2019 State of the College

5 Westchester Community College The college’s increased focus on student success has resulted in dramatic inroads which have positively affected the graduation rate. There has been a 42% increase in this key metric over the past three years. Efforts that have contributed to this marked increase include: In addition to the various additional resources and institutional changes that have resulted in a higher graduation rate, the college has also implemented new efforts to increase engagement with incoming students. For example, the Admissions Office now hosts “Accepted Student Day” events to help students acclimate to the college. The expansion of our orientation program, which includes a variety of programs intended to give new students an overview of the institution, assures that those facing college for the first time are empowered with the knowledge they need to succeed. STUDENT SUCCESS A new privately funded 12th grade “Step Up to College” initiative allowed our faculty to consult and align high school exit criteria with college entrance standards. Analyzing and reducing time to degree completion, students are placed inmath and English courses through participation in a Community College Research Center MultipleMeasures study. 2 3 1 Establishing systems and resources to identify and support targeted cohorts of students closest to completion including: k new completion scholarships k additional resources such as completion coaches k the institution of awinter completion ceremony k new reverse transfer process k an increase in the number of transfer agreement pathways to four-year institutions.