High School Equivalency
Ready to change your life by obtaining your high school equivalency (HSE) diploma? Students who wish to earn an HSE diploma must take the GED Exam. Our program provides interactive and engaging preparation classes that cover the four subject areas of the GED examination. Our program is student focused and aims to help participants achieve their academic and career goals. Students qualify for the course if they pass the TABE 11/12 level D exam offered at our locations. $50 (+textbook)
Mount Vernon
At SUNY Westchester Mount Vernon: CE-HSE 2000MV, M/T/W/Th,
Sec A: Sept. 4-Dec. 19. (Skip 11/27 & 11/28) 6:00 pm-9:00 pm #98082
Sec B: Sept. 4-Dec 19. (Skip 11/27 & 11/28) 9:00 am-12:00 pm #98083
To register, call 914-606-7200 or email mountvernon@sunywcc.edu
At SUNY Westchester Ossining: CE-HSE 2000OS
Sept. 4-Dec. 19 (Skip 11/27 & 11/28) 9:00 am-12:00 pm #98083
To register, call 914-606-7400 or email at ossining@sunywcc.edu
At SUNY Westchester Valhalla: CE-HSE 2000, M/T/W/Th,
Sec A: Sept. 3-Dec. 19 (skip 10/14, 11/11 & 11/28) 6:00 pm-9:00 pm, #98129
Sec B: Sept. 3-Dec. 19 (skip 10/14, 11/11 & 11/28) 9:00 am-12:00 pm, #98130
Sec C: In Spanish, Sep 3-Dec 19 (skip 10/14, 11/11 & 11/28) 6:00 pm-9:00 pm, #98131
For more information, call 914-606-5685 or email pdc@sunywcc.edu