Scholarships Many scholarships are provided to students beginning or continuing their education at the college, as well as those graduating from the college. Information about how to apply, application deadlines, and the scholarships themselves can all be found online. Schools & Pathways College students are more likely to complete a degree in a timely fashion if they choose a program and develop an academic plan early on. By having a clear road map of courses, students stay on track toward certificate or degree completion. Together with counselors, advisors, and faculty, students will receive guidance on completing their programs of study. Research on guided pathways suggests that an intentional and focused curriculum has the potential to save students money while improving student outcomes. The guided pathways approach helps students move through their general education requirements while focusing on specific certificate or degree requirements. Choose your school, choose your major, and use all of the resources on your successful pathway to graduation! The four academic schools found within Westchester Community College are: • School of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences • School of Business and Professional Careers • School of Health Careers, Technology and Applied Learning • School of Mathematics, Science and Engineering Sexual Violence Response and Support Westchester Community College values and respects the self-worth of all individuals in our community and affirms their right to have a safe, nonthreatening, and respectful environment. The college has no tolerance for sexual misconduct and sexual violence of any kind, which includes sexual harassment, stalking, intimate partner violence, and sexual assault. The college recognizes that these malicious acts can and do happen and as such, have created the Sexual Violence Response Policy to identify resources for individuals reporting sexual violence and for individuals accused of or responding allegations of sexual violence. This document contains a comprehensive set of policies and procedures that detail critical information regarding: options to file reports; rights in the process; sources of support and assistance for victims, reporting individuals, and respondents; requests for protections and accommodations to ensure safety and personal well-being; investigation and adjudication options and protocols; and more. Community members who have been or know someone who has been the victim of sexual violence, assault, harassment, stalking, domestic/dating violence, or any other form of sexual misconduct are encouraged to make a report to the college. Individuals can ask questions about reporting options or any question related to sexual violence response to the Title IX Coordinator, Dr. Rinardo Reddick, who can be reached at or at 914-606-6313. Strategic Goals & Objectives Westchester Community College has established strategic goals and objectives to guide our mission and vision. These goals and objectives will be central in determining institutional strategies and commitment. To learn more about these goals and objectives, please visit