CFEE Guidebook

34 BUILDING FINANCIAL CAPABILITY THROUGH FINANCIAL COACHING Personal Finance Resources CashCourse WEB CashCourse is developed for young adults and college students to offer a range of arti- cles and resources on managing money. The personal finance tools help students build a variety of financial skills. Mint WEB This website helps students to manage money, bank accounts, bills, and loans. Par- ticipants can load all of their financial data onto the site and it will track their spending and provide prompts about when bills are due or warnings about low account balances. The site also has budgeting and planning tools. Money Smart Financial Education Program (FDIC) WEB consumer/moneysmart/ The Money Smart financial education program, offered by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), includes a suite of financial education tools designed to help people of all ages enhance their personal finance skills. The website offers financial education curriculum products for young people, adults, and older adults, along with extensive training resources for educators and instructors. Note: The FDIC’s Money Smart program is not related to or connected in any way with the Money Smart Forum financial coaching program discussed in this Guide.