2021 State of the College & Foundation Annual Report

OPPORTUNITY STUDENT PROFILE 12 WESTCHESTER COMMUNITY COLLEGE 13 STATE OF THE COLLEGE 2021 A s a Black male child, I was incorrectly diagnosed with a commonly diagnosed neurodevelopmental disorder that plagued me throughout my life and school career. I was a drop-out of nearly ten years from Queensborough Community College and had no intention of making another attempt. With no regard for academic excellence and no real plan for myself, I worked job after job, believing that I had no potential at striving for anything better in life. Then I met my fiancée and her mom. They recognized suppressed potential within. Through cultivation, encouragement, and guidance, they gifted me books that shifted my inner paradigms and self-perceptions until I finally decided to return to the classroom. Having moved to Mount Vernon, I identified WCC as the place for me – it was the best community college that I knew of and had the lowest tuition rates. I was a part-time student when I first started school, and, as a result, I had to rely on student loans to pay for tuition. As I became more com- fortable with college life, I switched to full-time and qualified for a Pell Grant. During my first semester, I was introduced to Professor Don Simmons of the Black and His- panic Male Initiative. BHMI was welcoming and non-judgmental. Initially, I came to WCC with a mindset of focusing just on myself and my grades. BHMI changed my perspective as I heard stories from other students like me. It was a humbling experience that broke me out of a selfish mind- set and helped me grow into a holistic person. I stopped being a lone wolf and became a mentor to the younger students. WCC helped me grow personally as well as academically. My GPA at QBCC was a 1.2. My GPA at WCC is currently 3.93. I will be transferring to SUNY at Albany for their dual BS/MS Mental Health Counseling program. After I complete my studies, and marry the wom- an who has changed my life, I plan to work as a clinical psychologist.” “ “Supreme family support, the academic environment at WCC and connections within BHMI, evolved me tremendously as a human and as a student. This collective experience has taught me how to use my innate abilities for myself and the importance of sharing my gifts with others.” KIMANI LAFOND Kimani LaFond Black and Hispanic Male Initiative I came from El Salvador when I was 16, not knowing English or the curriculum in the United States. I understood the content in my high school classes but struggled with the language. So I spent a year without a phone so I could focus on learning English. I graduated high school on time, but I didn’t prep for college because I didn’t think I could handle it. Fortunately, I had teachers who believed in me and pushed me to attend college without taking a gap year. When I told my advisor I couldn’t afford college she told me about scholarships, and she suggested Westchester Community College because of its affordability and its Viking ROADS program. I was surprised to learn that through scholarships and Viking ROADS, I would not have to pay for tuition or textbooks. Not only that, when I met with a Viking ROADS advisor, she gave me a gift card! I wasn’t used to people giving me things. At that meeting my advisor, Ashley, told me I was accepted. I was so excited! Ashley has been my Viking ROADS advisor ever since. She has been great. She meets with me each month to make sure things are going well. When I took my ENG 101 class, I was the only Latina. My professor said I needed a tutor to help with my English. I panicked. How could I pay for a tutor? My professor assured me that the tutor was free. I couldn’t believe it! My English has improved so much that I wrote a poem that was submitted for Achieving the Dream and I got to speak at their virtual conference. I was one of only ten students from across the US to be selected for this honor. The tutoring really helped me. I have been earning A’s and A+’s and am now in Phi Theta Kappa. I’ve also built up my self-confidence and have been participating in several on-campus organizations. I am a member of Commit to Change, which helps build leadership skills. I won election as the student trustee for SGA. I joined Latinas for Power, and am a student orientation leader. None of this would have been possible if it wasn’t for Viking ROADS. I would probably not have even gone to college without its support. I’m now looking forward to earning my Bachelor’s degree in history and then get a Ph.D. to become a historian.” “ Estefany Palencia Viking ROADS “In high school they carry you. In college you learn to carry yourself. They teach you how to fish.” ESTEFANY PALENCIA OPPORTUNITY STUDENT PROFILE