CFEE Guidebook

41 BUILDING FINANCIAL CAPABILITY THROUGH FINANCIAL COACHING APPENDIX 5 PARTICIPANT OUTCOMES Key Metrics Measured Year 1 2014-15 (Pilot Program) Year 2 2015-16 Year 3 2016-17 Year 4 2017-18 Year 5 2018-19 Comments Number of Participants 76 110 121 118 93 Coaching participant defined as a student who meets with coach at least once & establishes financial goals Students using budget as result of program 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Average Savings per Student $339 $491 $1,223 $1,117 $1,642 Average based on all students in program # of Students saving for three consecutive months 52 51 51 50 48 Program goal was . 50 students each year Total Saved Across All Participants $25,776 $54,000 $148,054 $131,844 $152,752 Average Debt Reduction (Per student with a goal of reducing debt) $1,116 $660 $1,582 $2,570 $2,453 Average based on students with a goal . of reducing debt Average Credit Score Improvement by # Points (Per student with a goal of improving score) 26 19.8 37.6 37 37.3 Average based on students with a goal of improving credit score Persistence Rate Years 4 & 5 (Not measured in Years 1-3) - - - 91% 92% Based on % of MSF students continuing fall-to- fall or receiving degree/ certificate, vs. 75% for college population in US