Workforce Development & Community Education

Visit us online at | 57 LIFELONG LEARNING & PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT SPORTS & FITNESS Please consult a physician before attending any physical fitness classes. Strength Training for Women An introduction to the principles of strength training with an emphasis on technique and injury prevention. Instruction in bodyweight training and equipment usage will assist in designing personalized workout routines for use at home or the gym. Wear comfortable attire and sneakers. CE-FITNS 2085, 10 Wed., Sept. 18-Dec. 4 (skip 10/9 & 11/27), 7:00-8:30 pm, PEB-Fitness Center, $190. R Varian. #87493 Strength Training for Men Geared for the beginner, this course will cover the fundamentals of equipment use; proper form; design of a workout routine; progression and variation; spotting; and gym navigation. Participants will complete a supervised full-body workout during each class and will acquire an exercise toolbox of compound and isolation exercises for use at home or in the gym. Wear comfortable attire and sneakers. Minors ages 16 and 17 must be accompanied by a parent. CE-FITNS 2089, 8 Thurs., Sept. 19-Nov. 7, 7:00- 8:30 pm, PEB-Fitness Center, $160. R Varian. #87492 Hatha & Kundalini Yoga Combines Hatha Yoga (posture alignment, strength, and flexibility), with Kundalini Yoga (breath techniques and movement) to regenerate and heal the nervous system, releasing powerful, healing, youth hormones. This balances, harmonizes, and rejuvenates body, mind, and emotional systems for profound healing and youthfulness. Bring yoga mat, towel, or firm sitting-meditation cushion. CE-FITNS 2010, 12 Thurs., Sept. 12-Dec. 5 (skip 11/28), 7:00-9:00 pm, PEB-Mat Room, $275. M Orfino. #87409 Tai Chi for All Ages Tai Chi is a centuries old exercise that is appropriate for people of all ages and fitness levels. It is taught in slow, relaxed movements that are simple and graceful, and aids with balance, coordination, and concentration. It has long been known as a way to promote health and longevity in Chinese culture, and is often called meditation in motion CE-FITNS 2015, 10 Thurs., Sept. 12-Nov. 14, 9:30-11:00 am, PEB-Mat Room, $175. K Whitten. #87750 Qi Gong Qi Gong is a 3000-year-old technique that trains your mind to direct the body’s life force called “chi.” It is used to achieve mental, physical, and spiritual balance through a series of physical movements and meditations. It helps to develop your own healing energy, achieve balance, alleviate stress, and maintain health and well- being. CE-SPORT 2026, 10 Thurs., Sept. 12-Nov. 14, 11:00 am-12:30 pm, PEB-Mat Room, $175. K Whitten. #87751 Judo for Adults CE-SPORT 2004, PEB-Mat Room, $250. Sensei Watanabe. Sec. A: 14 Sun., Sept. 8-Dec. 8, 10:30 am- 12:00 noon. #87862 Sec. B: 14 Mon., Sept. 9-Dec. 9, 7:30-9:00 pm. #87863 Sec. C: 14 Wed., Sept. 11-Dec. 11, 7:30-9:00 pm. #87864 Register for one session for $250. Save $$: Register for all 3 sections for $645. Judo for Children and Parents CE-SPORT 2005, PEB Mat Room, $250. Sensei Watanabe. Sec. A: Parents & Children: 14 Sat., Sept. 7-Dec. 7, 10:30-12:00 noon. #87865 Note: Parents MUST register and pay tuition along with child. Sec. B: Children (ages 4-13) and Adults: 14 Sun., Sept. 8-Dec. 8, 12:00 noon-1:30 pm. #87866 Note: Parents MUST be at the entire class to supervise (registration for parent not required). Register for one session for $250. Save $$: Register for both sections for $460. Aikido (Tomiki Style) An art of self-defense utilizing strikes, arm locks, wristlocks, and off-balancing techniques to control or defeat an opponent. Aikido techniques have a direct application in police work and personal self-defense methods. CE-SPORT 2000, PEB-Mat Room, $250. Sensei Watanabe. Sec. A: 14 Sat., Sept. 7-Dec. 7 2:00-3:30 pm. #87867 Sec. B: 14 Tues., Sept. 10-Dec. 10, 8:00-9:30 pm. #87868 Register for one session for $250. Save $$: Register for both sections for $460. Westchester Community College Board of Trustees Hon. John Nonna Betsy Stern Hon. Andrew Spano Robin Bikkal, Esq. Toni Cox-Burns Dr. Norman Jacknis Dr. LeRoy Mitchell Joseph P. McLaughlin David Swope, Esq. Nicholas Singh (student trustee)