Joanna Lackey, Ph.D.
Contact Information
Phone: 6281
Office location: AAB 531
Title(s): Instructor
Department/Division: English
Degree Information:
- Ph.D. English, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- M.A. English, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- B.A. English, Wellesley College
Courses Taught:
- English 99
- English 101
- English 102
Honors and Awards:
- “Demystifying Academic Research Genres through Rhetorical Analysis.” Conference on College Composition and Communication, Kansas City, MO. (March 2018).
- “A Double Curriculum: Cultivating the Insider/Outsider Perspective of Mainstreamed Basic Writers.” Conference on College Composition and Communication, Portland, OR. (March 2017)
- “Studying the Academic Tribe: Using Rhetorical Analysis to Teach Academic Research Writing.” SUNY Council on Writing Conference. Albany, NY. (March 2016).
- “Instagramming Accelerated Learning.” New York State Association of Two-Year Colleges Annual Conference. Suffern, NY. (April 2015)
- “Learning in the Fast Lane: The Risks and Rewards of Accelerating Developmental Writing.” Conference on College Composition and Communication, Tampa, FL. (March 2015)
- “Spin-Offs, Soap Making, and the Mud on Lizzie Bennet’s Petticoats: Reflecting on the Servant Classes in Austen’s Novels.” British Women Writers Conference, Binghamton, NY. (June 2014)
- “‘Wanton Mischief’ in the British Museum: Composing Public Spaces.” Seminar entitled: “Persuasive Spaces: Museums and the Compelling Narrative.” Conference on College Composition and Communication, Las Vegas, NV. (March 2013)
- “‘I use the woman’s figure naturally’: Figuring Women’s Work in Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s Aurora Leigh.” Nineteenth-Century Gender Studies. (Winter 2012)
- “Things That Matter: Spoons, Gowns, and the Status of the Heirloom in Elizabeth Gaskell’s Mary Barton.” British Women Writers Conference, Columbus, OH. (April 2011)
- “‘My Veritable Work’: Poetry and Women’s Work in Aurora Leigh.” British Women Writers Conference, College Station, TX. (April 2010)
- “Trollope’s ‘Glass Case’: Victorian Glass Culture and The Way We Live Now.” Seminar entitled “Diverse Materials: Reimagining Things in Nineteenth-Century Literature.” American Comparative Literature Association, New Orleans, LA. (April 2010)
- “The Flâneuse and the ‘Voyeuse’: Amy Levy and Victorian London.” British Women Writers Conference, Bloomington, IN. (March 2008)
Institution Service or Academic Service:
Faculty Senate