2019 State of the College

16 Westchester Community College Grants, Donors, and Federal/State Investments $1+ MILLION GRANT FOR STUDENT SUCCESS FUNDS HONORS COLLEGE The Westchester Community College Foundation was the recipient of a significant grant of more than $1 million from a very generous, long-time supporting donor family. These funds will be used to support the new and innovative programs that promote student success and degree attainment, specifically the new Honors College. Of this gift, the donors, who wish to remain anonymous, said “We think that the college plays a very important role in changing hundreds of people’s lives through education”. NEW SCHOLARSHIP ENDOWMENTS HONOR ALUMNUS AND VOLUNTEERS Lawrence J. Nugent, class of ‘73 and veteran of the Vietnam war, was an active student government leader, a member of the Football Team, a college radio station DJ, and a member of the Theatre Club. His family established a significant scholarship through a legacy gift that will be awarded to a student of high academic achievement who is actively involved in student government or student life. Benjamin and Clinton Hertzberg were dedicated volunteers at the college, and were proud of the fact that our country provides opportunity for people from all over the world, and believed that working hard to get an education is the key to a brighter future here. This new permanent scholarship was established in their honor and will be awarded to academically achieving students who are pursuing the American dream. CITY OF YONKERS INVESTS IN ITS STUDENTS’ COLLEGE SUCCESS Working closely with Yonkers city government, Board of Education, businesses, and community-based neighborhood organizations, the college began piloting a program to remove major impediments to college success for twenty African-American male Yonkers students. Beginning in the fall of last year, the grant of $60,000 from the Yonkers Industrial Development Agency will continue to provide support for books and transportation, as well as a full program of academic, social, and other interventions, over the next several years. Seymour and Kate Weingarten join some of their scholarship students for a congrat- ulatory reception. The Weingarten Family Scholarships are awarded to over twenty students annually who demonstrate academic achievement and financial need.