Workforce Development & Community Education

Visit us online at | 7 CAREER & WORKFORCE TRAINING FIBER OPTICS TRAINING CERTIFICATION Course fees include all books and study materials. This program is offered in partnership with BDI DataLynk. For more information, visit or call 512-785-9024. To register, call Westchester Community College at 914-606-6830 and press 1 or visit us online at Certified Fiber Optics Technician Course (CFOT) Designed for anyone interested in becoming a Certified Fiber Optics Technician. Prepares you for the CFOT test, sanctioned by the FOA (Fiber Optics Association), which is given and graded on the final class day. Also introduces you to industry standards governing FTTD (Fiber To The Desk), FTTH (Fiber To The Home, LAN/ WAN fiber networks), and basic fusion and mechanical splicing. Learn how to identify fiber types; recognize various connectors used in fiber installation; and install, terminate, splice, and properly test installed fiber cable to existing standards. Prerequisites: Ability to see and identify small items; ability to speak and read the English language. CE-TECH 2000, M/T/W, Oct. 21-23, 8:00 am- 5:00 pm, KNC-4, $725. #87480 Certified Fiber Optics Specialist in Testing & Maintenance (CFOS/T) Advanced training to anyone involved with the testing and maintenance of fiber optics networks. Offers a general, easy to understand approach to fiber optics testing standards with hands-on activities, and explains the variety of testing standards, equipment, and technological approaches used in fiber network testing and splicing and how to choose among them. Includes a detailed study of ANSI/TIA/EIA-526- 14(7)A, OTDR fundamentals and uses, OTDR vs. insertion loss testing, return loss testing, and attenuation testing. Prerequisite: CFOT Course. CE-TECH 2001, Th/F, Oct. 24 & 25, 8:00 am- 5:00 pm, KNC-4, $700 (fee includes 1-year membership in the FOA). #87481 Certified Fiber Optics Specialist Outside Plant (CFOS/O) For students who will be directly involved with installing Outside Plant (OSP) Fiber Optics Cabling. In addition, serves as an add-on course to the FOA portfolio once the basic CFOT course has been completed, can be taken concurrently with CFOT. Introduction to industry standards governing the installation, testing, and troubleshooting of OSP fiber optics cable. Proper mid-span access procedures will be demonstrated. Learn how to properly identify OSP fiber cabling types, recognize various outside p lant closures used in OSP fiber installation, install, prepare, terminate, splice, and properly test and troubleshoot installed OSP fiber cable to existing standards. Prerequisite: CFOT Course or another formal Fiber Optics training course within preceding 6 months, or 1-year Fiber Optics related experience. CE-TECH 2029, Sa/Su, Oct. 26 & 27, 8:00 am-5:00 pm, KNC-4, $775. #87482 Personal Fitness Trainer (non-credit) Information Session Join us and meet leading local employers and our outstanding instructor to learn exactly what the fitness industry has to offer you and your career goals. This 1-hour information session will share everything from financial aid, textbook, online supplemental tools and more! Go from a fitness enthusiast to a fitness leader in your community. Sign up today for our FREE orientation while seats are still available. Call (914) 606-6830 and press 1 to speak with registration specialist to reserve your seat. 1 Sat., Sept. 21, 10:00-11:00 am, KNC #4. Free but RSVP required. Personal Fitness Trainer Certification (non-credit) Become a successful Personal Fitness Trainer with an option to complete an employer internship that can walk you into a job! This challenging course offers classroom instruction with in-depth, hands-on practical labs to master essential career skills and knowledge. Includes 15 hours of lecture on key topics like biomechanics, exercise physiology, fitness testing, equipment usage, and health assessment plus 15 hours of hands-on practical training labs with role playing drills on assessing clients, programming, performing proper exercises, presentation skills, and more. Includes 200- page student workbook, access to online student study tools, and test vouchers for the Certified Personal Trainer exams. Combine passing the exams with proof of CPR/AED, obtain your Level 1 Certified Personal Trainer, and get to work. As a special bonus, with our 30-hour employer internship you get the advanced Level 2 Certified Personal Trainer credential at no additional cost! Textbook (Fitness Professionals Handbook, 7th ed., ISBN-13:9781492523376) required, not included in course fees; order and start reading immediately at 888-330-9487 or . National certification testing on Apr. 13 (test vouchers included). CE-CERTS 2018, 6 Sat., Oct. 5-Nov. 16 (skip 11/9), 9:00 am-4:00 pm, morning lecture GTW-219, afternoon practical in PEB-Fitness Center, $750. #87454