18 LIFELONG LEARNING & ENRICHMENT · Visit www.sunywcc.edu/wdce to see a full list of Summer 2025 courses and programs SPORTS & FITNESS Please consult a physician before attending any physical fitness classes. SWIMMING & WATER EXERCISE FOR ADULTS: ALL LEVELS Bring caps, goggles, and several towels. All classes in this section are held at SUNY Westchester Valhalla, Physical Education Building, Pool. IN-PERSON Adult Swim – Beginner 1 For those who have no prior swim experience, or for those who need to master these basic fundamental aquatic skills in chest deep water: independent floating (front and back for 10 seconds); gliding (front and back for 5 body lengths); rolling over from a front float to a back float, and back float to front float; submerging entire head; breath control; treading arm and leg action; jumping into chest deep water; and rudimentary strokes (on front and back). At SUNY Westchester Valhalla: CE-SPORT 2058 Sec A: 8 Sun., June 15-Aug. 10 (skip 7/6), 9:00-10:00 am, $200, S Bernitt. #5779 Sec B: 8 Sat., June 21-Aug. 16 (skip 7/5) 8:00-9:00 am, $200, A Reeve. #5780 IN-PERSON Adult Swim – Beginner 2 To enroll in Beginner 2, student should be able to demonstrate all skills listed in Beginner 1 and additionally be able to perform this sequence of skills: swim 25 feet on front, roll over and float on back for 15 secs, and then roll back to front to continue swimming another 25 feet. Beginner 2 introduces students to fundamental aquatic and safety skills in DEEP water. Stroke development at this level includes front crawl (with proper rhythmic breathing), elementary backstroke, breaststroke, and the scissors and dolphin kicks. Students will learn to tread and back float in deep water, and if interested will be introduced to headfirst entries. At SUNY Westchester Valhalla: CE-SPORT 2059, 8 Sun, June 15-Aug. 10 (skip 7/6), 10:00 to 11:00 am, $200, S Bernitt. #5781 IN-PERSON Water Walkers A fun and social group of active older adults who are looking for a way to log those steps without putting added strain on their joints. We will introduce a variety of gentle, low-impact exercises (no jumping or bouncing is involved) that can improve your flexibility and mobility while reducing joint pain and stiffness. Set to background music of your choosing, you will surely look forward to your weekly trip to the pool. There are no swimming strokes introduced in this class. Participants should be comfortable in waist to chest deep water. It is highly recommended for participants to supply their own pool shoes. At SUNY Westchester Valhalla: CE-SPORT 2062, 8 Sun., June 15-Aug. 10 (skip 7/6), 11:00 am-12:00 noon, $200, S. Bernitt. #5787 IN-PERSON Water Exercise/Aerobics Designed for both non-swimmers and swimmers, this program improves your cardiovascular fitness, strength, and flexibility. Exercises are performed in shallow water and paced to individual levels. At SUNY Westchester Valhalla: CE-SPORT 2016, $130. A Servodidio. Sec A: 6 Mon., June 9-July 21 (skip 6/30), 9:45-10:30 am. #5814 Sec B: 6 Mon., June 9-July 21 (skip 6/30), 10:30-11:15 am. #5815 Sec C: 6 Tues., June 10-July 22 (skip 7/1), 9:45-10:30 am. #5816 Sec D: 6 Tues., June 10-July 22 (skip 7/1), 10:30-11:15 am. #5817 IN-PERSON Adult Swim – Intermediate 1 To enroll in Intermediate, students must be able to jump into deep water, resurface and tread or float for 1 minute, then rotate 1 complete turn and level off to swim front crawl or elementary backstroke 25 yards and exit the pool. Intermediate students continue to refine front crawl, breaststroke, and elementary backstroke while also learning back crawl stroke, sidestroke, and butterfly. Students will also learn underwater swimming, surface dives, and headfirst entries. At SUNY Westchester Valhalla: CE-SPORT 2060 Sec A: 8 Sun., June 15-Aug. 10 (skip 7/6), 8:00-9:00 am, $200, S Bernitt. #5782 Sec B: 8 Fri., June 20-Aug. 15 (skip 7/4), 9:00-10:00 am, $200, A Reeve. #5783 Sec C: 8 Sat., June 21-Aug. 16 (skip 7/5), 9:00-10:00 am, $200, A Reeve. #5784 IN-PERSON Adult Swim – Advanced To enroll in Advanced, students should have a basic knowledge of all six strokes, and be able to jump into deep water, tread for 1 minute and back float for 1 minute in deep water. The Advanced level presents a great weekly workout that balances stroke refinement activities with endurance building drills. Students learn starts (shallow angle dive, grab, track) and turns (open and flip) and will be introduced to various training techniques. At SUNY Westchester Valhalla: CE-SPORT 2061 Sec A: 8 Fri., June 20-Aug. 15 (skip 7/4), 8:00-9:00 am, $200, A Reeve. #5785 Sec B: 8 Sat., June 21-Aug. 16 (skip 7/5), 10:00-11:00 am, $200, A Reeve. #5786