Event Calendar
Avenue Q (Dress Rehearsal Performance)
Dress Rehearsal Performance on:
Thursday, April 3, 2025 at 4:00 p.m.
SUNY Westchester Valhalla
AAB Theater
Hankin Academic Arts Building
This dress rehearsal performance is only for the SUNY WCC Campus Community. SUNY WCC ID card holders are admitted free. View info about the other performances (which are open to the public)
Filled with gut-busting humor and a delightfully catchy score, not to mention puppets, “Avenue Q” is a truly unique show that has quickly become a favorite for audiences everywhere. It has been praised for its approach to themes of racism, homosexuality and internet pornography. Although the show addresses adult issues with humor, it is similar to a beloved children’s show; a place where puppets are friends, Monsters are good, and life lessons are learned.
View the flyer for the Dress Rehearsal performance.
View the flyer for the main performances.
For more information, contact Rosemarie.Serrano-Sager@sunywcc.edu