Farhad Ameen
Contact Information
Phone: 914-606-7860
Office location: CLA 39
Email: farhad.ameen@sunywcc.edu
Title: Professor of Economics
Department/Division: Arts, Humanities & Social Science
Degree Information:
- Ph.D., Economics, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University (1996)
- M.A., Economics, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University (1988)
- B.S.S. (Honours), Economics, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh (1985)
Courses Taught:
- Econ 101: Macroeconomics
- Econ 102: Microeconomics
- Econ 101-H: Macroeconomics-Honors
- Econ 102-H: Microeconomics-Honors
- Econ 215: International Economics
Honors and Awards:
- SUNY Distinguished Teaching Professor (2015)
- WCC Foundation Faculty Excellence Award for Excellence in Scholarship (2007)
- SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching (2001)
- Carl & Lily Pforzheimer Foundation Endowed Chair for Business & Public Policy (since 2000)
- Outstanding Mentor Award for student paper at BEACON – A Conference of Student Scholars. Pennsylvania. (2004)
- “Does it Pay to be Social?” in Social Capital and Economic Well-Being, CFPR Working Paper Series No. 15, Research and Evaluation Division, BRAC (Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee), Aga Khan Foundation Canada and Canadian International Development Agency. November, 2006.
- “Loan Repayment in the Grameen Bank: The Importance of Borrower Opportunity Cost and Gender,” in Research in Banking and Finance, 5. Special issue on Bank and Financial Market Efficiency: Global Perspectives. Hasan and W.C. Hunter, eds. Elsevier, 2004.
- “Why This Doomsday Fiscal Scenario Could Be Far Off,” Letter to the Editor, Financial Times. February, 2007.
- “Professor Muhammad Yunus: Building a World Without Poverty,” in Bengali magazine Porshi. (in Bengali). April, 2005.
Conference Presentations:
- Presented paper entitled “Does It Pay To Be Social? Social Capital and Economic Well-Being,” at the American Economic Association (AEA) annual meetings – Association for Economic and Development Studies on Bangladesh (AEDSB) session. New Orleans. January, 2008.
- Presented paper entitled “Does It Pay To Be Social?” at the 63rd International Atlantic Economic Conference. Madrid. March, 2007.
- Presented paper entitled “Loan Repayment in the Grameen Bank: The Importance of Borrower Opportunity Cost and Gender” at the 75 Years of Development Research Cornell University, May, 2004.
- Presented paper entitled “The Determinants of Loan Repayment in the Grameen Bank: An Empirical Analysis” at the Eastern Economic Association annual meetings. New York. March, 1998.
- Presented paper entitled “Analysis of an Interlinked Loan Scheme,” presented at the Fourth Annual Southeast Economic Theory and Trade Conference. University of Alabama. October, 1992.
Institution Service or Academic Service:
- Curriculum Chair, Liberal Arts/Social Sciences, WCC (1999 – 2008)
- Acting Chair, Department of Behavioral & Social Sciences, WCC (2003)
- Chair & Member, Central Committee, WCC (1998-2000)
- Chair, Search and Screen Committee for the position of Associate Dean of the Division of Business, Behavioral & Social Sciences, Public & Human Services, WCC, 2002.
- Member, Search and Screen Committees for faculty positions in Business, Economics, Geography, History, Human Services, Nursing, Philosophy, Sociology, Travel & Tourism. WCC
- Faculty Advisor (Amnesty International, Human Rights Union), WCC
- Referee – Middle East Development Journal.
- Reviewer – McGraw Hill, Pearson, Norton.