Workforce Development & Community Education

Visit us online at | 61 LIFELONG LEARNING & PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT Peak Performance for Life Using Pilot Skills A pilot in command of an aircraft must organize, plan, execute, analyze and evaluate information, communicate, work under pressure, multitask, use computer skills, pay attention to detail, maintain situational awareness, problem solve, calmly handle emergencies, and make critical decisions. All these core skills transfer to business, sports, and family life; peak performance trainers weave them into their workshops. Get introduced to pilot training procedures and how they can be applied to life situations. CE-PRSDV 2155, 1 Sun., Oct. 27, 12:30-5:00 pm, KNC-2, $60. B Rauch. #87488 Becoming Unstuck: Transformation through Mind, Body & Spirit Whether our “stuckness” is due to circumstances, stress, decisions, illness, etc., science-based mind-body medicine is a powerful tool to move forward. This workshop will introduce meditation, biofeedback, and guided imagery. Discover the potential of a wide range of benefits, including deepening self-awareness and intuition, improved sleep and mental functioning, improvement in pain, and reduced blood pressure. CE-PRSDV 2164VA, KNC-3, $35. S Charbonier. Sec. A: 1 Sun., Sept. 22, 1:00-3:00 pm. #87509 Sec. B: 1 Thurs., Sept. 26, 10:00 am-12:00 noon, #87510 Exploring Hypnosis The following 4 seminars all meet for 1 Tues., 7:00-9:00 pm in GTW-219, and cost $35 (+ $10 for optional materials, payable to instructor). J Abrahamsen. Self-Hypnosis for Change Learn to enter a hypnotic state to change habits, reduce stress, improve self-esteem, increase your potential, and promote better health. CE-HLTH 2015, Sept. 24. #87754 Weight Management: Help with Hypnosis Use self-hypnosis to change your eating habits, manage your weight, and influence your ideas about your ability to achieve an ideal weight for a happier, healthier lifestyle. CE-HLTH 2018, Oct. 15. #87755 Stop Smoking: Help with Hypnosis Behavior modification techniques, when practiced and reinforced through the use of hypnosis, can help you quit smoking for good without weight gain. CE-HLTH 2016, Oct. 22. #87756 Become a Certified Hypnotist Like to help people? Looking for a new career? Want to add hypnosis to your current practice? Then this introductory course is for you! Come learn how you can become a certified hypnotist. Discover how a small investment will qualify you to have a whole new career or add to your knowledge. Also, learn a simple self- hypnosis technique you can apply immediately. CE-CRXPL 2000, 1 Tues., Sept. 10, 7:00-9:00 pm. J Abrahamsen. #87757 OF SPECIAL INTEREST Discovering and Photographing Nature’s Hidden Secrets Nature is amazing and beautiful! When we look closely we can see objects and patterns not perceived by our normal viewing. Change your perspective as we explore our beautiful campus and begin to see what was once invisible to us. We will be outside so dress appropriately; bring camera or phone, instruction manual, and flash drive. Contact instructor at with any questions. CE-PHOTO 2026, 2 Thurs., Oct. 24 & 31, 1:00- 4:00 pm, Room TBD, $65. B Rauch. #87490 Pet Therapy and Animal Assisted Activities Become familiar with the steps to become a Therapy Dog team, as well as a R.E.A.D. team (Reading Education Assistance Dogs). Learn about Animal Assisted Activities in Assisted Living facilities, schools, veteran’s hospitals, and libraries. View videos of dogs at work and hear about local visits presently taking place. At the end, you will have enough information to decide if you want to become involved in the rewarding experience of pet therapy. CE-ANIML 2005, $25. J Audevard. Sec. A: 1 Sat., Sept. 21, 9:30-11:30 am, Room TBD. #87304 Sec. B: 1 Tues., Oct. 15, 6:30-8:30 pm, AAB-304. #87305 Automobile Empowerment If the thought of finding your car has a flat tire worries you, or you want a refresher on jump-starting your car, then this class is for you. For people with a little more interest in being prepared for the regular car letdowns as well as learning a few car hacks. We will cover what to keep in the car; tips on interior and paint care; basic oil change overview; how to change a spare tire; how to jump start a car; and products that help enhance the driving experience. Instructor is a professional with over 25 years of automobile repair experience. Please bring your automobile’s manual. CE-DRIVE 2004, 1 Wed., Nov. 6, 6:30-9:00 pm, GTW-219, $30. J Dickman. #87556