Workforce Development & Community Education

Visit us online at | 27 CAREER & WORKFORCE TRAINING Executing Process Improvement Solutions Making Great Ideas Work in the Real World After months of dedicated work, you and your team have designed a new business process that will leverage emerging technology and superior business acumen to dramatically improve all measures of performance. Now comes the hard part…implementing it. This program presents a practical, how-to approach that integrates these hard and soft skills. It is chock full of tools, templates and techniques you can put to use right away. 13 PDHours. CE-BUS 2113, 1 T/W, Nov. 19 & 20, 9:00 am-4:30 pm, Room TBD, $995. #87760 For BPM courses, contact Jim Irvine, Director of Corporate Education, 914-606-6658; Professional Development Hours awarded by Association of Business Process Management Professionals/ABPMP. For more details visit our website at PROJECT MANAGEMENT Exploring Project Management This seminar provides an introduction to Project Management and the core concepts and best practices used in this discipline. Project management “best practices” will be introduced and put into context through various exercises, scenarios and case studies. The course is a practical workshop and learning by doing is a key component. As such, participants will be asked to work on sample “projects” and be assigned deliverables to produce within a specified time frame. After each exercise, a review will be conducted offering comments and suggestions for improvement. CE-BUS 2114, 1 W/Th, Oct. 2 & 3, 9:00 am- 5:00 pm, Room TBD, $675. #87761 PMP Exam Prep The PMP certification is a must-have for any serious project manager. PMP certified Project Managers on average earn over 20% more than those without the certification. The PMP certification can help you get the job, keep your job and earn more money. In addition, many organizations have recognized that properly trained project managers are fundamental to business success. Many students learn better in a traditional classroom-type setting rather than from a self-paced prep course. Sign up today to help prepare for and pass the PMP exam! 5 Day Seminar (35 PDUs). CE-BUS 2115, 1 W-F & 1 Th/F, Oct. 9-11, 17 & 18, 9:00 am-5:00 pm, Room TBD, Call 914-606-6658 for price. #87762 Communicating Through the Written Word: Applying Effective Writing Skills to Business To succeed in business today one must be able to write clearly, correctly and concisely and should be able to master all aspects of writing. This includes business letters, memos, informal reports, executive summaries, proposals, as well as social media and website copy. Professional credibility can be built or destroyed by the written work that goes out from an office. Good writing is the key to effective communication and being able to produce clearly written communication is a skill that is not only desirable but also essential. Participants will focus on writing clear, concise and effective copy. CE-BUS 2107, 4 Thurs., Oct. 24-Nov. 14, 6:00- 8:30 pm, Room TBD, $195. L Geraci-Miranda. #87878 Writing Public Relations Copy: Communicating Effectively Through Public Relations Public relations writers have to communicate effectively to all audiences. They must be equipped with the essential skills for developing and writing materials that include news releases, advisories, backgrounders, social media, newsletter and magazine articles. Participants will focus on writing clear, concise and effective copy and apply it towards successful public relations writing. CE-BUS 2106, 4 Tues., Oct. 22-Nov. 12, 6:00- 8:30 pm, Room TBD, $195. L Geraci-Miranda. #87879 HOW TO READ A COURSE DESCRIPTION Improve Your Writing Skills For both new and out-of-practice writers. Learn to write clearer sentences, develop effective paragraphs, design opening statements, arrange facts and ideas logically, and increase readability. A knowledge of basic grammar rules is assumed. CE-BUS 2073VA, 4 Tues., Apr. 12-May 3, 6:00-9:00 pm, KNC-3, $120. L Leahy. #12718 COURSE TITLE COURSE DESCRIPTION BUILDING/ROOM # COST INSTRUCTOR CLASS # TEXTBOOK REQUIRED DAY/DATES/TIME CLASS MEETS CATALOG #