Workforce Development & Community Education

32 | Visit us online at Textbook Required THE WRITING CENTER NEW! The Wonderful World of Edgar Allan Poe Learn the story of how Edgar Alan Poe became one of our first American writers of international fame and the influences on his life and classic works of literature, from poetry to gothic stories to some of the first murder mystery and detective stories. Learn how he became one of America’s classic storytellers. CE-LIT 2034VA, 1 Sat., Oct. 26, 12:30-2:30 pm, Room TBD, $25. L DiMartino. #87847 NEW! Writing As A Way of Healing Have you ever wondered why putting words to our experiences can be so cathartic and enriching? Creative writing plays a role in promoting human resilience, assisting us in processing adverse events and reframing our pasts in a productive and protective way. Come create poetry, non-fiction and fiction. Experience the healing power of writing, in a non-judgmental, supportive environment. Share the healing power of words and gain insights into the psycholinguistic underpinnings of the process. CE-WRITG 2111, 6 Wed., Sept. 11-Oct. 23 (skip 10/9), 6:00-7:30 pm, AAB-504, $110. J Smith. #87851 Writing from the Soul Writing is an art form about self-expression. Whether you prefer fiction or nonfiction, journal writing or story writing, this course will help unleash your creativity as a writer with a focus on writing descriptive narratives. Using your five senses, learn to create an emotion and a picture in the reader’s mind. Develop a scene in your story or recall a memory you have entered in your journals. Students will share their work with the class. Please bring spiral notebooks or journals, and pens. CE-WRITG 2106VA, 3 Tue., Sept. 10-24, 6:30-8:30 pm, KNC-3, $65. L Lush. #87555 A Writer’s Workshop This 3-part workshop offers writing prompts, exercises, and strategies to spark and inspire creativity in whatever genre you prefer. Gentle feedback is available from class and instructor to start and stay with your writing project. CE-WRITG 2099, 3 Thurs., Sept. 26-Oct. 10, 1:30-3:30 pm, KNC-5, $75. K Rippstein. #87250 Writing Tasks: What Comes Next? For writers, those huge, amorphous jobs may easily drop to the bottom of to-do lists and you may never get to them. In reality, those big jobs (chiefly idea development, drafting, and revisions) are really collections of smaller, more do-able tasks. This course will break down writing into small, bite-sized pieces with guidelines on how you can order the tasks to match the way you write. CE-WRITG 2103, 3 Wed., Sept. 11-25, 6:00- 8:00 pm, AAB-305, $75. P Andrews. #87425 Freelancing for Fun and Profit Local publications are always looking for freelance writers. By adding photography to the mix, writers double their value to editors and publishers. The Internet and digital media have multiplied the opportunities and need for writers. Aspiring writers will learn how to apply to the thousands of writing opportunities open to them, while writers already engaged in writing projects can encourage others through networking while finding new outlets for their work. Please email instructor at for list of optional books. CE-WRITG 2071, 3 Wed., Sept. 11-25, 6:30- 8:30 pm, KNC-3, $60 (+ $2 for purchase of a Rivertown Magazine and handouts.) T Riley. #87348 Write and Publish Kids’ Books Have a great idea for a children’s book? That is a terrific place to start, but how do you progress from concept to published product? Go from getting started to the finish line in the world of juvenile publishing by exploring the requirements of every audience–baby board books, first chapter, middle-grade, and young adult–from outlining and writing, to finding an agent and/or publisher, to self-publication. CE-WRITG 2073, 3 Fri., Nov. 15-Dec. 6 (skip 11/29), 6:00-9:00 pm, KNC-5, $90. S Weyn. #87597 LANGUAGES Textbook required unless otherwise noted. Textbooks available at the Campus Bookstore 914-347-3858; call for hours. Books can also be ordered online at Japanese for Beginners Learn to speak and convey messages that are essential in Japanese conversations including greetings, introductions, directions, shopping, and other common expressions of daily living. Learn the basics of Japanese in a short period. CE-LANG 2020, 10 Sat., Sept. 14-Dec. 7 (skip 10/26, 11/2 & 30), 1:00-3:00 pm, Room TBD, $230 (+ $25 for textbook, purchased from instructor at first class). C Blodgett. #87399 Japanese Intermediate: Intensive Learn conversation patterns from our unique Japanese textbook. By memorizing model verbs, students can master the language quickly. CE-LANG 2021, 10 Sat., Sept. 14-Dec. 7 (skip 10/26, 11/2 & 30), 3:30-5:30 pm, Room TBD, $230 (+ $25 for textbook, purchased from instructor at first class). C Blodgett. #87400