State of the College 2022
Letter from the President
The theme of this year’s Annual Report is Securing the Future. An educational institution’s perspective is, almost by definition, forward-facing as we prepare students for their futures. However, the challenges brought about by the pandemic have increased the critical nature of securing the future, both for our students as well as the college.Continuing the heroic efforts of our faculty, staff and administrators from the pandemic’s outset, Westchester Community College was able to remotely provide students with the same high-quality education and servicing that students had experienced in person prior to the pandemic. The results of these efforts are evidenced by the success of our students. The graduation rate of our students increased to 24.5% from 19.5% in the year prior. Many of our students pursued their academic goals at such four-year institutions as Harvard, Columbia, Cornell and NYU, as well as SUNY campuses and local four-year institutions. Our students received such honors as the Jack Kent Cooke Scholarship and the PepsiCo Foundation S.M.I.L.E. Scholarship. Other students stepped right into the local job market, filling high-demand middle skills jobs that help fuel the region’s economic growth.Notwithstanding the successes we witnessed during this year of remote delivery, we are and will continue to be an institution that recognizes the value and importance of face-to-face education and student services. But our ability to reach a wider audience is augmented through the experience and expertise we have gained in providing our benefits remotely. As we face enrollment pressures, offering such options that meet the needs of our students will position us well in what will continue to be an increasingly competitive marketplace.
Our academic programming does, and will, position the college as an integral resource for our county’s business community. The college continues to be recognized for its ground-breaking programs, including our innovative Cybersecurity program, one of only nine community colleges nationwide to be designated a Center for Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense Education by the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the National Security Agency (NSA).
As we look back on our first 75 years, we do so with both eyes focused on the future – for our students and for our institution.
Impact of COVID-19
The past school year was the first in which we were impacted by the pandemic from beginning to end. With the onset of COVID-19 in March 2020, the faculty, staff and administration moved quickly to protect public health, shift to a pre-dominantly online format for courses and student services, and transition to remote operations for most of the 1,000 employees.
Notwithstanding these efforts, many students and prospective students opted to delay their education, whether due to health concerns, family matters, financial hardships or job opportunities. Westchester Community College experienced a decrease in enrollment of credit-seeking students from Spring 2020 to Spring 2021 of 14.2%, comparable to the national community college average decrease of 9.5%. The decline in enrollments at WCC was even greater for non-credit students (42.5%) during the same timeframe.
COVID Response

During the pandemic, students:
- Received over $15 million in Federal Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) grants
- Received an additional $230,000 in financial support from the WCC Foundation over and above scholarship distributions of approximately $4.5 million during the 2020 and 2021 fiscal years
- Were provided with 300+ laptops if they did not have technology at home
- Administered and tracked over 17,000 COVID tests
- Secured over 50,000 pieces of PPE (Personal Protection Equipment)
Securing the Future: Students
While the pandemic required a laser-like focus on the needs of our students and the College in the moment, it was still incumbent upon us to simultaneously look ahead and prepare for the future – both for our students and for the College.
When preparing our students for their future, a significant step in that journey is the completion of their studies at the College. A key measure of this milestone is the 3-year graduation rate; that is, what percent of incoming students earn their degree within three years. This year 24.5% of our students graduated within three years, compared to 19.5% in the prior year and 16.9% the year before that.
These students are securing their future and that of their families. 21% of WCC students who begin their academic journey from the bottom fifth of the income quintile end up in the top fifth later in life. WCC is ranked 21st nationwide on this measure of community colleges.
Westchester Community College continues to provide students with a campus environment that promotes diversity, inclusion, equity and social responsibility. WCC has one of the most diverse campuses in the SUNY system, with over 60% of its students being Latinx or African American. This year WCC received the second-highest Campus Pride Score of any community college in the United States, highlighting that WCC is a welcoming destination for members of the LGBTQIA+ community. WCC was also recognized as a Voter Friendly Campus, one of 231 campuses nationwide to receive this designation as an institution helping students overcome barriers to participating in the political process.
Securing the Future: Institutional
Westchester Community College continues to build institutional capacity as a high-performing community-based educational organization.
2021 Student Emergency Aid Highlights (1)
- $12,339,031 in Federal Student Emergency Aid (2) distributed in 2021
- 10,462 Emergency Aid Student Awards distributed in 2021
(1) Federal Award P425E201126 (Student Aid Portion) was $20,337,145. (2) As of December 31, 2021, WCC had distributed $16,245,949 in federal student emergency aid through 14,573 student awards to eligible, COVID impacted low-income students since the beginning of the COVID pandemic.
2021 Institutional Aid Highlights (3)
- Additional emergency aid grants to students: $3,386,943
- Investments in remote and hybrid learning: $688,182
- Investments in campus health and safety: $558,300
- Allowable costs dues to Lost Revenue: $8,063,552(4)
(3) Federal Award P425F202001 (Institutional Portion) was $27,885,167, and Federal Award P425L200538 (Minority Serving Institutions) was $2,680,071.

WCC received over $50,000,000 in federal Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds from the US Department of Education between May 2020 and July 2021 to address the significant impact COVID has had on students’ learning and the college community. WCC has used this extraordinary federal assistance to address students’ financial, academic and student support needs resulting from COVID disruption and to invest in long-term resiliency with campus health and safety and remote, hybrid and technology integrated learning initiatives.WCC also pursued other federal, state and foundation supported grants to secure a long-term bright future for the college and to enhance academic innovation and excellence and elevate the student experience.
Federal, State and Foundation Supported Grants
WCC is committed to making a difference by supporting student success:
CCAMPIS (Child Care Access Means Parents in School, US Department of Education) (5) and SUNY Family Empowerment grants meet students’ need for affordable, quality childcare and provide a support system to help students achieve their educational and career goals. Ninety-six percent of student-parents who received CCAMPIS subsidies said they would have been unable to attend college without support.
Students in WCC’s TRIO Student Support Services (6), Title V Developing Hispanic Serving Institutions (7) (both US Department of Education) and Viking ROADS grants (Laura and John Arnold Foundation) who receive case-managed academic, financial, and career/transfer counseling are more likely to stay in school, complete their degrees and transfer, doubling graduation rates when compared with peers.
(5) CCAMPIS, P335A1800028; (6) TRIO SSS, P042A201010; (7) Title V, P031S180052.
WCC is enhancing innovation and excellence in STEM:
Gen Cyber STEM (National Security Agency and National Science Foundation) (8) provides high school students with the opportunity to learn about cybersecurity in summer and school year programs.
The MERCY STEM Ready Grant (US Department of Education, Hispanic Serving Institutions STEM Subaward) (9) provides WCC STEM students with a dedicated counselor and robust undergraduate research and transfer opportunities at MERCY College.
Culturally Responsive Instruction in STEM – WCC and collaborators at Arizona State University and Florence Darlington Technical College (South Carolina) ‘s Mentor Connect program are developing an innovative professional develop program for STEM educators (National Science Foundation) (10).
(8) Gen Cyber, NSF, Grant H98230-21-1-0064; (9) Mercy STEM Ready, P031C210053-SA1; (10) NSF DUE 2055506.
Securing the Future
The College has made a determined effort to increase graduation rates, which has been positively impacted due to a campus-wide awareness and the ongoing coordination of support efforts across departments. Initiatives include:
- Viking Success allows students, faculty and staff to collaborate towards improving academic achievement and facilitating easy outreach and communication targeting student support.
- Degree Works, is an interactive audit tool providing students a hands-on review of their graduation application status and courses applied for their degree.
- Success Navigators work closely with curriculum chairs to identify students eligible to graduate and assist them through the process.
- Viking ROADS (Resources for Obtaining Associates Degrees and Success) is a replication of CUNY’s highly successful ASAP program, a comprehensive system of supports that center on an intrusive counseling model and active case management by a dedicated academic counselor.
- WCC’s Department of Mental Health & Counseling Services provides a range of clinical and psychoeducational services to the college community, with over 76% of students who received individual DMHCS services in the fall semester re-enrolling in the spring semester, and an additional 4% graduating or transferring.
- Westchester Community College Foundation’s Pathways Campaign has funded the creation, piloting, and bringing to scale new initiatives that have increased college readiness, ensured a strong start, and provided appropriate support along the way.
Student Profiles
Ramatoulaye Diallo – Hirsch Family Endowed Scholarship
I am an immigrant from Guinea in West Africa. I left everything behind, family and friends, to chase my life’s dream. I knew America is the place that would make my dreams come true. I’m the first person in my family who has the chance to pursue a college education. I will hopefully not be the last, as I hope to be an inspiration for others.
I know that if my mother were still alive, she would be so proud of my pursuit of my dream to caring for the lives of others in the healthcare field. With your help, this dream is becoming more of a reality. I share with you my immense joy and appreciation for your support. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Madeline Moronga – Hirsch Family Endowed Scholarship
I grew up in a small area in White Plains where government funding wasn’t enough to make ends meet and help my family survive. So many kids my age don’t worry about if they were eating dinner nightly, if it was safe to take a walk at dawn because gun shootings were considered a normal thing in places like these, and most kids weren’t ashamed of their own home. Since I turned 16, I took it upon myself to apply for a work permit and get two jobs to help my single mother pay the bills. During high school, I took on other charges, including our monthly light bills, and cable bills and eventually was able to purchase my first, very own, bed.
The challenging parts of living in a poor neighborhood contributed to my determination to work harder towards my goals. I look forward to achieving success and enjoy the benefits of academic excellence. I soon hope to see my efforts pay off by becoming a nurse. I am no longer ashamed of where I grew up or for my strong mother, who put her personal needs aside to help her children. I’d love to be able to prove that students with drive and a desire to be better can accomplish great things in life and can later become role models for future generations.
Without a doubt, this scholarship will play a key role in achieving my educational dreams. Because of your generosity, the financial burden placed on me to pursue my education will be reduced. That means I can spend more time on my studies, with my mom, on research and extracurricular activities and less time worrying about my finances. Thank you again for your investment in WCC and the futures of students like me.
Kevin Harman – Nancy Jo Abeles Scholarship
I am 20 years old and in my final semester as a Fashion Design & Technology major from the Bronx. It means a lot to have made it this far in my education for many reasons. I will be the first in my family to graduate college. When I started at WCC I was homeless, going to school full time and working full time. Being raised in low income housing by a struggling single mother taught me how to be dedicated and work hard. My education is extremely important to me as I know it is the key to my dreams: Being a world-famous lingerie and swimwear designer and being able to repay my mother for everything she ever did for me.
This award has changed my life as it has taken a huge burden off my back, and thankfully I do not have to worry about my education expenses. This is the greatest gift I could ever receive. I hope that, after starting my own business I can give back to WCC students by starting a scholarship program or an internship/employment program. I cannot express my gratitude for this scholarship enough, and I am extremely thankful to have been given such an amazing gift.
Mildred Maldonado – Jandon Promise Scholarship
My parents emigrated to the United States seeking a better future for my siblings and me. They realized that in their native Guatemala, which is stricken with poverty and corruption, there were little to no opportunities to succeed. They came here and worked back-breaking jobs that not many others wanted and worked long hours to give my siblings and I opportunities that would allow us the chance to succeed. I want all my parents sacrifices and hard work to pay off and to be able to show them how grateful I am for all they have done for me.
This award will change my life because it allows me to continue working towards my Associate’s degree. I intend to transfer to a four-year school to earn my Bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education. In the future I see myself teaching in an elementary school and becoming an ESL teacher. Being Hispanic I never forget my roots or where I came from. I want to help the youth that come to the United States with dreams and goals be able to obtain them.
Berlinette Tejada – Metallica’s All Within My Hands Scholarship
I am a 36-year-old single mother of three (ages 18, 13 and 3). I would like my children to have everything I could not have, and that is why I must show them how important it is to have an education in life, to set goals for themselves, to do the right things to have a great future.
My so recently graduated high school; I was so proud of him. I waited years to go back to school because I wanted my son to complete his education with no worries. Now I am proud of myself that I am back in school. Education is important to me because I always wanted to have a moment in my life where I can walk the stage, accomplish everything that I have ever wanted, to show my children everything is possible at any age, I would love for my parents to see me finish my education and make them proud.
Jose Nunes – Pepsi Foundation Uplift Scholarship
My family immigrated to the United States when I was 4 years old. Both of my parents received only an elementary school education, not because of a lack of intelligence or academic ability, but because of their family needs. This was the norm in my family and community for many generations.
I am the first family member to go to middle school, to graduate from high school, and graduate from college. I know how valuable access to education is and I do not take it for granted. I am an electronics and computer teacher at Saunders Trades and Technical High School in Yonkers. Most of my students are first generation immigrants like me and face similar challenges that I faced. The Uplift Scholarship enabled me to take the Red Hat Administration course that will allow me to learn current marketable skills that are in demand and to teach them to my students. This scholarship is not just for me, but for the 60 students I teach every year. Thank you for investing in me and my students.
Ivan Woodard – Pepsi Foundation Uplift Scholarship
As a black transgender person, I have experienced many of the societal barriers that prevent many people of color from entering technology fields. I grew up in Fayetteville, NC and had a very scarce education in science and math, mostly due to the trials of growing up with a single parent and struggling with a variety of economic stressors. But with my mom being my biggest supporter, she packed my bag for me and sent me to New York for college, where I went on to get my first degree in art history with a focus in digital art and design.
My goal is to gain the skills to be a web developer and combine my training in art and technology to create accessible websites for businesses and creatives in need of a web presence. I thank PepsiCo for this opportunity. I am grateful for this scholarship and your support of lifelong learners like me.
Honoring Faculty/Staff
Dr. Miles
While ensuring continuity of academic and service operations across multiple teams during pandemic disruption, social justice unrest, and economic uncertainty, Dr. Belinda Miles was also called upon to provide strategy and insight on these topics to local and national audiences of the Business Council of Westchester, Non-Profit Westchester, Good for Girls, Inc., the American Association of Community Colleges Workforce Development Institute, and Webster University. Dr. Miles was also named to the Westchester Power 50 by City & State and was profiled among Black Leaders Changing Westchester in 914 Inc. magazine during this time.
Professor Maria Clinton
Maria Clinton, an adjunct professor of Film at WCC, won Outstanding Short Documentary at the 42nd Annual News and Documentary Emmy Awards for the film she co-directed, “The Love Bugs.” The documentary is the story of two entomologists, Lois and Charlie O’Brien, who share their love of bugs and of each other. This Emmy Award is just one of the many awards that the film has received since its premier in May 2019.
Ms. Clinton teaches Digital Storytelling and Documentary Video as part of the Digital Filmmaking program. Comments her students share about her include, “Professor Clinton is very passionate and knowledgeable about film and it shows.” And “[The class} really helped me expand my view on filmmaking.” It is this passion and expertise that exemplifies the faculty of WCC and the high-quality education students receive at the College.
Professor Nicole Tschampel
Professor Nicole Tschampel was recognized by the Westchester Community College Foundation for its annual Excellence in Service Award. Professor Tschampel has been teaching in the Department of Art and Design as a full-time faculty member at WCC since 2012, serving since that time as the Curriculum Chair. She has served in other department-level leadership roles, including Co-Department Chair from 2015-18, developing a new degree program in photography, the creation of six new courses in the visual arts and significant revisions to four more, the development and maintenance of a departmental Blackboard shell, and other activities related to her department.
Beyond these activities, Professor Tschampel serves as a Co-Director for the Center for Teaching and Learning, Co-Chair of the Faculty Senate’s Faculty Personnel Policies Committee, and as a Faculty Senator for her department. She has participated in the Writing Across the Curriculum Committee and in the Integrated Learning Project, has served as a member of the General Education Task Force, and has participated on multiple advisory committees. She received the SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Teaching in 2019.
“Professor Tschampel stands out for the level of service she devotes to WCC,” said Chairperson of the Foundation’s Board of Directors Joanne Landau. “But what is truly noteworthy is what her students say about her: ‘This professor was the best!’ and ‘All she wants is the best for all of her students! She’s amazing!”
Professor Kamil Hamaoui
Dr. Kamil Hamaoui was recognized by the Westchester Community College Foundation for its annual Excellence in Teaching Award. Dr. Hamaoui has been teaching in the Social Science Department at WCC since 2013. He regularly teaches courses in abnormal psychology, behavioral statistics, human sexuality, introductory psychology, lifespan development, and an honors course in personality.
Dr. Hamaoui approaches the classroom with a mindset that the student should be at the center of the teaching and learning process. In order to accommodate the diverse needs of those within his class, he uses inclusive pedagogy that enables students to have flexibility in how they meet the learning outcomes of the course.
Dr. Hamaoui previously received the SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Teaching in 2018 and the SUNY Center for Online Teaching’s Excellence Effective Practice Award in 2014. According to Chairperson Landau, “Dr. Hamaoui’s methods have been recognized by his colleagues within his department and he has developed a reputation as a master teacher. He stands as a prime example of the high-caliber, award-winning faculty that make WCC such a powerful force for change in the lives of our students.”
Student Demographics
*Because of our high percentage of LatinX student attendees, the college has been designated a Hispanic-Serving Institution.
College Financials/Board of Trustees
College Board of Trustees
Hon. John Nonna, Chairperson
Dr. LeRoy Mitchell, Vice-Chairperson
Hon. Andrew Spano, Vice-Chairperson
Robin Bikkal, Esq.
Dr. Norman Jacknis
Susan Gerry
Deborah S. Raizes
Dr. Gregory Robeson Smith
Trustees Emeriti
Maurice S. Curran
Harold L. Drimmer*
Gerald Harris
John A. Kley*
The Honorable Harry Phillips 3rd
William G. Sharwell*
Jack Stadler*
Dr. Belinda S. Miles
President Emeritus
Dr. Joseph N. Hankin*
* deceased
College Financials
Revenue | |
State Aid | $31,314,657 |
StudentTuition & Fees | $50,379,291 |
Chargebacks | $3,861,000 |
County Contributions | $24,093,000 |
Other Income | $8,593,000 |
Total Revenue | $118,240,948 |
Expenditures | |
Instructional Activities | 61,968,367 |
General Administration | 7,568,242 |
General Institutional Services | 7,431,470 |
Student Services | 14,203,533 |
Maintenance | 14,725,730 |
Library | 4,135,719 |
Academic Support | 7,996,985 |
Public Services | 68,901 |
Cash to Capital/Work Study | 142,000 |
Total Expenditures | 118,240,948 |
WCC Foundation
As the College has emerged from the pandemic, the Foundation has been awed by the resilience of its faculty, staff and administration under the leadership of Dr. Belinda Miles and the Board of Trustees. The Foundation has supported the College’s culture of caring by providing emergency assistance to students who were experiencing insecurity in employment, housing, transportation, and food.
The Foundation this year distributed over $2.2 million in scholarship awards and provided more than $2.4 million for College programs. Those programs included services for veterans, students from communities that are underrepresented in higher education, and new Americans; high-quality preschool education at our Virginia Marx Children’s Center; and environmental activities through our Native Plant Center. This work is wholly dependent on our many generous donors. We are grateful for support from key foundation and corporate partners, alumni, and other members of the Westchester community and beyond, all of whom are dedicated to helping our students thrive.
To everyone who stepped forward to be especially generous during these challenging times coinciding with the College’s 75th anniversary, our sincere thanks. We look forward to the year ahead, which is full of potential for even greater impact on our WCC community.
Joanne Landau
Thomas Lee
Dolores Swirin-Yao
Executive Director
Grants, Donors and Investments
PepsiCo Invests in Westchester Community College Students in Support of Equity Programs
Westchester Community College (WCC) has been selected as a partner by PepsiCo and its philanthropic arm, The PepsiCo Foundation, in a new scholarship and professional mentoring program that will address the issue of minority underrepresentation in high-demand fields. Westchester Community College is one of only a handful of community colleges in the nation to receive grants as part of this program in support of two scholarship programs specifically for Black and Hispanic students attending WCC.
A scholarship grant of $600,000 over two years supports the PepsiCo Foundation Uplift Scholarships. Eighty Black and Hispanic students were awarded up to $2,500 each to help cover the costs of tuition and other expenses related to obtaining degrees and/or professional certifications in Information Technology. Scholars also received additional support services from faculty coaches and navigators, as well as additional funds and other student support services to ensure success.
The PepsiCo Foundation S.M.I.L.E. Scholarship (Success Matters in Life & Education) will award two–year grants of up to $25,000 per year ($50,000 total) to ten Black and Hispanic WCC students in each of the next five years. To qualify, students must be transferring to complete their Bachelor’s degree in full–time undergraduate study at an accredited four-year college or university in the U.S. WCC is one of only three community colleges across the country to be selected as a partner by PepsiCo Foundation for this opportunity. Ten exceptional WCC student of color were named S.M.I.L.E. Scholarship recipients in April 2021 and have transferred to such schools as Columbia, Fordham, and Baruch.
WCC and Metallica Rock the Workforce in Advanced Manufacturing
For a second year, WCC Foundation received a grant to transform the future of students in the community from Metallica’s All Within My Hands (AWMH). The $50,000 grant is part of the initiative designed to directly support students while also elevating the importance of career and technical education. This work is highlighted at a global level by leveraging the influence of the rock band Metallica who continue to speak out on the dignity of professional trades and community colleges that prepare students. The current grant focuses on students pursuing careers in Advanced Manufacturing.
JPMorgan Chase supports publication of Definitive Financial Coaching Manual
A two-year $300,000 grant from JPMorgan Chase supported the development of WCC’s guidebook Building Financial Capability through Financial Coaching which was published in spring 2021. This Guide was created to be a resource for community college educators, staff, and administrators interested in implementing financial coaching to empower students to build money management skills and make healthy financial decisions. It details WCC’s Money Smart Forum program and offers strategies for integrating financial coaching into a variety of services that can be offered to students in a community college setting. It offers a step-by-step toolkit for implementing financial coaching services, along with recommendations, best practices, and resources that was shared with community colleges across the nation.
Special Events
After more than a year apart, Westchester Community College Foundation host its first in person event “Coming Together” event at the Captain Lawrence Brewing Company in Elmsford, NY on June 22, 2021. The event raised funds for WCC Foundation’s scholarship and student success programs.
Continuing with our virtual format that was so successful in keeping our community involved with WCC, we held a virtual event on November 8, 2021 featuring Chef Mogan Anthony. Chef Anthony is the Executive Chef and Culinary Director of the Village Social Restaurant Group. Chef Anthony’s locally sourced seasonal menus are featured at his restaurants, which include Village Social, (Rye and Mt. Kisco), Locali (Mt. Kisco), and Pubstreet and Fatt Root (Pleasantville).
The Foundation received two grants of $100,000 each to establish permanent scholarship endowment funds from members of the WCC family.
Annette Mulee, WCC Class of 1975, establishes Endowed Scholarship fund
Alumna Annette Mulee was not sure that college was for her – no one in her family had gone to college. But a few years after graduating from high school, she decided to try a few courses at WCC – She scheduled the courses around her full-time job and she got all “A’s”. Transferring to Cornell and graduating Phi Beta Kappa, earning an MBA from Columbia, and then a law degree in Portland Oregon, she has had a successful 40-year career as a lawyer. As a first-generation student herself, Annette appreciates the value of community college where students can “test the waters” and gain confidence. Annette received full scholarships and fellowships for much of her education which is why she wants to give to others the opportunity to improve their lives through education.
Lany Hirsch Lippman, co-founder of WCC’s Academic Support Center, assures student success
Professor Lany (Helene) Hirsch was an assistant professor at WCC from 1974 – 1987. She worked directly with Leonore Learner and Merilee Silverman to develop the Academic Support Center, one of the college’s most important resources. Lany has not been back to campus since retiring in 1987 when she moved to California. HIRSCH FAMILY ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIPS honors the legacy of Professor Lany Hirsch, who played a pivotal role in the establishment of WCC’s Academic Support Center. Awards recognize continuing Full time students who have overcome challenges and improved their academic standing by making use of the resources available through the Academic Support Center.
Native Plant Center
Resilience is often used to describe the environment’s adaptability. This year it also pertained to The Native Plant Center as it endured the upheaval of canceled programming, pivoted to a new reality, and kept busy moving forward.
Providing learning opportunities:
- Go Native U classes, run in cooperation with the college’s Division of Workforce Development and Community Education, moved to remote learning.
- For the second year the Center joined with statewide partners to create and present Do It for Wildlife, an educational webinar that attracted 560 attendees.
- The Center continued its community outreach, providing presentations and assistance to nonprofits and municipalities.
Expanding valuable habitat:
- Work on the new buffer garden in the Lady Bird Johnson Demonstration Garden resumed with the installation of 1,400 native plants and a grass pathway.
- An online native plant sale with contact-less pickup serviced more than 300 customers and moved 10,000 plants into the community. A record number of sales were also realized at the annual benefit for the Center at Rosedale Nurseries.
- The Native Plant Center was featured in Green NY Progress Report on Sustainable Practices, an annual publication published by New York State government agencies.
Inspiring tomorrow’s conservation leaders:
- The Center launched a study on pollinator-native plant preferences with Westchester Community College biology students, who learned scientific protocols while contributing information to a national database. Cybersecurity students mounted cameras so the plants could be monitored remotely.
- One of the students presented her research findings about pollinators to the 200 attendees at The Native Plant Center’s online landscape conference.
- The two-year-old Environmental Club, which The Native Plant Center advises, was named Club of the Year by the Student Government Association, and the club’s president and vice president were honored with leadership awards
Volunteer Office
Westchester Community College Volunteers Make a Difference. The thousands of hours of service they donate help our students make the most of their educational opportunities.
The Volunteer Office has remained an important part of the Foundation since the inception of the Volunteer Corps in 1992. Over 550 volunteers have dedicated more than 250,000 hours toward helping students and enhance our community on the main campus in Valhalla and being virtual this past year has not slowed down the programs’ momentum. Hundreds of volunteers from the community have virtually committed to assisting in student success this past year.
Literacy is the first step in developing skills that can ultimately lead to employment. This past year, volunteers taught themselves how to use various online platforms including Zoom, Google Duo, WhatsApp, and even Facebook Video to ensure that our students had every opportunity to succeed. Approximately 200 students in the English Language Institute improved their speaking abilities through one-on-one virtual meetings with their volunteer Conversation Partners.
Academic support is key to helping students achieve their goals. The goal of the Academic Support Center is to help students become successful, confident, independent learners, and this remains true even while virtual. Volunteer online tutors have been essential in aiding in the college’s Academic Support Center, Writing Center, Science Tutorial, Math/Physics Tutorial, and Accounting Tutorial.
Even in a Pandemic, Westchester Community College volunteers continue to go above and beyond for our students, and the Volunteer Office is truly grateful to have such a dedicated group of volunteers who generously donate their time whenever they can.

The Office of Alumni Engagement is committed to providing programs and events that support alumni of Westchester Community College. As the impact of the COVID Pandemic for the alumni was becoming more clear, the programming through the Office of Alumni Engagement explored new and varied ways to provide support for our alumni. As jobs were shifting to virtual/remote locations, we addressed opportunities to enhance online networking through LinkedIn and using social media to enhance your business. We focused on job loss and using online resources. The Financial Seminar Series provided tips for refocusing budgets and finances in challenging times as well as implications for tax filings as a result of government assistance and/or working from home. In partnership with Counseling Services there were sessions focused on how to cope with the emotional toll. These new programs enhanced our already existing social events which continued through the use of Zoom. New software development enhanced remote programs, enabling alumni outside of the tristate region to benefit from regular programming. Looking forward, remote events will continue to be a part of the regular schedule of alumni programming.
Foundation Financials
This chart illustrates how generous donations received by the Foundation totaling $6.085.396 were used in the 2020-21 academic year to help our students.
Fiscal Year 2020-2021
Net Assets | |
Without donor restrictions | $7,653,398 |
With donor restrictions | $63,708,449 |
Total Net Assets With donor restrictions | $71,361,847 |
Temporarily Restricted Funds | |
Scholarships | $9,724,232 |
Development & Enhancement | $7,167,850 |
Virginia Marx Children’s Center | $2,282,448 |
Dr. Hankin Gateway to the Future Fund | $1,418,966 |
Sub-total Temporarily Restricted Funds | $20,593,496 |
Endowment funds | |
Scholarships | $22,921,212 |
Dr. Hankin Gateway to the Future Fund | $8,861,950 |
Development & Enhancement | $6,210,882 |
Virginia Marx Children’s Center | $3,781,713 |
General Purpose | $1,339,196 |
Sub-total Endowment Funds | $43,114,953 |
Total with restrictions | $63,708,449 |
Foundation Donors
$500,000 +
Mrs. Katherine Moore
Estate of Martha Nierenberg
$250,000 – $499,999
Jennifer & Bud Gruenberg
PepsiCo Foundation, Inc.
The Mary & James G. Wallach Foundation
Wiener Philanthropies
$100,000 – $249,999
Joseph & Sophia Abeles Foundation, Inc.
County Homes LLC
Gerstner Family Foundation
The Hirsch Family Funderpants
JP Morgan Chase Bank
The Rice Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Stern
$50,000 – $99,999
1199SEIU League Grant Corporation
Thomas & Agnes Carvel Foundation
Yvonne & Leslie Pollack Family Foundation, Inc.
Kate & Seymour Weingarten
Westchester Community Foundation
$25,000 – $49,999
American Association of Community Colleges
Estate of Charlene Kahn Berman
New York State Office of Parks, Rec. & Historic Preservation
Mr. & Mrs. Warren Sinsheimer
Cornelia & Rob Spring
Ms. Lucille Werlinich
Yearley Family Foundation
Susan Yubas Benenson
$10,000 – $24,999
Ms. Barbara A. Abeles
Joseph & Joan Cullman Fndtn. for the Arts
Mr. Benjamin Cheever & Ms. Janet Maslin
DeCicco & Sons
Mr. & Mrs. John A. DeCicco, Sr.
The Marc Haas Foundation/The Helen Hotze Haas Foundation
Anne Klass
Ms. Joanne Landau & Rabbi Fred Shwalb
Ms. Edith Litt
Lowey Foundation
Mr. Stephen Lowey & Congresswoman Nita Lowey
The M&T Charitable Foundation
National Immigration Forum
The Hon. & Mrs. John Nonna
C & R Oestreich Foundation Inc.
The Riversville Foundation
Rosedale Nurseries, Inc.
Nancy & Paul Ross Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. Rebecca Samberg
Mr. John Stadler
Student Government Association
Greg & Kathiryn Werlinich
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Yablon
Dr. Sara Zion & Dr. Tushar Shah
$5,000 – $9,999
Ms. Andrea Alban-Davies
Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Allen
Ms. Meryl Allison
The Gary & Robin Anderson Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Asher
Ms. Louise Austin
The Frank and Barbara Axel Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Axel
Brooks Shopping Centers LLC / Marx Realty
Barbara Chesler ’70
Connie Curran
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Eisenstein
Estate of Alan Epstein
Faculty-Student Association of WCC
Alfred & Harriet Feinman Foundation
Mr. David & Dr. Ruth Gottesman
Christopher Hickey ’00
Hudson Road Foundation Inc.
Luann & Matthew Jacobs
The Jandon Foundation
KeyBank National Association
Ms. Jenny Kho
Arlene & Jerome Levine
Ms. Catherine Ludden & Mr. Eric Rothenberg
Ms. Patricia Lunka & Mr. Gary Berkman
Ms. Wendy Nadel
PCSB Community Foundation
Mr. Barrie Alan Peterson
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Suzman
Dorry Swope
Peggy & David Tanner
Harold & Nicki Tanner
United Way Worldwide, Fiscal Agent
Webster Bank
Westchester County Association
Westchester County Federation of Women’s Clubs, Inc.
The Wine Enthusiast Foundation Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Yearley
M.B. & Edna Zale Foundation, Inc.
$1,000 – $4,999
The Hon. & Mrs. Joaquin Alemany
Mr. & Mrs. Erik Andersen
Mr. & Mrs. David Arnow
Mr. & Mrs. George E. Austin
Mr. Peter Bauer
Mr. & Mrs. Tyler Beebe
Belmay Family Foundation Inc.
Ms. Janet Benton
Bergen Community College
Ms. Jacqui Bergonzi
Ms. Nadia Bernstein, Esq.
Mrs. Christine Bobkoff
The Braewold Fund
Dr. Shawn Brown
Ms. Elizabeth Bush
Candela Systems Corporation
Ms. Carol Capobianco & Mr. Joseph Squillante
Joseph P. Carlucci
Ms. Marcia Case
Gaetano Castellano ’79
Chapman Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Claar
Community Capital New York
Community Unitarian Universalist Congregation
Mr. Robert Cordero
Charles ’76 & Patricia ’70 Deierlein
Ms. Michelle DeLong
Mr. Robert DelTorto & Ms. Dottie Hilton
Mr. & Mrs. John Falk
Mrs. Marjorie Feder
Ms. Barbara Fischer
Professor Carol Friedman
Mr. Steven Gavios
Mrs. Nancy Gladstone
Ms. Kathleen Golden
Ms. Lisa Greenberg & Mr. Ed Mandell
Mr. & Mrs. Marc Greenwald
Greenwich Investment Management
Diane Guida ’82
Ms. Gisela Harbs & Ms. Charlotte Harbs
Ms. Michele Hertz & Mr. Lawrence Friedman
Ms. Mary Ietaka & Mr. Taro Ietaka
Mr. Richard & The Hon. Anne Janiak
Ms. Helen Kho
Mrs. Wendy Kleinman
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Kreeger
Ms. Lisa Kunstadter & Mr. Nicholas Stephens
Mr. & Mrs. David Levere
Mr. George Lindsay
Lower Hudson Valley Diamond Foundation
Lucile & Maurice Pollak Fund
Dr. Carmen Martínez-López
Mr. & Mrs. Cornelius H. Marx
Ms. Tracy McCarthy
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew G. McCrosson
Theresa Mitchell McKeon ’69
Dr. Belinda S. Miles
Mr. & Mrs. William Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Moore
Ms. Angela Morris
Ms. Jamie Moser
Mr. Brian Murphy
Mary Napurski ’90
New York Business Development Corporation
Mr. & Mrs. Lukasz Niedzielski
Ms. Anne Niemann & Mr. Thomas Niemann
Northampton Community College
Park Avenue Charitable Fundv
Mark Pfaff ’78
The Hon. & Mrs. Carl H. Pforzheimer III
The Hon. & Mrs. Harry Phillips, 3rd
Ms. Clare Pierson
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan K. Pollack
Mr. & Mrs. John Priesing
Charles S. Raizen Foundation Inc.
Dr. & Mrs. Gary Raizes
The Toby & Nataly Ritter Family Foundation
Rockland Community College
Prof. & Mrs. Richard J. Rodriguez
Mr. & Mrs. Camillo M. Santomero III
Santomero Family Foundation
Scarsdale Woman’s Club
Kenneth Scharfenberg ’54
Schleifer Family Foundation
Mr. Daniel Schnur
Ms. Sarah Schwarzschild
Mr. & Mrs. John Shaprio
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Shearer
Ms. Lilian Sicular
The Hon. Cecile Singer
Mr. & Mrs. Alan J. Sinsheimer
Mr. Ralph Sinsheimer & Ms. Amy Peck
Mr. Gary & Prof. Linda Ching Sledge
Ms. Sarah Stern & Mr. Mark Rosenblatt
Mr. & Mrs. James Stipicevic
Mrs. Evelyn Stock
Peter Strom ’15
Ms. Carolyn Summers & Mr. David Brittenham
Judy & Warren Tenney Foundation
Ms. Karen Thomas
Melvin Thornhill ’58
Ms. Karen Trepp
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Warden
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Watts
Westchester County Industrial Development Agency
Mr. & Mrs. William I. Witkin
Ms. Vanessa Wilson
Mrs. Susan Elion Wollin
Harold L. Wyman Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. Beth Zadek & Dr. Joph Steckel
Mrs. Audrey Zinman
$500 – $999
Adelphi University
Mrs. Bjorg Bastiansen
Ms. Deborah Boillot
Borough of Manhattan Community College
Brookdale Community College
Mr. J. Frank Brown
Ms. Melissa Brown
Ms. Wendy Brown
Ms. Susan Brownie
Ms. Tamsyn Bulmer
Ms. Elizabeth Carpenter
Clarkson University
Ms. Susan Cody
Dr. & Mrs. David E. Cohen
Mr. Drew Collins
Ms. Disan Davis
Ms. Catherine Dillane
Ms. Elaine Drummond
Dutchess Community College
Earthworks Organic Gardener LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Elliott
Mr. Alan Epstein & Ms. Yvonee Tropp
Mr. Robert Finkelstein
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Finnerty
Mrs. Deborah Flock
Mr. & Mrs. Darren Fogel
Ms. Heather Folkes
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Frankle
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Fredston
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Frederico
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Gendel
Ms. Barbara Gilbert
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Graff
Ms. Robin Graff
Mr. & Mrs. Doug Greene
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Gruber
Ms. Darcy Hadjipateras
Ms. Barbara Hauptman
Laura & Ronald H. Hoenig Foundation
Virginia Hotte ’66
John Cabot University
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kandel
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Kaplan
Mr. Charles Kerr
Keuka College
KeyBank Cortlandt Manor Branch
Ms. JoAnne Kitain
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Klayman
Mr. & Mrs. Geert Kortlandt
Ms. Jeanne Lapsker
Ms. Julia Larkin
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas T. Lee
Lehigh Carbon Comm. College
Lehman College
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence Levy
Tony Licata ’63
Loyola University Chicago
Ms. Anne Manning
Marist College
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Marwell
Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. McGrath
Ms. Staci McLaughlin
Mr. & Mrs. Charles McNally
Ms. Frederique Menzaghi
Mercy College
Ms. Elizabeth Metzger
Mr. & Mrs. C. Edward Midgley
Ms. Claudia Milne
Dr. LeRoy Mitchell & Dr. Janice Francis
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Mitzner
Monroe Community College
Ms. Deborah Morel
Morgan & Marjorie Miller Charitable Trust
Mrs. Joy Moser
Charles Mullin ’68
Mr. & Mrs. James Newhouse
Ms. Suzanne Nolan
Northeastern University
Nova Southeastern University
Michael Oles ’68
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Orce
Pennsylvania State University
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Phelan
Mr. & Mrs. Seth Plattus
Podell Rothman Schechter & Banfield LLP
Mrs. Rita Posner
Quinnipiac University
Mr. & Mrs. Mickey Rabina
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Ramsay
Raritan Valley Community College
Reading Area Community College
Ms. Denise Rempe & Mr. Mark Wilson
Dr. Eve Hart Rice & Dr. Timothy Mattison
Mrs. Cynthia Roberts
Ms. Melene Rose
Mr. & Mrs. Ivan Ross
Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group
Rye Nature Center
Mr. Robert & Rabbi Deborah Salomon
Scarsdale Congregational Church Guild
Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Schmitt
Mr. Steve Schnur
School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Mr. Jeff Schumann
Mrs. Rona Sheramy
Mr. Arthur & Professor Meralee Silverman
Ms. Margaret Smith
Ms. Suzanne K. Smith
St. Francis College
Mr. Stephen Stamas
The Robert L. & Ellen D. Stern Foundation Inc.
SUNY Cobleskill
SUNY Farmingdale
Suny Maritime College
Dr. Michael Suzman & Mrs. Leesa Suzmanv
Ms. Christina Taylor
Dr. Karen Taylor
Ms. Alice Tenney & Mrs. Budd Wiesenberg
Triton International
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Uhle
Ulster County Community College
University at Buffalo
Vaughn College of Aeronautics & Technology
WCC Faculty Association
The Westchester Bank
Western Conn. State University
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Winner
Mr. & Mrs. John Wisell
The Woman’s Club of White Plains
Mr. Paul Wray
Ms. Dee Young
$250 – $499
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Adams
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Ades
Ms. Diane Alden
Ms. Erin Alexander
Ms. Anne Altman & Mr. David Sellar
Ms. Christina Andruk
Ms. Amy Ansehl
Ms. Felicity Arengo
Art in Bloom Garden Tours Inc.
Ms. Elizabeth Audley
Ms. Kimberlee Baltich
Ms. Tara Bandman
Ms. Lesley Bark
Battery Park City Authority
Ms. Emilia Baudry
Ms. Karen Bazik
Ms. Jennifer Beaugrand
Ms. Lisa Beck
Ms. Janet Becker
Bedford Garden Club
Ms. Jane Behan
Mr. Tomme Berg
Ms. Dorrie Bernstein
Ibrahim Besharat ’87
Ms. Dominique Biondi
Mr. & Mrs. David Birch
Ms. Amy Birnbaum
Ms. Janice Blaire
Mrs. Laura Blau & Mr. Michael Citro
Mr. & Mrs. James Blum
Mr. Wessel Boshoff
Ms. Jennifer Bounds
Ms. Linda Bradshaw
Ms. Laura Broughton
Ms. Rebecca J. Bruce
Ms. Linda M. Brunner
Ms. Ruth Bryan Greene
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Buerger
Mr. & Mrs. Bard Bunaes
Ms. Siobhan Burns
Ms. Patricia Butter
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Califano
Ms. Carol Callanan
Ms. Patricia Capparelli
Carl Schurz Park Conservancy, Inc.
Mr. John Cavallero
Ms. Agnes Chao
Ms. Jayni Chase
Dr. & Mrs. Gerald D.S. Ching
Ms. Janet Clough & Mr. Ara Guzelimian
Dr. Henry Cohen
Ms. Patty Cohen
Mr. Edward Copelin
Antonio Correia ’95
Ms. Sheila Crespi
Ms. Laura Daniels
Ms. Alicia Darcy
Ms. Christine Davies
Mrs. Christian Daviron
Lisa Denig ’00
Ms. Katherine Desmond
Ms. Joanne Di Donato
Mr. Larry Diamond & Mrs. Grant Schneider
Mr. Steven Dickson
Ms. Ruth Diones
Ms. Sarah DiPillo
Ms. Briggitte Dix
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Doyle
Mrs. Alice DuBon
Ms. Dorothy Dunn
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Eccleston
Ms. Amy Ehrlich
Ms. Kimberly Eierman
Mr. Fredrick Ellman & Ms. Joan Raiselis
Ms. Elizabeth Falk
Feed the Birds!
Mr. Peter Finkelstein
Edward Graham ’76
Mr. & Mrs. Gregg Fisher
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Flaxer
Mr. Oscar Flores & Mr. Brendan Mallee
Lawrence Franz ’61
Ms. Thea Fry
Mr. Don Gabel
Ms. Maureen Galway-Perotti
Ms. Donna Gammon
Mr. Jon Garabieta
Ms. Susan Gardner
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Gerber
Ms. Susan Gerry
Mr. Luke Gervase
Ms. Marci Glicksman
Mrs. Barbara Gochman
Virginia Gold
Ms. Helen Gredd
Ms. Nance Greenberg
Mrs. Maggie Greenfield
Diane Greenwald ’68
Ms. Joanna Gurley
Ms. Kate Halahan
Ms. Regina Han Jansky
Ms. Theresa Hanson
Ms. Nancy Hantman
Ms. Laura T. Harris
Ms. Karen Hauser
Mrs. Anita Helmrich
Ms. Julie Hensley
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Herz
Ms. Danielle Hessel
Ms. Rebecca Hewitt
Ms. Sandra Hill
Ms. Jo Hirschmann
Ms. Deborah Hochberg
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Hogan
Mr. Christopher Houpt
Mrs. Judith Howard
Mr. & Mrs. Enest M. Howell
Ms. Penelope Howell
Ms. Yolanda Howell
Ms. Kim Hoyt
Ms. Ginger Hughes
Richard Hyland ’94
Mr. Robert Jakacki
Ms. Teresa Jankovic
Ms. Susanne Jones
Ms. Maryanne Joyce
Ms. Helen Joan Jubela
Mr. John Keane
Ms. Sara Kelsey
Mrs. Sophie Kentv
Ms. Ann Konopka
Ms. Mansi Snehal Kothari
Ms. Dagmara Krasa
Ms. Karalyn Lamb
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Landgarten
Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Lang
Ms. Eve Larner & Mr. Julian Marshall
Ms. Caroline Leland
F. Michael Lewis ’57
Mr. Jonathan Lewis & Ms. Laura Daniels
Ms. Ilene Lieberman & Mr. Curtis St. John
Ms. Karin Sofia Ljuslin
Mr. Leonardo Lopes
Dr. & Mrs. Albert Lowenfels
Ms. Stephanie Lynn
Ms. Grace Maccarone
Ms. Beatrice Maguire
Ms. Marcy Marchiano
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Marrinan
Babette Martin ’86
Ms. Allison May Margoshes
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Maybank
Patricia Maye-Mitchell ’05
Ms. Carolyn Mayo
Ms. Jennifer Mazza
Sister P. Clare McBrien
Ms. Kelly McCormick
Ms. Elizabeth McGrory
Mr. John McKean
Ms. Claire L. McLean
Ms. Carol McMillan
Ms. Susan Meany
Ms. Ann Mee
Ms. Pamela Michels
Ms. Margot Milberg
Mr. Jonathan Miles
Ms. Betsy Mitchell
Ms. Tai Montanarell
Joseph Montuori ’79
Ms. Angela Morgan
Mr. & Mrs. William Morrissey
Mr. Mark Morton
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Moser
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Moser
Ms. Quinn Moss
Mr. Demetrius Mossaidis
Mt. Pleasant Public Library
Mr. Edmond Mulaire
Ms. Wendy Murphy
Chris Murray
Ms. Alexandra Nahr
Ms. Mary Newell
Ms. Maria Nigro
North Castle Public Library
Ms. Elizabeth Olszewski
Mr. Patrick O’Reilly
Karen Orloff ’75
Ms. Barbara T. Osborn
Prof. Craig Padawer
Joseph Paladino ’62
Ms. Diana Pan
Ms. Marianne Pei
Mrs. Maria Pence
Ms. C. Jane Pendergast
Ms. Elizabeth Pereira
Mr. & Mrs. David Peretz
Joanna Peters ’65
Mr. & Mrs. Felix M. Petrillo, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John Phillips
The Pilzer Family Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Gretchen Pingel
The Hon. & Mrs. Vito J. Pinto
Mr. Hernan Pisano
Ms. Kate Press
Ms. Beth Propper
Ms. Karen Ragins
Ms. Jodie Reaver
Ms. Julia Reimer
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Robbins
Mr. Joseph Rogers
Ms. Alison Romm
Ms. Kellye Rosenheim
Mr. & Mrs. Ira Rosenstein
Ms. Maura Fadden Rosenthal
AnnMarie Russo Herron ’69
Rusticus Garden Club
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Ruzumna
Rye Garden Club
Mr. Steven Saidenberg
Ms. Cynthia P. Sammis
Donna Scaperrotta Einhorn ’69
Ms. Michelle Schleibaum
Mr. Robert C. Schmidt
Ms. Julia Schonfeld
Professor Ruth Levy Schudroff
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Schwartz
Ms. Bess Seewald
Ms. Joanne Seid
Carol Sencen ’94
Ms. Karen Sexton
Alan Shabsels ’62
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Shalett
Mr. Christopher Shaw
Ms. Sarah Sheldon
Mr. Daniel Sherman
Ms. Clare Sherwood
Mr. Jonathan Shevin
Mr. & Mrs. Glen Silverstein
Dr. Alex Solowey
Ms. Jocelyn Sontag
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Stagg
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Steuer
Ms. Mandy Sticos
Mr. Joshua Strauss
Mr. & Dr. Kenneth Suh
Stephen Swayne ’87
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Toder
Ms. D. Roxanne Todor
Ms. Lisa Tretler
Mr. Leslie Turner
Unity Foundation of La Porte County
Mr. James Utter
Ms. Sharon Van Engen
Ms. Verity Van Tassel Richards
Ms. Marie Venezia
Ms. Jane Veron & Mr. Andrew Feldstein
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Walsh
Ms. Patricia Watson
Ms. Emily & Mr. Michael Wein
Ms. Susan Weisenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth D. Weiser
John Weissleder ’75
Mrs. Kathiryn Werlinich
Mr. Marvin Wexler
Ms. Alicia Williams
Ms. Helen Williams
Ms. Jessica Woodhouse
Ms. Mary Woods
Ms. Mei Wu
Mr. Selim Yahia
John Yankovich ’83
Ms. Pamela Zahn
Ms. Lindsay Zaken
Mr. & Mrs. Denis Ziman
Mr. Richard Zottola
Ms. Christina Zumwalt
$100 – $249
Anonymous (5)
Ms. Gayle Aaron
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Aisenbrey
Ms. Margaret Alden
Ms. Kim Algarin
Katherine Altman ’72
Mr. Wesley Altman
AmazonSmile Org Central
Dr. Marie Amoruso
Ms. Leslie Andersen
Mrs. Karin Anderson
Ms. Ruby Anstadt
Ms. Susan Appel
Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Arnow
Thomas Ashley ’78
Mr. Stephen Auerbach
Mr. David Avrin
Ms. Linda Azif
Barbara Baldwin ’80
Ms. Julie Balsam
Ms. Jane Balter
Ms. Roberta Barbieri
Patrick Barrette ’06
Mrs. Selena Barron
Ms. Rosalind Batheja
Ms. Amy Baxter
Compton Belle ’97
Jacqueline Benton ’85
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Berk
Abe Berman Foundation
Ms. Doris Bernard
Ms. Joan Bernhard
Mr. Alan Bey
Ms. Regina Blakeslee
Ms. Emily Blumenfeld
Sharyn Bobroff ’67
Mr. William Book
Ms. Elizabeth Boyle
Michael Brennick ’76
Ms. Anne Bresnick
Dolores Brett ’58
Briarcliff Manor Garden Club
Ms. Susan Broat
Ms. Bridget Bromm
Ms. Maryanne Brown
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Buccella
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene P. Buccini
Ms. Holly Bukofser
Ms. Aileen Burdick
Ms. Janis Butler
Timothy Carey ’71
Ms. Juliet Cassone
Mr. Ernest Cavallo
Michael Cerniello ’69
Ms. Sarah Chang
Ms. Sheila Chang
Ms. Carol Clark
Mr. James Cobb & Dr. Mary Lane
Ms. Lori Cohen
Mrs. Marci Cohen
Mr. Ronald Cohen
Mr. Stephen Cohen
Ms. Ellen Conrad
Mrs. Claire Copen
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Cordell
Louise Coretti ’65
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Cort
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Cotton
Mr. Albert Craig
Ms. Holly Crosbie-Foote
Ms. Michelle Cruz
Ms. Wendy Cushman
Ms. Susan De George
Robert de Roy ’75
John DeBiase ’81
Ms. Michelle DeCurtis
Mr. & Mrs. Paul DeCurtis
Ms. Marcy Denker
Ms. Abby Diamond
Mr. James Diermeier
Mrs. Victoria Dillon
Salvatore DiMario ’79
Dominick DiMartino ’77
Paul DiRoma ’80
Ms. Marilyn Donahue
Ms. Donna Dorian
Mr. Robert Doscher
Ms. Jennie Drogoszewski
Mr. Seth Dubin & Ms. Barbara Field
Ms. Karen Dunlap
Ms. Abby Dux
Ms. Patti Dweck
Ms. Ellen J. Edwards
Ms. Elisabeth Ehrich
Ms. Nancy Ehrlich
Joel Engelbrektson ’80
The Ellen & Thomas Eoyang Family Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Raif S. Ezratty
Ms. Melissa Fabel
Ms. Stephanie Falk
Ms. Rachelle Filipek
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen F. Fischer
Ms. Eva Flanagan
Ms. Aura Fontaine
Ms. Marilyn Formica
Mr. Dennis Fox
Dr. Susan Fox
Susan Franzino ’02
Mrs. Dale Frehse
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Freyer
Mr. Stanley Friedland
Mr. & Mrs. A. Corwin Frost
Robert Fuertinger ’60
Ms. Sonia Fujimori
Prof. Elizabeth Gaffney
The Hon. Sandra R. Galef
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur E. Gandolfi
Mr. Edward Gandorf
Richard M. Gardella
The Garden Club of Irvington-on-Hudson
Ms. Michelle Garrison
Ms. Julie Gaughran
Ms. Maura Gedid
Ms. Marcia Gellert & Mr. Edward Pressman
Kathleen Genova ’96
Ms. Wilma Gitchell
Ms. Rita Glaser
Ms. Nada Beth Glick
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Goldstein
Mr. Timothy Grant
Ms. Kathleen Gray
Karen Greco ’00
Ms. Ariadne Green
Mr. Charles Green
Stuart Greenbaum ’71
Ms. Melissa Greene
Ms. Jennifer Greenfeld
Donna Greenwald ’72
Ambassador & Mrs. Donald Gregg
Ms. Virginia Gressel
Mr. & Mrs. William Griesar
Charles Griffen ’51
Ms. Lora Griffith
Ms. Eleanor Grosz
Mr. & Mrs. Jon M. Gruenberg
Ms. Janice Grumm
Ms. Pamela Haas
Ms. Susan D. Hacker
Mr. Richard Haggerty
Mr. & Mrs. William Haines
Mr. Harry Hall
Ms. Nancy J. Haneman
Mr. Michael Hanley
Ms. Dana Harkrider
Ms. Joan Harmon
Carla Hawryluk
Ms. Diane Hayward
Ms. Kaia Heimarck
Ms. Eileen Henry
Mr. William Henson
Ms. Kelly Herrick
Mr. & Mrs. Hubert Herring
Ms. June Hesler
Mary Hick ’58
Ms. Petrina Hiemcke
Ms. Cathy Hildenbrand
Harold E. Hirsch Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Kathryn Hoenig
Ms. Kiki Hoffman
Brenda Honovich ’69
Ms. Filippine Hoogland
Ms. Susan Horn
Mrs. Gail Horwood
Ms. Theresa Howard
Andrew Hubertus ’83
Maria Hughes ’74
Claudia Imbert ’99
Yolanda Infante ’92
Ms. Ali Isaacs
Dr. & Mrs. Norman J. Jacknis
Ms. Pamela Jaffee
Ms. Vibeke Jensen
Lawrence Kaiser ’02
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Kalb
Mr. Martin Kamarck
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Karger
Mrs. Rita Kashner
Mr. Gary Katz
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Katz
Mrs. Norma Katz
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Katz
Ms. Joan Kaufman
Ms. Marcia Keizs
Ms. Lynn Kelly
Ms. Nancy Kennedy
Mrs. Diana Kent
Mr. John King
Ms. Lorna Kirven-Smith
Ms. Leni Klaimitz
Ms. Carolyn Klocker
Dr. Jeremy Kohomban
Ms. Joyce Kong
Ms. Carrie Koplinka-Loehr
Ms. Janet Korins & Mrs. Joseph Kaufman
Mr. Mathews Koshy
Gary Kreisler ’77
Mr. Larry Kressley & Mr. George Kimmerling
Ms. Kathryn Krider
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Krumlauf
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Krzemienski
Ms. Marina Kubicek
Katherine LaDuca ’08
Ms. Charlotte Landon
Landscape Restorations
James LaPerche ’75
Bruce Larmon ’64
Ms. Ann Lauinger
Ms. Sharon Lawrance
Prof. Mary Ellen LeClair
John Ledyard ’62
Ms. Angelika Leissl
Ms. Karyl Lemberger
Ms. Judith Lempel
Lydia Leone ’62
Ms. Joan Lestingi
Ms. Ellen Daily Leuner
Ms. Blaine Levenson
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Lichtenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Lieboff
Mr. Daniel Light
Prof. Rowan Lindley
Literature Study Group
Ms. Ellen Litt
The Little Garden Club of Rye
Ms. Mary Logan
Ms. Melissa Lohman-Wild
Ms. Cindy Lopane
Josephine Lowe ’77
Ms. Marilan Lund
Mr. John Lutz
Ms. Anne Lyons
Ms. Lynn MacDonald
Mr. & Mrs. Robert MacGregor
Ms. Donna Maiello
Ms. Kimberly Marcus
Dr. & Mrs. Mitchell Marshall
Ms. Kristine Marx
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mason
Sharon Massey ’86
Ms. Fiona Matthew
Ms. Maura May
Garrett McAlister ’15
Mr. Fred McAlley
Mr. Terrence McAllister CPA
Ms. Jeanne Marie McAnanly
Pauline McBride ’57
Ms. Justine McClellan
Ms. Noelle McEnerney
Mrs. Marie McKellar
Mr. & Mrs. William Plater
Mr. Thomas McPhillips
Mary Merola ’56
Helen Michelini ’60
Mr. & Mrs. H. Robert Miller
Mrs. Laurie Miller McNeill
Ms. Rebecca Miller
Ms. Wendy Modic
Ms. Laura Moll
Kip Molnar ’65
Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Montero
Ms. Jacqueline Mooney-O’Brien & Mr. Martin O’Brien
Ms. Brenna Moore
Ms. Sharon Morris
Mr. & Mrs. George Morrison
Sandra Carr Motland
Mr. Joseph Moyik
Mr. Rory Mulligan
Ms. Kristin Mulvey
Katherine Murphy ’14
Mr. & Mrs. Marc Nabi
Ms. Anne Naftel
Ms. Barbara Napoli
Stephen Natale ’60
Ms. Ana Maria Negoescu
Mrs. Rachel Ng
Kathryn Nicita ’61
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Nossel
Ms. Susan Oakley
Hildy Oberstein ’72
Ms. Melissa O’Halloran
Mr. Tommy O’Halloran
Ms. Susan Olsen & Mr. Gary Smith
Ms. Amanda O’Neill
Crina Onet ’18
Ms. Pamela Orlando
Ms. Linda Ostrander
Ms. Kathleen Owen
Dr. Jeff Paccione
Salvatore Pace ’62
William Panaro ’84
Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore Papa
Mr. Ward Pardee
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Parker
Ms. Rene Parmar
Ms. Marcie Passarella
John Pecora ’83
Gjorgjije Pecovic ’98
Lucy Perrella-Franceus ’71
Fred Pfisterer ’75
Ms. Elizabeth Phillips & Mr. Mark Naison
Mr. Matthew Phillips
Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey Picket
Ms. Lily Piyathaisere
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Plattus
Ms. Jane Poehler
Ms. Donna Polizio
Ms. Annalisa Powers
Ms. Victoria Presser
Professor Janet Ranucci
Mr. & Mrs. Jagadish Rao
Ms. Michelle Rapp
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Raskin
Ms. Emily Rauch
Mr. Daniel Rendich
Ms. Kathleen Rendich
Mr. Michael Rendich
Peter Rendich ’85
Ms. Barbara Restaino
Mrs. Dorothy Revelli
Mrs. Sandra Reyes-Guerra
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Rheingold
Ms. Madelaine Richenthal
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Richter
Edward Roloff ’63
Mr. & Mrs. Victor Romley
Ms. Nicola Rosendorff
Dr. & Mrs. Norton S. Rosensweig
Kenneth Rowe ’77
Ms. Judy Rozanski
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Rubenstein
Mr. M. Rubenstein & Ms. M. Wallace
Mrs. Pam Rubin
Ms. Nancy Ruffner
Mr. Robert Ruotolo
Michelle Ryndak ’95
Ms. Sarah Sable & Mr. Justin Thomson
Mr. David Salmon
Mr. & Ms. Michael S. Sandifer
Ivan Sarac ’77
Ms. Caroline Saxton
Mrs. Marilee Scheuneman
Ms. Claire Schiffman
Ms. Rachel Schmerin
Ms. Julie Schnur
Anthony Scordino ’87
Nicholas Scull ’66
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart B. Seeley
Ms. Suzanne Seiden & Mr. Kevin Thurm
Ms. Donna Seife
Mrs. Elinor Semel
Sergio Serratto ’08
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Shank
Ms. Edita Shapiro
John Shea ’60
Ms. Marcelle Shub
Ms. Brigitte Shull
Ms. Sarah Smiley
Ms. Barbara Smith
Ms. Melanie Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Snider
Ms. Kitsey Snow
Peter Somlai ’79
Mr. Lee & Dr. Carol Sommerfield
Mr. Neal Spivack
Dr. Niel & Mrs. Linda Squillante
Janice Stokoe ’05
Ms. Julie Stonberg
Mr. Kenneth Stone
Mrs. Jean Stotter
Ms. Joanna Straub
Ms. Benna Strober
Ms. Linda Stutz
Ms. Nancy Stuzin
Ms. Christine Suda
Ms. Maggie Suniewick
Martin Swartz ’62
Mrs. Dolores Swirin-Yao
Dr. Deborah & Dr. Peter Tesler
Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. Thorp
Ms. Maple Tiu
Hollis Tomaselli ’63
Mr. & Mrs. Harry W. Tompkins Jr.
Mr. Alalazu Ugoji
Ms. Shobha Vanchiswar
Mrs. Constance Vaughan
Ms. Brooke Vaupen
Ms. Marie-Eve Velikson
Mr. Peter Veritas
Ms. Kim Waddell
Ms. Mary Alice Walker
Dr. & Mrs. Brian K. Wallach
Ms. Judith Walsh
Ms. Sawako Ward
Mrs. Marcia L. Warner
Mrs. Elizabeth S. Wattles
Dr. Carolyn Webber
Mr. Jeff Weber
Donald Weigand ’72
Ms. Elizabeth Weilhoefer
Ms. Beatrice Weinberger
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Weiner
Ms. Nancy Weiser
Ms. Carol Weston
Mr. & Mrs. Ben Wetchler
Ann Wetzel ’61
Mr. Kevin Widmaier
Ms. Stacy Williams-Kerr
Ms. Christina Winchester
Ms. Jessica Woolf
Robert Woolrich ’68
Ms. Jessica Wrenn
Daniel Wright ’77
Debbie Young ’04
Ms. Li Yu
Rosie Flynn Yurman ’64
Ms. Karen Zachem
Ms. Elisa Zazzera
Mr. John Zeiger
Mr. Mauri Zemachson
Dr. & Mrs. Sanford Zevon
Ms. Amy Ziff
Ms. Rebecca Zifzhock
Ms. Ellen Zumbach
Joanne Landau – Chair
Thomas Lee – President
Jennifer Gruenberg – Vice President
Cornelia Spring – Vice President
Robert Cordero – Treasurer
Barbara A. Abeles
Joaquin Alemany
Meryl A. Allison
Amy Ansehl
George E. Austin
Benjamin Cheever
James W. Cobb
Edward L. Conway
Sharon Farman Cooper
Robert Cordero
Betty Cotton
John A. DeCicco
Lisa M. Denig
Aleida M. Frederico
Doug Greene
Jennifer Gruenberg
Peter Herrero
Joyce A. Hirsch
Anne Janiak
Elyse Klayman
Jeremy Kohomban
Joanne Landau
George Latimer, Ex-Officio
Thomas T. Lee
George Lindsay
Stephen Lowey
Patricia Lunka
Matthew G. McCrosson
Philip J. McGrath
Belinda Miles, Ex-Officio
LeRoy W. Mitchell, Ex-Officio
Wendy Nadel
Shirley Phillips
Yvonne Pollack
John W. Priesing
Gabriella Quartey, Ex-Officio SGA
Deborah Raizes
Sergio Serratto, Alumni Council President
Richard Shearer
Cecile D. Singer
Florence Sinsheimer
Cornelia Spring
Katherine Stipicevic
Evelyn Stock
Joshua H. Strauss
Ruth Suzman
Alice Tenney
Chad Thompson, Ex-Officio
Lucille S. Werlinich
Helen T. Williams
Sani Williams
Susan Elion Wollin
Susan Yubas
Directors Emeriti
Frank S. McCullough, Jr.,
Theodore Peluso
Harry Phillips, 3rd
Betsy Stern
Founded in 2009 to ensure the financial stability of the Westchester Community College Foundation and to encourage the advice and counsel of distinguished members of our community.
TK from Dolores
Barbara A. Abeles
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Gruenberg, Jr.
Joanne Landau
David* & Katherine Moore
Yvonne Pollack
Deborah & Gary Raizes
Rebecca & Arthur* Samberg
Flo & Warren Sinsheimer
Betsy & Wally Stern
Seymour & Kate Weingarten
Greg & Kathiryn Werlinich
Lucille S. Werlinich
Mrs. Virginia Aaron
Ms. Annette Mulee
Dorothea H. Swope
Joel Treisman
Elinor F. Urstadt
Ms. Leslie Cecil & Mr. Creighton Michael
Mrs. Constance Curran
Mr. David & Dr. Ruth Gottesman
Mrs. Anne Klass
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Levine
Ms. Edith Litt
Ms. Catherine Ludden & Mr. Eric Rothenberg
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Oestreich
Dr. Eve Hart Rice & Dr. Timothy Mattison
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Ross
Mr. John Stadler
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Suzman
Mrs. Judy Tenney
Lucy R. Waletzky, M.D.
Mrs. Mary Wallach
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Wiener
Ms. Susan Yubas & Mr. Michael Benenson
The Hon. & Mrs. Joaquin Alemany
Ms. Leslie Allen
Ms. Meryl Allison
Mr. & Mrs. Gary A. Anderson
Ms. Louise Austin
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Axel
Mr. Benjamin Cheever & Ms. Janet Maslin
Mr. & Mrs. Evan Chesler
Mr. & Mrs. John A. DeCicco, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Eisenstein
Mrs. Marjorie Feder
Ms. Dawn Fitzpatrick & Mr. John Esposito
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Furth
Mrs. Edythe Gladstein
Ms. Rita Glaser
Mr. Christopher Hickey
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Howe, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew W. Jacobs
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Klayman
Mrs. Nancy Kohlberg
Mr. Stephen Lowey & Congresswoman Nita Lowey
Ms. Patricia Lunka & Mr. Gary Berkman
Ms. Wendy Nadel
Mr. & Mrs. John Nonna
Mr. Barrie Alan Peterson
Jacqueline Plumez
Mr. Albino Rocchi
Dr. Valerie Salwen & Mr. Stephen Rogowsky
Mrs. Judy Soley
Mr. & Mrs. Rob Spring
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Stark
Mrs. Rachel Stark
Mr. & Mrs. David M. C. Stern
Mr. & Mrs. David Tanner
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Tanner
Ms. Mary Van Hoomissen
Mrs. Kathiryn Werlinich
Ms. Vanessa Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Yablon
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Yearley
Dr. Sara Zion & Dr. Tushar Shah
The Hartford Hall Society recognizes our friends who are dedicated to ensuring that Westchester Community College’s mission of providing a high-quality, affordable education to our students will continue for future generations. Hartford Hall Society members have named the WCC Foundation in their estate plans or have established permanent endowments to benefit our students.
We are pleased to welcome several new members of the Hartford Hall Society. Our members, listed below, will be recognized at an annual event where they will receive a membership certificate and a beautiful, specially-designed membership pin.
For more information on the Hartford Hall Society, please contact
WCC Foundation
Executive Director
Dolores Swirin-Yao or
Hartford Hall Society Members:
Barbara A. Abeles
Brooke M. Beebe
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Gruenberg, Jr.
Joanne Landau
David* & Katherine Moore
Harry & Marjorie Phillips
Yvonne Pollack
Deborah & Gary Raizes
Rebecca & Arthur* Samberg
Flo & Warren Sinsheimer
Betsy & Wally Stern
Seymour & Kate Weingarten
Greg & Kathiryn Werlinich
Lucille S. Werlinich
Mrs. Virginia Aaron
Mr. John Bartolini
Douglas * & Marilyn Birdsall
Iris M. Cook
Mr. Gary W. Cotter ’67
Betty Himmel
Mr. William H.P. Kaung &Dr. Sinforosa Tan Kaung
Mr. & Mrs. John LeVar
Nicholas Martinez, Class of ’03
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Marx, Jr.
Patricia Maye-Mitchell
Ms. Connie Hertzberg Mayo
Mr. & Mrs. Eliot A. Minsker
Ms. Annette Mulee
Nelson & Claudia Peltz
Shirley A. Phillips
Professor Phyllis Primus
Carlo Charles & Emilia Sclafani
Dr. Carol & Mr. Lee Sommerfield
Alan & Jacqueline Stuart
Ms. Dolores Swirin-Yao
Dorothea H. Swope
Mr. William H.P. Kaung & Dr. Sinforosa Tan Kaung
Joel Treisman
Wendy A. Turner
Elinor F. Urstadt
Deka Circle:
Barbara A. Abeles
Mr. & Mrs. David Arnow
Mr. & Mrs. George E. Austin
Brooke M. Beebe
Ms. Jacqui Bergonzi
Mrs. Laura Blau & Mr. Michael Citro
Ms. Carol Capobianco & Mr. Joseph Squillante
The Hon. & Mrs. Timothy Carey
Mr. Joseph Carlucci
Ms. Marcia Case
Ms. Leslie Cecil & Mr. Creighton Michael
Ms. Katharine Chapman
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Cotton
Mrs. Constance Curran
Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Deierlein
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Falk
Ms. Barbara Fischer
Ms. Jennifer Geer
Mrs. Nancy Gladstone
Mrs. Virginia Gold
Mr. David & Dr. Ruth Gottesman
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Gruenberg, Jr.
Ms. Michele Hertz & Mr. Lawrence Friedman
Mr. Richard & The Hon. Anne Janiak
Mr. & Mrs. John Kaufman
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Kaufman
Mrs. Anne Klass
Ms. Lisa Kunstadter & Mr. Nicholas Stephens
Joanne Landau
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Levine
Mr. George Lindsay
Ms. Edith Litt
Ms. Catherine Ludden & Mr. Eric Rothenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew G. McCrosson
Dr. LeRoy Mitchell & Dr. Janice Francis
David* & Katherine Moore
Ms. Angela Morris
Mr. & Mrs. Randall Motland
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Oestreich
Mr. & Mrs. Carl H. Pforzheimer III
Harry & Marjorie Phillips
Yvonne Pollack
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Priesing
Deborah & Gary Raizes
Dr. Eve Hart Rice & Dr. Timothy Mattison
Mrs. Nataly Ritter
Prof. & Mrs. Richard J. Rodriguez
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Ross
Rebecca & Arthur* Samberg
Ms. Cynthia P. Sammis
Mr. & Mrs. Camillo M. Santomero III
Mr. Kenneth Scharfenberg
Mr. Robert C. Schmidt
Mr. & Mrs. John Shapiro
The Hon. Cecile Singer
Flo & Warren Sinsheimer
Mr. Gary & Prof. Linda Ching Sledge
Mr. John Stadler
Betsy & Wally Stern
Ms. Sarah Stern & Mr. Mark Rosenblatt
Mrs. Evelyn Stock
Ms. Carolyn Summers & Mr. David Brittenham
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Suzman
Ms. Alice Tenney & Mr. Budd Wiesenberg
Mrs. Judy Tenney
Prof. Melvin Thornhill
Mr. Leslie Turner
Lucy R. Waletzky, M.D.
Mrs. Mary Wallach
Mr. & Mrs. John Warden
Mrs. Elizabeth S. Wattles
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Watts
Dr. Carolyn Webber
Mr. Donald Weigand, Sr.
Seymour & Kate Weingarten
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth D. Weiser
Greg & Kathiryn Werlinich
Lucille S. Werlinich
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Wiener
Mr. & Mrs. John Wisell
Mr. & Mrs. William I. Witkin
Mr. & Mrs. James Wood
Ms. Susan Yubas & Mr. Michael Benenson
Securing Our Future
By supporting the Westchester Community College Foundation, you are helping to secure the future of our students, their families, and our community.
Please consider a gift to the following areas:
The Fund for WCC
Unrestricted gifts support crucial services for our students that state and county funding cannot provide.
Give the gift of education! Named Scholarship funds can be permanently endowed or renewed yearly.
Tribute Gifts
Gifts may be made in honor or in memory of friends and loved ones to commemorate significant milestones while supporting our students.
Special Project Grants
These gifts support new initiatives, capital projects, and offer recognition through naming opportunities.
Visit our secure online website:
By Mail
Please make your check or money order payable to:
WCC Foundation
Hartford Hall
75 Grasslands Road
Valhalla, NY 10595
Transfer of Stock or Securities
The Foundation accepts direct transfers of securities through its account at Morgan Stanley Smith Barney.
For More Information and Additional Giving Opportunities
Contact Ilene Lieberman, Director of Development