Workforce Development & Community Education

Visit us online at | 25 CAREER & WORKFORCE TRAINING BUSINESS, WORK & COLLEGE SUCCESS CREATE SUCCESS IN THE WORKPLACE Personality Types and Effective Communication Did you ever wonder why you have a hard time speaking to your employer or colleagues? Do you ask yourself, is it me or is it them? A key to being successful is understanding those differences and learn how to assess your own personality type. Gain a better understanding of yourself and what communication styles are most effective for you. Discover how to recognize the personality type others. CE-COMM 2026, M/T/W, Sept. 9-11, 6:30- 9:30 pm, KNC-2, $115. A Bassi. #87378 Body Language and Nonverbal Communication Did you ever find yourself in a situation where your employer, supervisor, client, or colleague said one thing to you but then did something completely different? One of the keys to success in both personal and professional relationships lies in your ability to communicate well. An important component toward achieving this goal is learning to understand and decode body language. This workshop will enable you to learn to read body language. CE-COMM 2025, 1 Mon., Sept. 16, 6:30- 9:30 pm, KNC-3, $40. A Bassi. #87379 Dress for Success for Men and Women Clothing serves more than just a practical purpose; it is a form of self-expression. People will quickly make assumptions about you based on the clothes you wear. Let your clothing help, not hinder you in the workplace. Learn to understand and define your personal style. Discover how dressing for your body type is perhaps one of the most important rules of fashion. Learn important fashion basics and how to make your clothes look more stylish and professional. CE-PRSDV 2170, 1 Mon., Sept. 23, 6:30-9:30 pm, KNC-3, $40. A Bassi. #87380 Business Etiquette Have you ever felt uncomfortable at a business luncheon or dinner because you did not know what to order, which utensils to use and when, or how to comport yourself? Do you find it difficult to start conversations and mingle at company functions, over business cocktails and at networking events? Good business etiquette is a key component to advancing your career. CE-BUS 2100, 1 Mon., Sept. 30, 6:30-9:30 pm, KNC-3, $40. A Bassi. #87381 Psychology of Advertising Learn how psychology is used in advertising, including consumer wants and needs; effective- ness for advertisers; values for consumers; and ethics and responsibilities. Understand the use of psychology in the advertising creation process. Review cultural differences in addressing various consumers’ needs. CE-BUS 2096VA, 4 Wed., Sept. 4-25, 6:30- 8:30 pm, AAB-304, $95 (+ optional textbook). S Hecker. #87337 Time Management for Success Are you feeling overwhelmed with your daily routine or planning a special upcoming event? Regardless of the number of demands on your daily life, there are proven and practical time management techniques to alleviate the stress and become more efficient. Through simple exercises, learn to establish priorities, identify “time robbers”, and develop an action plan. CE-PRSDV 2150, 1 Sat., Sept. 28, 1:00-4:00 pm, KNC-5, $40. H Cuevas. #87313 Mock Interview Workshop Make a winning impression by using verbal and non-verbal techniques to highlight your strengths. This interactive class will discuss proper interviewing etiquette, how to respond to difficult questions, the importance of researching the prospective employer, and follow-up procedures after the interview. Resumes will be reviewed and evaluated. Practice interviewing and get individualized feedback. Bring a printed copy of your current resume and cover letter. CE-JBPRP 2023, 1 Sat., Oct. 5, 1:00-5:00 pm, KNC-5, $50. H Cuevas. #87309 How to Schmooze Do you hate walking into a room where you do not know anyone? If you want to make connections for professional or personal reasons, effective schmoozing is essential and may yield many benefits: a promotion at work, a date, or investor interest. Learn how to schmooze without being fake. Learn key techniques, participate in various exercises, and get individualized feedback and tips. CE-PRSDV 2072, 1 Sat., Oct. 26, 1:30-5:30 pm, KNC-5, $50. H Cuevas. #87314 Assertive Communication Skills in the Workplace Are you shy about speaking up? Learn how to successfully communicate by developing winning speech patterns, focusing on the audience, and rehearsing! Discover techniques to get your point across in a credible and self-assured manner. Through simple exercises, learn to voice your opinions, avoid interruptions, and make valuable contributions.  CE-PRSDV 2065, 2 Sat., Nov. 2 & 9, 8:00 am- 12:30 pm, KNC-2, $95. H Cuevas. #87424