Workforce Development & Community Education

Visit us online at | 5 CAREER & WORKFORCE TRAINING Grant Writing Basics For those already working in nonprofits as well as volunteers or those considering a career change. Includes how to research funders, analyze the components of a strong proposal, write a basic budget, articulate realistic and measurable outcomes, and construct evaluation plans. Also covered: letters of inquiry, strategies for online applications, how to stand out from the pack, and grant stewardship. Students will be asked to complete activities. Please email instructor Alison Paul at prior to the start of class for further instructions. CE-GRANT 2000, 4 Thurs., Oct. 3-24, 6:00- 9:00 pm, KNC-3, $160. A Paul. #87345 Risk Adjustment HCC Coder Training This course trains medical coders in how to code and audit charts for risk adjustment. Students will learn what risk adjustment means and how it works for Medicare Advantage; documentation and coding guidelines that apply to Hierarchical Condition Categories (HCC’s); specific coding guidelines applicable to the various chapters in the ICD-10-CM Tabular List; and auditing concepts, how to apply them and how to work with suspects and queries when auditing charts Note: This class is for students with knowledge of the ICD-10-CM coding system. Bring required textbook and an ICD-10-CM codebook to class. CE-HCARE 2068, 4 Sat., Oct. 5-26, 1:00- 4:00 pm, GTW-219, $150 (+ textbook). S Herzberg. #87680 CAREERS IN SPECIALIZED FIELDS Advanced Manufacturing at Westchester Community College Earn Industry-Recognized Credentials! Contact us for information about our non-credit workforce courses that lead to certification by the National Institute for Metalworking Skills (NIMS): Introduction to Manufacturing, CNC Milling Operations, and CNC Turning Operations. Each course is 63 hours and will take place in the evening. Please contact Kristine Bunyea by email at or call 914-606-7904 for further information, schedule, and cost. NYS EPA Lead Certification Contractors  Painters  General Renovators  Electricians  Plumbers Carpenters  Cabinet Installers  Property Managers Offered in partnership with Advanced Training Institute (an EPA approved provider): EPA lead certification, initial, and renewal training complies with the EPA’s Renovation, Repair and Painting (RPP) Final Rule (40-CFR745) for certifying renovators to perform lead-safe work. If you, your company and workers are not working in accordance with the new EPA lead certification requirements, your work could be stopped and your company could face fines up to $35,000 per violation per day! All workers on the job site who disturb or handle lead paint covered material or debris must be certified. This includes all personnel who clean up the sites. Firms are required to be certified and their employees must be trained in use of lead-safe work practices, and lead-safe work practices that minimize occupants’ exposure to lead hazards must be followed. Go to for in-depth details on the EPA PPR rules for lead safety certification. CE-CERTS 2054, 1 Fri., 8:30 am- 4:30 pm, KNC-5, $199 (all materials supplied by instructor at class). Sec. A: Nov. 22. #87736 Sec. B: Dec. 13. #87737 HOW TO READ A COURSE DESCRIPTION Improve Your Writing Skills For both new and out-of-practice writers. Learn to write clearer sentences, develop effective paragraphs, design opening statements, arrange facts and ideas logically, and increase readability. A knowledge of basic grammar rules is assumed. CE-BUS 2073VA, 4 Tues., Apr. 12-May 3, 6:00-9:00 pm, KNC-3, $120. L Leahy. #12718 COURSE TITLE COURSE DESCRIPTION BUILDING/ROOM # COST INSTRUCTOR CLASS # TEXTBOOK REQUIRED DAY/DATES/TIME CLASS MEETS CATALOG #