Workforce Development and Community Education: Summer 2025

Visit to see a full list of Summer 2025 courses and programs · LIFELONG LEARNING & ENRICHMENT 17 NATURE & THE ENVIRONMENT OF SPECIAL INTEREST PROGRAMS FOR RETIRED ADULTS IN-PERSON New! Beekeeping Basics Discover the fascinating dynamics of a beehive as a cohesive living organism and gain practical skills for effective colony management. Learn the key techniques for nurturing your bees and start producing your own honey, all while fostering a sustainable environment. At SUNY Westchester Valhalla: CE-SCI 2065, 1 Sat., June 7, 9:00am-12:00pm, KNC-2, $50, E Toth. #5616 IN-PERSON New! Will the Real 10 Commandments Please Stand Up? Many people say they live by the 10 Commandments and want others to as well. We will do a deep dive into the 10 Commandments from a Jewish perspective all the while inviting dialog. At SUNY Westchester Valhalla: CE-PHIL 2037, 6 Wed., June 4-July 9, 10:0011:00am, KNC-3, $100, B Symons. #5621 IN-PERSON New! Who are the Hebrew Prophets and Why Should I Listen? Jews and Christians read and study the Hebrew Prophets weekly. Looking at them through a Jewish lens, we will engage in an interactive discussion: what is their job description? We will primarily look at the Hebrew Prophets in the aggregate while referencing specific examples. At SUNY Westchester Valhalla: CE-PHIL 2038, 6 Wed., June 4-July 9, 11:30 am-12:30 pm, KNC-3 $100, B Symons. #5622 REMOTE New! The Self: From Self Annihilation to Self-Love in Literature Examine the depth of human emotion inside one’s psyche. We will focus on the interplay between the need for literature to portray the dark and light side of humanity through character analysis and (discussion, interactive technology and/or art applications.) Required Text: Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver - Amazon $16.22 CE-LIT 2040, 4 Thurs., May 29 – June 26 (skip June 19), 10:30 am- 1:00 pm, $160, E Klein. #5623 REMOTE The Orphan Train Era The orphan train era saw the largest relocation of children in American history. Over 273,000 children were transported by rail from New York city to homes across America. They were America’s first foster children. Scholars estimate 500,000 to 600,000 children rode the orphan trains. We will discuss some success stories of these children and how they overcame obstacles. CE-HIST 2052, 3 Thurs., June 5-26 (skip 6/19), 6:30-8:30 pm, $95, T Riley. #5825 MAINSTREAM IN THE COMMUNITY: THE INSTITUTE FOR MATURE ADULTS Mainstream is an innovator in exciting educational programming designed for adults 60 years and older. Join us for a series of fun and informative seminars in local communities on a variety of creative and interesting topics. All are welcome! To request dates and topics, email after April 1. Attention Community Leaders: If you would like a similar program in your local community, or for your organization, please contact us for costs and details at THE LIVABLE COMMUNITY CONNECTION Do you want to learn about available resources for senior citizens in Westchester County? Are you interested in creating a livable community where people of all ages can have access to needed services and live happy, active lives? Contact Ashlee Pierce, the Northwest Coordinator for the Livable Community Connection, a partnership with Westchester County Department of Senior Programs and Services, email COLLEGIUM COLLEGIUM is a membership organization and is currently open to new members! COLLEGIUM for Lifelong Learning was created in 2004 to combine serious study and social exchange. Each COLLEGIUM semester features a different array of courses in the arts and sciences, all led by exceptional volunteers with expertise in the subjects they teach. Participants are encouraged to engage in classroom discussion, and the schedule allows for informal discussion between sessions and during breaks. Our Fall Session begins October 8. For more information about the program, please call 914-606-6748, email, or visit