Jo Stokes
Contact Information
Phone: 914-606-6676
Office location: Classroom Bldg. – Room 31
Title(s): Department Chair Social Science, Professor Anthropology
Department/Division: School of Arts, Humanities, and Social Science
Degree Information:
- B.A. Anthropology, University of Illinois
- M.P.A. Environmental & Natural Resource Management, Indiana University
- Doctoral Research Anthropology/Archaeology, University of Kentucky
Courses Taught:
- Anthr 101 – Cultural Anthropology
- Anthr 102 – Introduction to Archaeology
- Anthr 103 – Physical Anthropology
- Anthr 120 – Native People of North America
- Anthr 210 – Religions of the World
- Anthr 215H – Magic, Myth and Ritual Honors
Honors and Awards:
- The Joseph and Sophia Abeles Endowed Chair for Distance Learning
- SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching
- NISOD Award for Excellence in Teaching
- Viking Award for Outstanding Faculty Advisor for a Student Club
- Beacon Conference for Undergraduates Outstanding Mentor Award
- William S. Adams Award for Excellence in Teaching Anthropology
Publications and Presentations:
- 2016 – Collegium For Life Long Learning: Organized a 6 week lecture/course – Social Justice
- 2011 – Organizer of the Westchester County GIS Users Group 2011 GIS Day Conference, hosted at Westchester Community College
- 2011 – Collegium For Life Long Learning: Offered a 6 week lecture/course – Myth, Magic, Ritual, and Taboo
- 2010 – Activities Report for the Annual Kensico/Sharon Gardens Cemetery Shareholders Report
- 2010 – Can you Hear Me Now? Using Music to Facilitate Classroom Learning, presentation at the SUNY Institute for Successful Teaching Conference.
- 2010 – Collegium for Life Long Learning: Offered a 4 Week lecture/course – New World Prehistory revisited
- 2009 – “An Empirical Study of Competency Criteria for Introductory Courses in the Behavioral/Social Sciences”, co-authored with Paul Siegel. Prepared for SUNY/Westchester Community College
- 2009 – “The Illusion of Race,” presentation as part of the First Annual Teach-in on Racism, Westchester Community College
- 2009 – Collegium for Life Long Learning: Offered a 6 Week lecture/course – American Indian Histories 1600-present
- 2008 – Collegium for Life Long Learning: Offered a 6 Week lecture/course – The Earliest Americans
- 2008 – “Pre-Columbian America: The US before 1492,” lecture presented to the Mount Pleasant Historical Society.
- 2008 – “The Living Dead: Socialization of the Dead through Landscape and Memorialization,” lecture given in the Center for Faculty at Westchester Community College.
- 2007 – Book Review: As Strong as the Mountains: A Kurdish Cultural Journey, Waveland Press, Inc.
- 2007 – “So She Became a Woman: the Politics of Gender in Janie’s World,” presented as part of the Big Read Project through the Westchester Arts Workshop sponsored by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities to the Westchester Community College community.
- 2006 – Book Review: Introducing Cultural Anthropology, 3rd ed. Roberta Lenkeit. McGraw-Hill Publishing.
- 2005 – “Points vs. Polygons: A Test Case Using a Statewide Geographic Information System”. In GIS and Archaeological Site Location Modeling. Edited by Mark W. Mehrer and Konnie Wescott, Taylor and Francis. Co-authored with P.B. Mink II. and D. Pollack.
- 2004 – “Assumptions and Confirmations: Jamaican Archaeological Investigations of Pre-Columbian Social Spheres in the Greater Antilles”, paper presented at the 69th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology.
Institution Service or Academic Service:
Archaeological Field Research:
- 2016-present Lower Hudson Valley River Survey Prehistoric Shell Middens
- 2012 Historic Croft’s Inn – Putnam County, NY
- 2001-2012 Prehistoric Survey – Island of Jamaica