William Widulski
Contact Information
Phone: 914-606-6235
Fax: 914-606-6545
Office location: Technology Building / Rm 129
Email: william.widulski@sunywcc.edu
Title: Professor, Computer Science; Curriculum Chair, Networking
Department/Division: Computer Science
Degree Information:
- MS, Mathematics, Courant Institute, NYU
- MS, Computer Science, Polytechnic University
Courses Taught:
- MATH 178 – Discrete Mathematics
- COMSC 100 – Introduction to Computing Concepts
- COMSC 101 – Computer Programming 1
- COMSC 116 – LINUX Operating System
- COMSC 118 – Introduction to Networks (CCNA1)
- COMSC 124 – Routing & Switching Essentials (CCNA2)
- COMSC 128 – Scaling Networks (CCNA3)
- COMSC 130 – Voice Over IP
- COMSC 132 Connecting Networks (CCNA4)
Honors and Awards:
- Erdös Number of 2!
Publications and Presentations:
- Even-Pancyclic Subgraphs of Meshes. (with A.Delgado, D.Gagliardi, M.Gargano, and M.Lewinter) Congressus Numerantium, Vol 189, pp. 49-56 (2008)
- Subcubes of the Hypercube Qn. (with A.Delgado, D.Gagliardi, M.Gargano, and M.Lewinter) Congressus Numerantium, Vol 189, pp. 25-32 (2008)
- The Saga of Mathematics, A Brief History. (co-authored with M. Lewinter) Prentice-Hall Publishing, NY 2001
- Hyper-Hamilton Laceable and Caterpillar-Spannable Product Graphs.(with M. Lewinter) Computers Math. Applic. Vol 34, No. 11, pp. 99-104 (1997).
- Minimal Hyper-Hamilton Laceable Graphs. (with M. Lewinter) Mathematical and Computer Modelling, Vol.17, No. 11, pp. 125-127, 1993
Institution Service or Academic Service:
- Networking A.A.S. Curriculum Chair, 2002 to present
- Trained for CCNA Security in November, 2009
- Central Committee Representative, 2009 to 2012
- Member of the DC Committee, 2008 to 2012
- Academic Dean of Mathematics, Computer, Engineering and Physical Sciences & Technology Search & Screen Committee Member, 2008
- Faculty Senate Academics Committee, 2005-2006
- DC Chair for Computer Science, 2002 to 2005
- CS Search and Screen Committee Chair, Spring 2004