along The Hudson: The Historic Country Estates of the Livingston Family (Rizzoli, 2018) with a foreword by John Winthrop Aldrich, and Kentucky: Historic Houses and Horse Farm of Bluegrass Country (Monicelli Press, 2014). Estersohn is also on the Advisory Council of The Magazine Antiques and serves as President, Friends of Clermont.
Peekskill Extension Center • 27 North Division Street Peekskill, NY 10566 • 914-606-7300
Vassar College Transfer Summer Program
The Exploring Transfer summer program at Vassar College is offering a limited number of full scholarships to eligible students from Westchester Community College for Summer 2020. The purpose of the program is to encourage community college students to experience a private four year college, take a rigorous course load and consider transferring to colleges you may have thought “out of your reach”. Apply by March 2, 2020.
Are you interested in:
- Taking College courses team taught by faculty from Vassar College and a community college for 6 transferable credits? – FREE
- Spending 5 weeks (June 18th though July 25th) on a college campus in the Residence Halls? – FREE
- Experiencing liberal arts coursework in a stimulating environment with other community college students?
- Living and learning on the beautiful campus of Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, NY?
- Having the academic and personal experience of a lifetime?
Applications are due by March 2 and must be submitted online.
For more information about the program including the online application, please go to
Free Tax Preparation 2020
Dates: February 3 – April 15, Monday and Wednesdays,
Times: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
- Prepare and file your federal and state taxes.
- No charge for students and alumni.
- It’s open to students, students’ friends and family members, and staff, provided that they meet the requirements in the PDFs linked below
- Walk-ins or appointments are accepted. Last walk-in is at 4 pm. Appointments can be made by calling United Way’s 211 or 1-800-899-1479.