Worforce Development & Community Education - Spring 2020

6 | Visit us online at www.sunywcc.edu/wdce Textbook Required NYS EPA Lead Certification Contractors  Painters  General Renovators  Electricians  Plumbers Carpenters  Cabinet Installers  Property Managers Offered in partnership with Advanced Training Institute (ATI) an EPA approved provider: EPA lead certification, initial, and renewal training complies with the EPA’s Renovation, Repair and Painting (RPP) Final Rule (40-CFR745) for certifying renovators to perform lead-safe work. Go to epa.gov for in-depth details on the EPA PPR rules. For course details, go to info@advancedtraininginstitute.org CE-CERTS 2054, 1 Fri., 8:30 am-4:30 pm, KNC-5, $199 (all materials supplied by instructor at class). Sec. A: Jan. 17. #15489 Sec. B: Mar. 20. #15490 NYS Mold Assessor, Remediator, & Worker Licensing Courses Mold inspectors, remediators, and workers must be licensed in New York State. Violators of the law may be fined up to $2,000 for the initial violation and up to $10,000 for each subsequent violation. All courses are NYS Department of Labor approved. All materials supplied by instructor in class. Upon passing the course exam, the NYSDOL will send license. Offered in partnership with Advanced Training Institute (ATI). For course details, go to info@advancedtraininginstitute.org Mold Abatement Worker license (16 hours) Licensed workers may perform mold abatement. CE-CERTS 2051, 2 days (16 hours), 8:00 am-5:00 pm. $495. Sec. A: 1 M/T, Jan. 13 & 14, GTW-219. #15491 Sec. B: 1 M/T, Mar. 16 & 17, KNC-5. #15492 Mold Remediator Contractor (24 hours) Licensed contractors may perform mold remediation, write mold remediation work plans, and supervise projects. CE-CERTS 2052, 3 days (24 hours), 8:00 am-5:00 pm. $595. Sec. A: 1 M/T/W, Jan. 13-15, GTW-219. #15493 Sec. B: 1 M/T/W, Mar. 16-18, KNC-5. #15494 Mold Assessor (32 hours) Licensed assessors may perform mold assessments, perform post remediation assessment, write mold remediation plans and write mold remediation clearance criteria. CE-CERTS 2053, 4 days (32 hours), 8:00 am-5:00 pm. $695. Sec. A: 1 M/T/W/Th, Jan. 13-16, GTW-219. #15495 Sec. B: 1 M/T/W/Th, Mar. 16-19, KNC-5. #15496 Personal Fitness Trainer (non-credit) Information Session Join us and meet leading local employers and our outstanding instructor to learn exactly what the fitness industry has to offer you and your career goals. This 1-hour information session will share everything from financial aid, textbook, online supplemental tools and more! Go from a fitness enthusiast to a fitness leader in your community. Sign up today for our FREE orientation while seats are still available. Call (914) 606-6830 and press 1 to speak with registration specialist to reserve your seat. Or check out the on-demand recorded orientation link: https://register.gotowebinar.com/ recording/6554958872444752643 1 Sun., Jan. 26, 10:00-11:00 am, KNC #4. Free but RSVP required. Personal Fitness Trainer Certification (non-credit) Become a successful Personal Fitness Trainer with an option to complete an employer internship that can walk you into a job! This challenging course offers classroom instruction with in-depth, hands-on practical labs to master essential career skills and knowledge. Includes 15 hours of lecture on key topics like biomechanics, exercise physiology, fitness testing, equipment usage, and health assessment plus 15 hours of hands-on practical training labs with role playing drills on assessing clients, programming, performing proper exercises, presentation skills, and more. Includes 200- page student workbook, access to online student study tools, and test vouchers for the Certified Personal Trainer exams. Combine passing the exams with proof of CPR/AED, obtain your Level 1 Certified Personal Trainer, and get to work. As a special bonus, with our 30-hour employer internship you get the advanced Level 2 Certified Personal Trainer credential at no additional cost! Textbook (Fitness Professionals Handbook, 7th ed., ISBN-13:9781492523376) required, not included in course fees; order and start reading immediately at 888-330-9487 or www.witseducation.com . National certification testing on Apr. 13 (test vouchers included). CE-CERTS 2018, 6 Sun., Feb. 16-Mar. 29 (skip 3/22), 9:00 am-4:00 pm, morning lecture GTW-219, afternoon practical in PEB-Fitness Center, $750. #15151