7 Students Honored with Chancellor’s Award for Student Excellence
The Chancellor’s Award for Student Excellence honors State University of New York students who have best demonstrated their integration of academic excellence with other aspects of their lives, which may include leadership, campus involvement, athletics, career achievement, community service, or creative and performing arts.
Congratulations to our students being honored with the Chancellor’s Award for Student Excellence. We are proud of you!
Video Playlist
Hear from our award winning students in their own words.

Joel Andrade, Liberal Arts & Sciences: Social Science
Joel Andrade is a member of the Honors College, and has earned sincere affection and respect of his peers and instructors alike. He is a member of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society, serves as the Student Government treasurer, is a member of the College’s Faculty/Student Association Board of Directors, and vice president of the Philosophia Club. Even with his active involvement, he has maintained a 4.0 GPA.

Bryan Goodman, Liberal Arts & Sciences: Social Science
Bryan Goodman is an active student leader on campus. He has an office in the two largest student organizations, serving as secretary of the Student Government and vice president of the programming board. Bryan is also a member the soccer team, works three jobs, and maintains a high GPA. His commitment to others is what makes him stand out, and no matter the task, you can count on him to get it done.

Paulina Majerkiewicz, Business Management
Paulina Majerkiewicz was born and raised in Warsaw, Poland. After graduating high school, she spent a year in Florida and New Jersey working as an au pair. In 2018, she moved to New York and continued her education at Westchester Community College. She is an active student leader in the community, serving as a senator of the Student Government and active with the Commit to Change Leadership program. She has maintained a 4.0 GPA.

Alexender Meltzer-Werner, Computer Science
Alexender Meltzer-Werner had many personal challenges growing up. It was not until after he took a year-long trip with his father through Europe when he discovered his passion for higher learning. Alexender has been an active and involved student who demonstrated his high-quality leadership, intellect, and compassion for others. Notably, he served as the secretary of Student Government, and led the effort to have the college designated as a Voter Friendly Campus.

Olivia Quinones, Digital Filmmaking
While attending Westchester Community College, Olivia Quinones has been an active member of the campus community. Notably, Olivia holds leadership positions in several major student organizations, including vice president of both the Westchester Events Board and the Student Government Association. Olivia has also served as an orientation leader. She is active in the Digital Film Club, and has won several awards for her film-making talents. Olivia’s passion for helping others and supporting the community sets her apart.

Hugo Rodriguez Espinoza, Paralegal Studies
Hugo J. Rodriguez Espinoza is the son of an immigrant family. At age 19, he enlisted in the United States Marine Corps, serving four years in the Infantry and deploying overseas on two different occasions. During his enlistment, he was naturalized as a United States citizen, which in turn opened many doors that allowed him to pursue a higher education. His career goals are to become a lawyer and serve the people of the U.S.

Rene Tenesaca, Liberal Arts
Rene Tenesaca is the first in his family to go to college and graduate from high school. Rene is committed to a life of service and takes pride in being able to help others, as demonstrated through the many events he helped sponsor as vice president of Service for Phi Theta Kappa. Rene has also helped bring many community building programs to campus as president of the Westchester Events Board (WEB).
Visit SUNY’s page for the Chancellor’s Awards for Student Excellence to learn more about the award and other winners in the SUNY system.