A safe and secure campus depends on the cooperation and assistance of every Westchester Community College student and all staff.
There is a need to be aware of possible safety hazards and the potential for crime on campus. Crime prevention and prompt reporting of unsafe conditions should be the objectives of every member of the Westchester Community College community.
All criminal incidents and emergencies should be reported to the Campus Security Office located in the Student Center building, room 118, in person or by phone (606-6911).
Annual Security Report
SUNY WCC is required to annually report campus crime statistics to the U.S. Department of Education as required by Title 20 of the U.S. Code Section 1092(f). This information can be found on the U.S. Department of Education’s website at and also within the College’s Annual Security Report, which can be viewed or downloaded as a PDF here:
The following PDF can be viewed or downloaded here: Annual Security Report
Campus Security & Safety
For information on the 2022 Emergency Response Guide, click here.
Campus Security Objective
The objective of Campus Security is to provide a safe environment for teaching, research and social endeavors and to protect the lives and property of the students, employees of, and visitors to Westchester Community College. This objective is pursued within the framework of Westchester Community College’s rules and regulations and all local, state, and federal laws. The investigation of crimes committed on campus falls under the jurisdiction of the Westchester County Department of Public Safety with assistance from the Director of Campus Security and his assistants. Campus Security administrators maintain an excellent relationship with the local police, and they work together closely to maintain a safe campus.
The College upholds the rights of students, faculty, and staff to be informed of incidents which occur on campus, measures taken to promote precautions, and swift effective responses to crises. The responsibility for maintaining personal and campus safety is shared by all students, faculty, and staff of the College.
The College recognizes the necessity of a community which is open and intellectually stimulating, where diversity of ideas is valued and every person’s safety, dignity and autonomy is respected whether they are students, faculty, or staff, and regardless of race, ethnicity, age, religion, class, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, or disability.
Security and Access to Campus Facilities
In order to gain access to campus facilities outside of normal college hours (Monday-Friday 7:00 am to 10:30 pm), persons must arrange with the Facilities Coordinator for the use of the facilities. After permission has been obtained, the Director of Security must be contacted for arrangements to gain access to the building(s).
Reporting of On-campus Crimes and Incidents
In compliance with the Federal Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act, Westchester Community College publishes an annual “Campus Security & Safety Report.” This report includes statistics concerning reported crimes that occurred on campus for the previous three years; in certain off-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by the college; and on public property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from, the campus. The report also includes institutional policies related to campus security, such as policies concerning alcohol and drug use, crime prevention, the reporting of crimes, sexual assault, bias crimes and other crimes. The Advisory Committee on Campus Safety will provide, upon request, all campus crime statistics as reported to the United States Department of Education. To obtain these crime statistics, access the U.S. Department of Education website at
To get a copy of the full report and crime statistics, contact the Security Office, Room 118 in the Student Center Building (914-606-6730).
Daily Crime Log
Campus Security maintains a daily log of crimes and incidents occurring on campus that is available for the public to view. This information is recorded by date, time, general location, and disposition of the complaint. The daily log is available at the Security Office, Student Center, Room 113 Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Entries or updates are generally made within two business days after the event occurs. Incidents or situations deemed to pose a threat to the campus community are logged as soon as possible. While most events are logged, the Director of Campus Security may determine that an incident be classified as “confidential” in order not to jeopardize a criminal investigation or not to release the identity of a victim.
The following security measures are in place for your safety:
- Campus Security, in conjunction with other departments, holds educational programs each semester on a variety of topics including personal safety awareness, rape awareness, sexual assault training, and anti-theft programs.
- Information on safety and security is provided to students and employees, upon request, via seminars, crime alerts, campus-wide email, posters, and the College’s student newspaper.
- During orientation, students are informed of upcoming safety programs and the safety services available on campus.
- The campus is well lighted in parking areas and pathways frequently traveled by students.
- There are Emergency Blue Light phones strategically located throughout the campus that connect directly with the County Police without having to dial. These phones are for emergencies requiring immediate police assistance. Directions for proper use are printed on the inside of the call box in English and Spanish.
- There is a “Campus Emergency phone” in the lobby of each building. This phone will automatically dial the college Emergency Number (ext. 6-911) when activated.
- By calling extension 6984, or 914-606-6984 from an outside phone, a person may request an escort to his/her automobile.
- To contact the Security Department for an emergency dial 6-911 from any college phone. If calling from a pay phone or other outside phone, dial 914-606-6911.
- In addition to the above security suggestions, the College makes free cell phones available for any student in need of a 911 emergency connection. Please contact our Security Office in the Student Center.
- The Security Department will assist students and staff in obtaining and enforcing orders of protection when necessary.
Sexual Harassment
Westchester Community College values and respects the self-worth of all individuals in our community and affirms their right to have a safe, nonthreatening, and respectful environment. The College has no tolerance for sexual misconduct and sexual violence of any kind, which includes sexual harassment, stalking, intimate partner violence, and sexual assault.
Community members who have been or know someone who has been the victim of sexual violence, assault, harassment, stalking, domestic/dating violence, or any other form of sexual misconduct are encouraged to make a report to the College. Individuals can ask questions about reporting options or any question related to sexual violence response to the Title IX Coordinator at or at 914-606-6313. For more information, please visit
All visitors to the College not having an acceptable, legitimate reason for being on campus are subject to prosecution for loitering under the provisions of Section 240.35 of the New York State Penal Law.
Selling, Peddling, Soliciting, Etc. on Campus
Selling merchandise or services, soliciting funds, advertising or distributing leaflets or flyers is strictly prohibited. In addition, it is a violation of Westchester County Law and may result in arrest. The Blackboard Learning Management System is considered part of the campus, hence solicitation and sales are prohibited. Recognized student clubs/organization are permitted to advertise their events/groups on campus, but must adhere to the guidelines established in the Club/Organization Policy & Procedures Manual, which can be found at
Policy on the Marketing of Credit Cards
Westchester Community College prohibits the advertising, marketing, or merchandising of credit cards on any college property; including the Valhalla campus or at any Extension Centers.
Weapons on Campus
Firearms and dangerous weapons of any type are not permitted on campus. Intentional use, possession, or sale of firearms or other dangerous weapons by anyone is strictly forbidden and is a violation of state and federal law.
Policy on Alcohol and Drugs
The college policy prohibits alcohol and illegal substances on campus. Violators of this policy will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action. Only by special permission from the President might wine or beer be served at special ceremonial occasions.
Timely Warning Policy
Westchester Community College’s policy is to issue timely warnings to the campus community upon the confirmation of a significant emergency or dangerous situation involving an immediate threat to health and safety; and for certain crimes that are reported to campus security authorities or local police agencies and are considered to represent a threat to students and employees, unless issuing a notification will compromise efforts to contain the emergency.
Warnings may be issued by any of the following means: campuswide email, notices placed on external doors on all buildings, voicemail, Intranet website, electronic signs, and the Viking News. Additionally, Westchester Community College uses an emergency alert system that can send text messages, email, and voice messages. Students, faculty and staff are automatically signed up for the system using the contact information in their employee/student records. This system is available only to students and employees of Westchester Community College. All personal information will be kept confidential and the system will only be activated in the event of an emergency or important campus announcements.
Fire Instructions
In case of fire, pull the nearest alarm. This will activate an audible and visual alarm within the building that rings directly at the Security Information Gatehouse and in Westchester Community College’s Department of Building and Grounds. The Security Officer on duty will call the local fire department, telling them the fire location and giving them other relevant information. When a fire alarm sounds, evacuate the building immediately. Walk, do not run. Do not use elevators. Close doors to classrooms and offices, leaving lights on, and exit from the nearest enclosed stairwell. Take your belongings with you. Do not try to fight the fire. If you are wheelchair-bound, exit the building. If above or below ground level, ask someone to escort you to the nearest enclosed stairwell landing and close the door. The escort will tell firefighters the location of the stairwell in which you are located. Fire department professionals will then evacuate you.
Everyone who has exited the building should stay at least 100 feet away from building entrances until the fire department has announced an “all clear.”
Injuries and Other Medical Emergencies
Report all classroom accidents to the professor immediately.
Report all campus emergencies (accident and medical) by dialing extension 6911 from campus phones or 914-606-6911 from any non-college phone to activate the campus emergency response system. 911 can be called directly as well. If you should witness a medical emergency, call for assistance and then stay with the victim until professional help arrives. Do not move the victim unless there is immediate danger to yourself or the victim. When calling to report an emergency, speak clearly and calmly. Give your name, phone number and location of the victim. Stay on the line until you are told to hang up.
The Westchester Medical Center is the closest hospital, located one mile west of Westchester Community College on Grasslands Road. Its main switchboard is 914-493-7000; emergency room is 914-493-7307.
Report any injuries sustained on campus or at the extension sites to the Health Services Office (Student Center, Room 112) and provide information so that the proper insurance forms can be filed.
Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses (SH-900.1)
The corresponding Employee Injury and Illness Incident Report and Log of Work Related Injuries and Illnesses (Form SH-900) will remain in the Office of Human Resources in Valhalla.
Link to Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses
Campus and Community Resources
In case of an emergency, call 911 or the Valhalla Campus Security Dispatch Center at 914-606-6351.
The following programs and services are available in Westchester County to provide assistance to you in a non-emergency situation or for ongoing support in dealing with and recovering from a sex offense.
SUNY Westchester Community College
Security Office 914-606-6730
Room 118, Student Center
Student Health Services 914-606-6610
Room 181, Student Center
Mental Health & Counseling Services 914-606-7833
Room 181, Student Center
Dean of Student Life 914-606-7857
Room 202, Student Center
Policies, Procedures and Protocols
Community Resources Domestic Violence & Special Prosecution Bureau
Westchester Medical Center:
Main Number 914-493-7000
Crisis Intervention
Westchester County Police
Westchester Jewish Community Services
845 N. Broadway, Suite 2, White Plains
Victims Assistance Services
2269 Saw Mill River Road, Bldg. #3, Elmsford
24-hour Rape Crisis Hot Line