Workforce Development & Community Education

12 | Visit us online at Textbook Required Phlebotomy Practicum Under the supervision of a certified phlebotomy instructor, receive hands-on experience in phlebotomy and practice venipuncture and capillary sticks on each other in accordance with regulations of the NHA. Prerequisite: Infection Control for Healthcare Programs and Phlebotomy Training Program. NOTE: completion of 30 live sticks required to sit for the NHA Certified Phlebotomist Examination. Admissions application and interview required; application due date is Nov. 16. CE-HCARE 2045OS, 15 Sat., Dec. 7-Mar. 21, 9:00 am-1:00 pm, $435. #87662 Certified Nursing Assistant NYS approved training for nursing assistants. Prepare for employment in hospitals and nursing homes. Includes classroom work and clinical experiences at a local nursing home. Admissions application and interview required; application due date is Aug. 2. CE-HCARE 2001OS, $1,530 (+ textbook/ workbook). Sec. A: M/W/Th, Sept. 16-Dec. 12, 5:30-9:30 pm. #87663 Sec. B: T//Th, Sept. 17-Dec. 12, 9:00 am-3:00 pm. #87664 Direct Service Provider Training Course Understand basic psychiatric terminology, psychopathology, social skills training, mental health laws, and ethics. Direct Service Providers (DSP’s), also called psychiatric aides, are part of a patient-centered team for individuals who may be mentally challenged or emotionally disturbed, or for psychiatric patients under the supervision of a psychiatrist, registered nurse, or social worker. CE-HCARE 2011OS, Th/Sa, Sept. 12-Nov. 2, & Thurs., 5:30-9:00 pm/Sat., 9:00 am-2:00 pm, $1,415 (+ textbook). #87665 CAREERS IN WRITING & PUBLISHING How to Write FAST Crank up the efficiency and get that novel, short story, article, or script done. Through exercises, evaluations, tips and technologies, you can learn to write faster. Discover how to break through blocks, get ideas, develop plots, draft, and polish in less time without losing quality. CE-WRITG 2038, 3 Wed., Nov. 6-20, 6:00- 8:00 pm, KNC-3, $70. P Andrews. #87426 Writing Dialogue that Pops Writing dialogue is easy. Writing good dialogue takes skill and practice. Award-winning author and playwright Barbara Campbell will help students craft dialogue that reveals character, creates conflict, and increases drama; understand subtext and the ways it can deepen the emotional impact of a scene; and recognize common pitfalls that can undermine the effectiveness of dialogue. Each student will receive a handout with course highlights. CE-WRITG 2076, 1 Sat., Sept. 28, 9:00 am- 12:00 noon, KNC-3, $40 (+ $5 materials fee, payable to instructor). B Campbell. #87513 NEW! Write Science Fiction Novels and Get Them Published Writing science fiction is easy…you just need to discover the secret! Discuss what you are currently are working on and how to network with others. Learn how to overcome writer’s block by meeting deadlines. Never discard what you have written, just rework it! Illustration and photography to enhance your books will be discussed. CE-WRITG 2110, 3 Mon., Sept. 9-23, 6:30- 8:30 pm, AAB-310, $75. T Riley. #87859 Turn Your Teaching Experience Into Kid Lit Learn how to turn your experiences working with children into children’s literature-both fiction and non-fiction. Best-selling, award-winning author, Suzanne Weyn (, will guide you to taking your firsthand experiences and turning them into juvenile literature. This class is suitable for teachers at all levels from pre-school through high school. You will work in a collaborative setting to develop the best form, grade-level, vocabulary, and story for your idea. Explore the ins and outs of children’s publishing from writing query letters, negotiating royalties, to finding an agent. All you need is your teaching experience and a notebook! CE-WRITG 2104, 4 Fri., Oct. 18-Nov. 8, 4:00- 7:00 pm, KNC-5, $150. S Weyn. #87596 Write Inspirational Stories for Publication Writing inspirational stories is both gratifying and profitable. Publishers are always searching for good, well-written stories. In this course, students will learn the components of writing short nonfiction stories: how to plot a story, write a zero draft, write effective dialogue, edit with a keen eye, and write endings that drive the inspirational message home. Students will analyze published short stories, do writing exercises, and critique each other’s work. CE-WRITG 2107VA, 4 Tues., Oct. 1-22, 6:30- 8:30 pm, KNC-2, $110. L Lush. #87558