2019 State of the College

7 Westchester Community College C HRISTINE FILS AIME has her sights set on a bachelors, masters, and ultimately a doctoral degree in Industrial-Organi- zational Psychology. This path began with her associate degree here in Valhalla . One of several Westchester Community College student winners of a prestigious State University of New York Chancellors Award, she pursued her passion for community involvement and personal growth through a variety of activities here. A first-generation Haitian-American student, she credits Gandhi’s “Be the change you want to see in the world” quote for inspiring her to affect her environment. “Somany opportuni- ties have enabledme to pursuemy lifelong goal of committing to positive change. Growth withinme results in growth in others aroundme, because if I act as a catalyst to change, thenmy peers will be affected also. Together, we can then unleash unlimited possibilities in this world,” she says. While at the college, Christine worked with Rotary International, served as the Multicultural Chair on the college’s student events board, and was also a member of the senate of the student government association. In addition, she created an entrepreneurial inde- pendent study program for students. Christine graduated in May ‘18 and is continuing her studies at Howard University.