SUNY WCC - Student Handbook 24-25

reports on campus happenings, community events, and reflects the student voice. There are opportunities for students to participate as editors, board operations, staff writers, and photographers. CONDUCT OF NON-COMMUNITY MEMBERS Any persons not members of the college community participating in any unlawful or disruptive act shall be considered trespassers and shall be subject to immediate arrest in accordance with the law. In this situation, any person refusing to identify himself/herself shall be deemed to be an unauthorized person and trespasser. These rules and regulations governing the conduct of students, faculty and other staff members of Westchester Community College, as well as the conduct of visitors and other licensees or invitees on the college campus, are in compliance with the mandate of Article 119-A of the Education Law as enacted by the Legislature of the State of New York on April 21, 1969. STUDENT FEES (FSA) The Faculty Student Association (FSA) of Westchester Community College is given responsibility for the disbursement and management of the below student fees. For each fee, the FSA determines the allocations for these fees and approves their usage and expenditures. Student Activity Fee The Student Activity Fee provides funding for the College’s Student Involvement and Athletics Departments and for student-run organizations including the Student Government Association, Westchester Events Board, The Viking News, WARY Radio, and Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society. Student Service Fee The Student Service Fee provides funding for the College’s Student Life departments, Security Department, and Commencement. Cultural Arts Fee The Cultural Arts Fee provides funding for student arts programs sponsored by the School of Arts & Humanities, including Viking Theatricals, Musicology, Dance Collaborative, the Art Gallery, student literary journals, as well as for student-run organizations including The Viking News and Power 88.1 FM Radio Station. Security FOR ALL VALHALLA CAMPUS EMERGENCIES, CALL 6-911 FROM ANY CAMPUS PHONE OR (914) 606-6911. FOR ALL EMERGENCIES AT OTHER COLLEGE LOCATIONS CALL 911. The objective of Campus Security is to provide a safe environment for teaching, research and social endeavors and to protect the lives and property of the students, employees of, and visitors to SUNY Westchester Community College. This objective is pursued within the framework of SUNY Westchester Community College’s rules and regulations and all local, state, and federal laws. The investigation of crimes committed on the Valhalla Campus falls under the jurisdiction of the Westchester County Department of Public Safety. The investigation of crimes committed at or on other College properties is generally handled by the local police department where the specific College property is located – ie. Mount Vernon, Yonkers, Ossining, Peekskill. In all cases, the police investigations are done with assistance from the Director of Campus Security and his assistants. Campus Security administrators maintain an excellent relationship with the local police, and they work together closely to as much as possible maintain the safety of all who come upon and utilize College property. For example, at most times when the College is open an operating, there is Westchester County Police Department Community Resource Officer present on the Valhalla Campus. Local police departments also provide routine patrols and inspections of the College's other locations.