Workforce Development and Community Education: Summer 2025

Find a new interest or dive deeper. Come join us and open up a world of discovery! HEALTH & WELLNESS IN-PERSON Reiki I Learn Reiki Level 1 to heal yourself and others, reduce stress, promote relaxation, and receive an attunement for deeper understanding. At SUNY Westchester Valhalla: CE-HLT 2012, 1 Sat., June 7, 12:00-5:00 pm, KNC-5, $85 (+ $20 materials fee paid to instructor), D Guilderson. #5658 IN-PERSON Reiki II Reiki II deepens practice with Sacred Symbols, Distance Healing, and hands-on techniques, offering a transformative journey to expand your Reiki skills and healing abilities. Prerequisite: Reiki I. At SUNY Westchester Valhalla: CE-HLTH 2107, 1 Sat., July 19, 12:00-5:00 pm, KNC-5, $85 (+ $20 materials fee paid to instructor), D Guilderson. #5651 IN-PERSON New! Let’s Tai Chi! Have you ever “Subdued the Tiger” or “Pushed The Mountain”? You can learn these and other wonderful, healthful movements with Let’s Tai Chi! Learn and explore how to perform a 12 move set along with other exercises for “vital life energy”! Home practice instructions included. At SUNY Westchester Valhalla: CE-FITNS 2110, AAB Dance Studio, $95, Sec. A: 6 M/W, June 2-June 18, 9:00-10:00 am, J O’Connor. #5771 Sec. B: 6 M/W, July 21-Aug. 6, 9:00-10:00 am, J O’Connor. #5772 IN-PERSON New! Introduction to Egyptian Hieroglyphs Learn to read basic Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs as we explore the sacred text as it is written on papyri, tombs, and temples. Understand the development of Ancient Egyptian Civilization as the gift of the Nile River, which originates in Uganda, Kenya and Ethiopia. At SUNY Westchester Valhalla: CE-HIST 2505, 6 Tues., July 8-Aug. 12, 10:00-11:30 am, KNC-3, $140, E Landry. #5652 IN-PERSON New! History of Presidential Elections Explore the Presidential elections that most affected American history including their candidates, and their impact on history. At SUNY Westchester Valhalla: CE-POLTC 2020, 6 Mon., June 23-July 28, 10:00-11:30 am, KNC-4, $145, J Kolovson. #5617 IN-PERSON Slicing Big Apple Baseball Herbert Fischer, NYC tour guide and professor, leads a dynamic, humorous course on how New York became baseball’s capital and how teams morphed into the Dodgers, Yankees, and Giants. At SUNY Westchester Valhalla: CE-HIST 2030, 1 Sat., June 7, 10:00 am-1:00 pm, Room TBD, $50, H Fischer. #5653 IN-PERSON Meditation Learn meditation techniques with music, guided imagery, and relaxation to calm the mind, release energy, and explore topics like Love & Forgiveness, Stress & Anxiety, Being Present & Grateful. At SUNY Westchester Valhalla: CE-PRSDV 2212, 3 Thurs., June 12, July 10, and July 31, 5:30-6:30pm, KNC-4. $60, D Guilderson. #5690 IN-PERSON Your Walk in Life: A Guide to Transforming Your Pain into Peace Develop coping and listening skills through case studies, workbook exercises, journaling, and group discussions, focusing on mental health healing. At SUNY Westchester Valhalla: CE-PRSDV 2208, 7 Wed., June 11-July 30 (skip 7/2), 12:00-1:30 pm, KNC-4, $170 (+ textbook), A Servodidio. #5659 LIFELONG LEARNING & ENRICHMENT HISTORY & CULTURE HISTORY CULTURE Visit to see a full list of Summer 2025 courses and programs · LIFELONG LEARNING & ENRICHMENT 15