Volunteer RSVP
Volunteer Information
The Commencement Planning Committee is looking for campus volunteers* to assist with the implementation of the three Commencements occurring on Thursday, May 15, 2025
Volunteer roles will include: greeters, ticket takers, check-in, line management, procession management, and general marshall duties.
*All non-teaching faculty are requested to volunteer in at least one Commencement ceremony to assist in making the ceremonies a success or to process with a school of their choice . All faculty are welcome to process.
Volunteer Times
Graduates are required to arrive up to one hour before their ceremony start time, so we ask that volunteers arrive 1.5 hours before the ceremony start time. You will see that reflected when selecting a Commencement at which to volunteer.
The ceremonies are scheduled to be 60-90 minutes, but we ask that you are prepared to volunteer for a total of 3.5 hours in case the ceremony runs long.
Volunteer Numbers
The Committee will need upwards of 30 volunteers per ceremony to successfully celebrate our graduates. This form is designed to close volunteer opportunities for a ceremony when the volunteer roles are full. If you do not see your desired time, please choose another time to volunteer.
If you would like to volunteer for more than one ceremony, please fill this form out again as many times as you would like to volunteer.
Volunteer Training
Volunteers that have not volunteered last year will be asked to attend a mandatory one-hour volunteer training session on Wednesday May 14, 2025 at the Physical Education Building, GYM. Returning volunteers are encouraged to attend to get a refresher. Training times will vary based on roles.
If you have any questions, please contact Amy.Mozingo@sunywcc.edu