2019 State of the College

25 Westchester Community College Commencement has become an annual celebration of new graduates as well as an opportunity to honor the 50th anniversary class. At the May 2018 ceremony, the class of 1968 enjoyed a beautiful day of reminiscing, and later in the year attended a second “Golden Alumni” event: a fall luncheon hosted by the Culinary Arts students. On the opposite end of the spectrum, recent graduates support one another as they transition into four-year colleges/universities. Through the College Connections program, experienced alumni mentor new graduates transferring into four-year institutions. Last year, the program expanded with the addition of a BBQ on campus before the start of the fall semester. The Alumni Council introduced new, active summertime activities including a hike at Ward Pound Ridge Reservation. The alumni office is developing other new events and collab- orating with departments across campus, identifying unique programming in which alumni will be invited to participate through both the academic divisions and various adminis- trative offices. Upcoming programs will include mentoring and networking with students, attendance at unique cultural events, and opportunities for alumni to speak to students about professional careers and share their own personal Westchester Community College stories. In the future, alumni will help with recruiting, increase their support of the college’s athletic teams, and volunteer on campus. Registration for the online community (mysunywcc.org) ensures that alumni receive the monthly e-newsletter (sent at the end of every month), invitations to events, and the latest news stories. Membership also allows alumni to take advan- tage of many benefits including hotel and event discounts and access to a digital directory to help them connect with former classmates and friends. Golden Alumni come together to celebrate. Top, members of the class of 1968 pose with Chester at the Commencement Ceremonies. They became members of our Golden Alumni who come together annually for a luncheon prepared by the Culinary Arts students. Bottom, photos from the fall Golden Alumni Luncheon.