Federal Work Study
For information on the Federal Work Study Program, you may contact:
Melonie Cassells, Coordinator
LIB 249
Dear Student:
Welcome to the Federal Work Study Program (FWS). Under the FWS Program, we assist you in finding employment on campus and at our extension sites. In additional to finding you employment, we use the program as a vehicle to help groom you for employment outside of Westchester Community College.
To have a positive job search/employment experience we suggest that you follow the tips below:
Interview Tips
- Dress appropriately for job interviews and work
- Provide your employer with an Updated resume
- Send a thank you note or card to your interviewer whether or not you were hired
On the job tips
- Show up on time for work
- Dress appropriately for work…..ask your supervisor what is acceptable
- Commit to your work schedule
- If you will be unable to attend work for any reason, inform your supervisor in a timely manner
- Do not use your cell phones while on duty. If you need to make an important call, inform your supervisor
- Remember, your job allows you to gain valuable work experience, which allows you to be more marketable
- Always maintain professionalism and civility
- You will need to attend a Professional Development Seminar( date to be determined)
- If you are unable to continue working in your current position for any reason, inform both your supervisor and the FWS Coordinator
Reference tips
- Your supervisor will evaluate your work performance and is an excellent person to use for a job reference
- Perform to the best of your ability because it will pay off for you in the long run
Time sheet submission
- Please hand in Time Sheets on time……On the Friday after pay day
- Hours work in the final pay period of June must be submitted by the last business day in June in order for you to get paid
Summer Employment
Summer employment is paid from the next year’s Financial Aid award year. If you work for summer and do not enroll for the fall semester, you will have to repay the college all monies earned for the summer.