2019 State of the College

18 Westchester Community College Scholarships O ne of the college’s primary goals is to help students overcome the barriers to higher education, including those in the financial category. The Scholarship Center supports our students by directing contributions from local corporate partners and individual donors toward scholarships for incoming high school graduates, continuing students, graduating students, and transfer students. There are plans to continue to initiate new scholarships and to expand upon the funding available to students. One recent addition to the dozens of aid options for students was the Completion Scholarship, now offered to students who are close to graduation but in need of financial support to complete their studies. This past year, $2 million in scholarships was distributed to more than 1,100 students. In October, these students were celebrated at the annual scholarship recognition ceremony. THE SCHOLARSHIP CENTER SUPPORTS OUR STUDENTS BY DIRECTING CONTRIBUTIONS FROM LOCAL CORPORATE PARTNERS AND INDIVIDUAL DONORS TOWARD SCHOLARSHIPS FOR INCOMING HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES, CONTINUING STUDENTS, GRADUATING STUDENTS, AND TRANSFER STUDENTS.