2019 State of the College

8 Westchester Community College A NGEL CABRERA PEREIRA is an international student fromParaguay pursuing a career inmedicine that will bridge his love for science and helping others. “At Westchester Commu- nity College, I started by tutoring classmates, a stepping stone that helpedme growmy confidence as an educator. Then I worked as a peer mentor for students with learning disabilities. I later volunteered as a peer tutor through the college’s Science Tutorial, and I became a teaching assistant and peer tutor for college-level English,” he says. “I amproud of who I am. I have always worked hard to accomplish my goals, and themany opportu- nities offered tome as a student helpedme tremendously. I hope my passion, determination, and discipline will lead to future success. I start each day determined to do what I ammost passionate about: to learn and teach,” he says. A Phi Theta Kappa All-New York Academic Scholar, Angel graduated in May ‘18 and received a full-tuition transfer scholarship, where he is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry. Angel hopes to become a neurologist or a cardiologist.