Student Onboarding & Enrollment
Students who wish to commit to WCC may do so by clicking the link provided in their MyWCC email accounts.
Haven’t activated your MyWCC email?
No worries! You can do so NOW by clicking here.
Welcome to Westchester Community College!
We are so delighted that you have decided to begin your higher educational journey with us. This page is designed to provide important information at your fingertips, and will help you navigate your way through the new student onboarding process, the steps to enrollment – and beyond.
Key To-Do Activities
Note: All Students Must Complete These Steps. The popup checklist link below may be a helpful guide when registering.
Activate your MyWCC Student Portal and Email accounts
When to Complete this Step? Complete ASAP! Activate as soon as you get your Admissions notification.
- Activate via MyWCC portal here: Click Here for Student Portal.
- You MUST have a nine-digit student ID number from the Admissions Office.
- Contact the MyWCC Student Helpdesk for help with account activation or with your student email. Email, or call 914.606.5600.
Complete the Let’s Get Started! Module
When to complete this step? Complete ASAP! Log into the Student Portal and select the ‘Let’s Get Started!’ tile
- You will not be able to move forward in the registration/enrollment processes until you do.
- Once complete, you will be automatically cleared to move ahead in about 4 hours.
- A certificate will be issued upon completion.
- Contact the MyWCC Student Helpdesk for help with logging into the module. Email, or call 914.606.5600.
Complete the Placement (DSP) Questionnaires
When to Complete this Step? After finishing the ‘Let’s Get Started!’ Module.
- On completion of the ‘Let’s Get Started!’ Module, you will automatically receive the DSP Questionnaires by email to email account within two business days.
- For more information about placement please visit
Submit your Proof of Immunization
When to Complete this Step? NYS requirement: Submit at the same time as your Admissions application (separate process).
- Submit your immunization records at
- You may also access and print the immunization form here: Click Here for Immunization Form
Submit your official High School transcript(s) or GED diploma
When to Complete this Step? Submit at the same time as your Admissions application (separate process).
- Ask your high school to email your official transcript(s) to; OR mail to: Westchester Community College, Attn: Admissions Office, ADM Building, Room 210, 75 Grasslands Road, Valhalla, NY 10595.
- Bring your original GED diploma and scores to the Admissions Office – restrictions will apply during the COVID pandemic.
- Don’t worry – you’ll get them back!
Meet with an Academic Counselor
When to Complete this Step? Meet with an academic counselor as soon as you have completed placement requirements (including waivers).
- Sign up to meet with an academic counselor at:
Register for your classes!
When to Complete this Step? Select your classes soon after your academic counseling meeting
- You cansearch for classes
- Be sure to register for First-Year Seminar (COLSC100).
Pay your tuition and fees
When to Complete this Step? Make arrangements to pay by the stated deadlines, or your classes will be dropped!
- Go here to find out how to pay your tuition and fees:
- Click Here to Log Into Your Student Account, where you can:
- Pay your tuition and fees
- Enroll in the payment plan
Register for and Complete New and Transfer Student Orientation!
When to Complete this Step? Before the start of your first semester or a registration hold will be placed on your record.
- Click here to Register for New and Transfer Student Orientation and learn more about this invaluable experience.
Optional Activities
Note: The activities below may or may not apply to you. Select the ones that do, and follow the instructions.
Step | Who Should Complete this Step | How to Complete this Step |
Submit your official College transcript(s) (if applicable) |
*Students transferring from another college *Students who took college courses in high school |
Ask your college to email your official college transcript(s) to; OR mail to: Westchester Community College, Attn: Registrar’s Office, ADM Building, Room 107, 75 Grasslands Road, Valhalla, NY 10595.
College credits from abroad MUST first be evaluated at an acceptable credential evaluation agency – go to for more information. |
Submit your official AP and/or CLEP results (if applicable) | *Students who took AP courses in high school
*Students who took CLEP exam(s) |
Ask the College Board to email your official AP and/or CLEP results to; OR mail to: Westchester Community College, Attn: Registrar’s Office, ADM Building, Room 107, 75 Grasslands Road, Valhalla, NY 10595. |
Submit your unofficial SAT and/or ACT scores (if applicable) | *Students who sat for the SAT and/or ACT exams. | Scan and email your unofficial SAT and/or ACT scores to; OR mail to: Westchester Community College, Attn: Admissions Office, ADM Building, Room 210, 75 Grasslands Road, Valhalla, NY 10595 |
Submit your Certificate of Residence (if applicable) | *New York State residents who live outside Westchester county | Go here to find out how to submit a COR: |
Sign up for disability services | *New students who have documented disabilities | Go here to learn about Student with Disability Services: |
Submit your Financial Aid documents (if applicable) | *Students who wish to receive grants, scholarships, and/or student loans | Go here to learn about the financial aid process: |
Key New Student Activities

Welcome to your future!
Virtual Accepted Students Day at
SUNY Westchester Community College
Commitment Day
Welcome to your future! After you activate your MyWCC email, you will be asked to commit to SUNY Westchester Community College for the upcoming fall term and become a Viking VIP (valued, informed, and on a pathway to success). Students who commit to the college (Viking VIPs) receive:
- Priority appointment with an academic counselor for fall course registration
- Priority appointment with a financial aid counselor for hands-on assistance with completing the process
- Preferred access to fall new student orientation schedules
- Exclusive invitation to Commitment Day (generally held in May each year)
- Special Viking VIP* communications
- And more!
Once you commit, be on the lookout for your exclusive invitation to Commitment Day via your MyWCC email. At this event, you will have an opportunity to hear from college president, Dr. Belinda Miles, as she welcomes you to Westchester Community College. You will also get to interact live with deans and faculty in your School; to find out about academic programs and careers; to learn how to enroll and get ready for your first semester; to speak to professionals from the Financial Aid and Business Offices; and to be informed about other programs, services, and opportunities you might be interested in as a new student. On top of all of this, you will even get to play Westchester Community College trivia, where you can earn some serious bragging rights – and a grand prize!
“Getting Started” Sessions for Accepted Students
Getting Started Sessions for Accepted Students are offered online via Zoom and provide newly admitted degree-seeking students with important information about getting started at Westchester Community College. These sessions include an explanation of the next steps in the enrollment process, as well as an overview of opportunities to consider applying for at this point. Sessions will focus on information that it is important for newly admitted students to know NOW in the enrollment process.
Get a head start on signing up for your classes, the popular ones fill up quickly! Come to one of our sessions: we’ll show you how to enroll and how to get ready for your first semester. Don’t delay — sign up for a Getting Started session today! Schedule and more at
New and Transfer Student Orientation
All first time, full time new and transfer students must attend and complete a New and Transfer Student Orientation session. During this engaging experience, students learn about the numerous resources and opportunities available to them here at Westchester Community College. Orientation sessions are scheduled during both the summer and spring, with several dates available to choose from each semester.
For more information, visit
Contact Us
We are here for you! Please email your new student questions to