Workforce Development & Community Education

16 | Visit us online at Textbook Required MICROSOFT OFFICE APPLICATIONS Get the computer competencies you need to survive and prosper in today’s fast-changing workplace. Our Microsoft applications courses are taught using MS Office 2016 unless otherwise stated. MS Office 2016 Basics Learn to use the basic features of the 2016 version of MS Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, three of the most fundamental software programs used in educational and professional settings. Provides skills for creating basic documents, working with spreadsheets, and creating effective presentations. Prerequisite: File Management or equivalent experience. CE-COMP 2155, 6 T/Th, Oct. 1-17, 9:00 am- 12:00 noon, GTW-215, $390 (+ textbook). #87616 MS Office 2016 Beyond the Basics Go beyond the basics with the latest version of Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint--three of the most fundamental software programs used in educational and professional settings. Learn to Mail Merge and work with images, section breaks, columns, styles, tables, headers, and footers in Word. Apply advanced formatting techniques to your spreadsheets and work with dates and lookup functions in Excel. Create presentations that include charts, tables, and hyperlinks. Prepare a presentation for delivery with PowerPoint. Prerequisite: Microsoft Office Basics or equivalent experience. CE-COMP 2173, 6 T/Th, Oct. 22- Nov. 7, 9:00 am-12:00 noon, GTW-215, $390 (+ textbook). #87617 NEW! Microsoft Office 365-A Brief Overview Office 365 is a subscription-based service offered by Microsoft that provides file storage and Office capabilities across multiple computers and devices. Data is stored encrypted in OneDrive, safely and securely. Westchester Community College has collaborated with Microsoft to bring our students a free download of Microsoft Office 365 Pro Plus and Office Mobile upon activation of your WCC account. This course will provide an overview of Microsoft OneDrive, Word and Excel in the 365 version, and requires no previous knowledge of Microsoft Office 365. Laptop required. CE-COMP 2200, 3 M/T/Th, Oct. 28-31, 9:00 am-1:00 pm, GTW-219, $300. #87770 Microsoft Excel Basics Learn the fundamentals: enter and edit text and values; create simple formulas; select cells and ranges; move around the worksheet; change column widths and row heights; insert and delete rows and columns; format numbers; copy and move data from one location to another using menus, fill-handle and drag and drop; save, retrieve and print worksheets. Prerequisite: File Management or equivalent experience. CE-COMP 2023, $150 Sec. A: 2 Fri., Sept. 20 & 27, 9:00 am-12:00 noon, GTW-209. #87635 At Mt. Vernon Center: Sec. B: 2 M/W, Nov. 11 & 13, 1:00-4:00 pm. #87636 Microsoft Excel–Introduction Get started with Excel even if you have never used a spreadsheet before. Includes building and editing worksheets, formatting a worksheet, working with charts and working with formulas and functions. Prerequisite: File Management or equivalent experience. CE-COMP 2020, $300 (+ textbook). Sec. A: 4 Sat., Sept. 28-Oct. 19, 1:00-4:00 pm, GTW-215. #87625 Sec. B: 4 M/W, Oct. 14-23, 6:00-9:00 pm, GTW-209. #87626 Microsoft Excel–Intermediate Expand your skills in Excel by learning to use and analyze tables and enhance your charts and worksheets. Explore techniques for managing workbooks, sharing Excel files, and incorporating web information. Prerequisite: MS Excel Introduction or equivalent experience. CE-COMP 2021, $300 (+ textbook). Sec. A: 4 Sat., Oct. 26-Nov. 16, 1:00-4:00 pm, GTW-215. #87627 Sec. B: 4 M/W, Oct. 28-Nov. 6, 6:00-9:00 pm, GTW-209. #87628 Microsoft Excel–Advanced Master more advanced features of Excel such as analyzing data with PivotTables, exchanging data with other programs, and advanced worksheet management. Prerequisite: MS Excel Intermediate or equivalent experience. CE-COMP 2022, $300 (+ textbook). Sec. A: 4 Sat., Nov. 23-Dec. 21 (skip 11/30), 1:00-4:00 pm, GTW-215. #87629 Sec. B: 4 M/W, Nov. 11-20, 6:00-9:00 pm, GTW-209. #87630 Save $$ when you register for all three Excel classes during this term for only $810 . Savings will be reflected when your course fees are calculated after enrolling. If classes are cancelled for any reason, discount no longer applies. WHERE REQUIRED, TEXTBOOKS CAN BE PURCHASED AT THE BOOKSTORE AT 914-347-3858 OR ORDERED ONLINE AT WWW.SUNYWCC.BNCOLLEGE.COM