CFEE Guidebook

36 BUILDING FINANCIAL CAPABILITY THROUGH FINANCIAL COACHING 4. What do you hope to be doing after you complete your degree? _________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. If you could have your dream job, what would it be?________________________________________________________ 6. What qualifications, education, or experience do you need to pursue that career? __________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. What salary do you expect to earn from your dream job? (Coach can ask student to estimate or research.) $_____________________________________________ 8. Have you ever tried to follow a personal budget, spending plan, or financial plan? ■ Yes ■ No 9. What are your major sources of income now? ■ F/T job ■ P/T job ■ Parents/relative ■ Spouse ■ Financial aid ■ Public assistance ■ Other Other personal information: Ethnicity: ■ African American ■ Asian ■ Hawaiian/Pacific Islander ■ Latino/a ■ Caucasian ■ Native American ■ Other Marital Status: ■ Single ■ Married ■ Separated ■ Divorced ■ Other Student Status & Employment: ■ Employed Full-Time ■ Employed Part-Time ■ Full-time Student ■ Part-time Student Living Situation: ■ Rent ■ Own ■ Living with parents/relatives/friends ■ Other Dependents: No dependents_______ # Children under 18 _______ Participant’s financial profile: Participants may not know all of this information during the first meeting. Gathering this informa- tion will be part of their action steps for follow-up sessions. 1. Do you have a ■ Checking account? ■ Savings account? ■ Both checking and savings?