2019 State of the College

26 Westchester Community College Foundation Financials Scholarships 46% Academic Programs/ 24% Faculty Development Student Support Services 13% Other Programs 4% General Administration 8% Fundraising 5% This chart illustrates how generous donations received by the Foundation totaling $5,113,200 were used in the 2017-18 academic year to help our students. Net Assets Unrestricted $3,244,915 Temporarily Restricted $17,088,334 Endowment $31,134,430 Total Net Assets $51,467,679 Temporarily Restricted Fund Scholarships $7,091,506 Development & Enhancement $7,408,042 Dr. Hankin Gateway to Future Fund $1,438,298 Virginia Marx Children’s Center $1,150,487 Total Temporarily Restricted Fund $17,088,333 Endowment Fund Scholarships $13,003,500 Gateway Scholarships $5,237,150 Development & Enhancement $8,620,039 Virginia Marx Children’s Center $3,302,800 General Purpose $970,941 Total Endowment Fund $31,134,430 PUTTING YOUR SUPPORT TO WORK FISCAL YEAR 2017-2018 TEMPORARILY RESTRICTED 2017-2018 ENDOWMENTS 2017-2018 $5,113,200