19 - NAME OF CLUB/ORGANIZATION - TRIP NAME - TRIP DESTINATION - Cash Advance Request Names of Participants: 1. Name 1 2. Name 2 3. Name 3 TOTAL PARTICIPANTS: # Meals to be Purchased with Cash Advance: DAY, & DATE: -Breakfast ($8.00) -Lunch ($15.00) DAY, & DATE: -Lunch ($15.00) -Dinner ($25.00) TOTAL PER PERSON: $63 TOTAL MEAL PER DIEM REQUEST: $189 All monies spent must be adequately documented with original receipts. Following the trip, the club or organization advisor must submit all the original receipts collected and all unused money to the Faculty-Student Association with the Cash Advance Reconciliation Report within two (2) business days after returning from a trip. uploads/2014/03/Cash-Advance-Reconciliation-Report-7-22-15.pdf The total amount of money presented on receipts and in returned cash to the Faculty-Student Association must total the original amount issued to the club or organization. Students and faculty advisors are not permitted to keep unused cash advance funds. The purchase of alcohol is prohibited. 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) International travel for clubs and organizations is prohibited. Clubs and organizations may only travel in the continental United States. International Travel At the earliest possible moment, the Trip Coordinator should complete an incident report by visiting incidentreport and clicking on the General Incident Reporting Form. The Trip Coordinator should also notify Westchester Community College Security about the incident by calling 914-606-6911. When calling Security, the Trip Coordinator should: A. Make the responding Security Base Operator (SBO) aware that there was an emergency situation at an off-campus trip and if they have completed an online incident report yet. B. Inform the SBO what student club/organization or sponsoring group was on the trip. Security will not coordinate or respond to the off-campus emergency and will only act as a post-incident point of notification. Westchester Community College Security will inform appropriate administrators of the incident. Reporting an Emergency Situation When travelling off-campus with students or student groups, the Trip Coordinator identifies an incident they believe constitutes a medical or mental health emergency, they should immediately call Emergency Medical Services (EMS) by dialing 911. The caller should not hang up the phone until advised to do so. The caller or 911 Responder must not discuss any other topics other than the emergency. Medical Emergency Procedures
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