Workforce Development & Community Education

60 | Visit us online at Textbook Required SELF-AWARENESS NEW! Vision Boards Create a vision board (collage of images and words) that represent your dreams, wishes and goals, such as a new job, a new car or a fabulous vacation. The vision board serves as an inspiration and motivation to help you achieve your goals and dreams. By viewing your vision board daily, your subconscious will absorb what you seek to attain. This process will help you to dream big and become self-empowered. A fun way to create the life that you want to live! CE-ART 2327, 1 Tues., 7:00-9:00 pm, $30 (+ $5 materials fee paid directly to instructor). D Pirro. Sec. A: Sept. 24, AAB-304. #87849 Sec. B: Dec. 10, KNC-3. #87850 NEW! Understanding Myself Better Have you ever wondered why you keep doing certain things? Why does something lead to repetitive patterns of success or disappointment? Gain insight into yourself by identifying some of your childhood feelings, adult phobias, safest style, etc. then begin to look at your personality and character. Realizing why you are the way you are is the gateway to helping you become who you want to be. CE-PRSDV 2172, 1 T/W, Oct. 8 & 9, 6:00- 8:00 pm, KNC-3, $50. A Hyman. #87848 NEW! Root Chakra Painting Workshop “When the roots are deep, there is no reason to fear the wind.” Discover the grounding power of the root chakra, the first of seven main energy centers of the body. Using watercolor and mindful awareness of breath and body, explore the flow of energy surrounding your root chakra. Develop powerful tools for balancing your energy and creating harmony in your body, mind and heart. No prior painting experience necessary. Contact the instructor at for pre-workshop exercise. CE-ART 2328VA, 1 Sat., Sept. 21, 1:00- 4:00 pm, KNC-2, $45 (+ $5 materials fee, payable to instructor). S Gibian. #87843 NEW! Are We Only Physical Beings? Is the universe entirely and only physical? Can consciousness be reduced to physical experiences? Can our thoughts or sensory experiences offer us something beyond the physical world? Discuss the philosophy of physicalism and the arguments for and against an entirely physical existence. CE-PHIL 2034, 1 Thurs., Sept. 12, 6:00-8:00 pm, KNC-5, $30. A Coronado. #87838 NEW! Achieving Our Goals: The Science Behind How and Why We Discuss how to set goals and begin the process for achieving them. Through interactive discussions and a systematic approach, explore the underlying principles that define change behavior and learn how to elicit change in your life and in the lives of others. CE-PRSDV 2173VA, 1 Mon., Sept. 16, 9:00- 10:30 am, KNC-3, $25. A Bonny. #87853 NEW! Empowerment through Forgiveness Forgiveness is a choice. By learning to forgive, debilitating anger and resentment are released leading to a healthy self-esteem, and a feeling of empowerment. As negative thoughts are replaced with positive ones, stress and anxiety are reduced, allowing for a more relaxed and happy life. Learn the concepts of forgiveness and the transformative power it has. Through exercises and discussions, discover the tools necessary to begin the forgiving process. CE-PRSDV 2171VA, 2 Wed., Oct. 23-30, 6:30- 8:30 pm, KNC-3, $50. L Lush. #87834 Emotional Freedom Techniques A paradigm-shifting program that introduces mind/body healing techniques anyone can use to create a better life by releasing emotional energetic blocks. Learn how to energetically test for negative emotions and learn to use the EFT tapping procedures to reduce the intensity of negative emotions. Includes an introduction to the concepts of applied kinesiology and the development of personal intuitive skills. CE-PRSDV 2081, 4 Tues., Nov. 12-Dec. 3, 6:30- 9:00 pm, KNC-2, $125. S Gottlieb. #87504 Introduction to Mindfulness and Meditation Have you wanted to try meditation but did not think it was for you? During this one-session class, we will explore several types of meditation that you can incorporate in your daily life. CE-PRSDV 2105VA, 1 Mon., Sept. 23, 10:00 am- 12:00 noon, KNC-2, $25. E Wind. #87548 Rewire Your Life After Retiring You’ve retired and now have more time on your hands, but may feel a little lost. We’ll journey together and find some exciting options for your new normal. Imagine finally attaining the life you’ve always dreamed of. CE-PRSDV 2152VA, 1 Sat., Oct. 26, 12:30- 5:00 pm, Room TBD, $60. B Rauch. #87489 Experiencing Loss: How Do I Rebuild My Life? Change is the only constant in life; loss precedes change and we must learn to evolve. Whether we lose a pet, loved one, money, job, self- esteem, possessions, relationship, youth, or health, we need to embrace our new normal and its hidden blessings. For suggested reading, email instructor at CE-PRSDV 2151VA, 1 Wed., Oct. 30, 1:00- 4:00 pm, Room TBD, $40. B Rauch. #87487 Leaving Your Physical Body: The Final Frontier Explore the process of dying and death, consciousness, and the afterlife. Reduce your fear of facing the unknown, connect to those who have departed, embrace the time left, forgive, and be at peace with what will be. Contact instructor at with any questions. CE-PRSDV 2153VA, 1 Fri., Oct. 25, 1:00-4:00 pm, KNC-3, $40. B Rauch. #87498