Visit to see a full list of Summer 2025 courses and programs · CAREER & WORKFORCE TRAINING 11 REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE EDUCATION REAL ESTATE EDUCATION All courses, unless otherwise indicated, have been approved by the NYS Department of State as meeting the educational requirements under Sections 176.3 and 176.4. NOTE: NYS Department of State requires 90% attendance to sit for the Real Estate Sales exam. For further licensing and exam information, contact the NYS Department of State at 518-474-4429 or visit INSURANCE EDUCATION Approved by the NYS Department of Financial Services (518-474-6630, as meeting educational requirements under Sections 2103, 2104, and 2107 of the Insurance Law. For more information about Insurance Education, call 914-606-5616 or email REMOTE Real Estate Salesperson Info Session Wednesday, May 21, 6:30-8:30 pm. Sign up to attend at IN-PERSON Real Estate Salespersons Meets the current NYS requirement of a 77-hr. course for the salespersons licensing exam. At SUNY Westchester Valhalla: CE REAL 2025 T/W/Th, May 27-July 10, 6:00-10:00 pm, $775. #5837 Expanded Historic Preservation Certificate (140 hrs) This one-year, non-credit certificate program, starting in the fall, prepares students for careers in Historic Preservation, including building trades, site management, and artifact conservation. The 140-hour program combines classwork with fieldwork and includes one required elective. It’s the only Historic Preservation certificate offered at a community college in New York State. Program tuition is $2,393. For details, visit Historic Preservation Walking Tours Tuition is $50 per tour. For details, email TESOL Certificate Program This intensive, 12-week, non-credit program prepares you to teach English as a Second Language to adults, in-person or remote, in the U.S. or abroad. Practical classroom instruction integrated with observation and discussion of ELI classes allows for development of knowledge and teaching skills, which you apply and hone by practice teaching through the English language Institute’s English as a Second Language classes which span a broad range of proficiency levels. Prerequisite: B.A. Degree, no teaching experience required. More details at IN-PERSON At SUNY Westchester Valhalla: ELI-TESL 3001/2/3, M/W/Th, May 19-August 13 (skip 5/26 & 6/19), 9:00 am-12:30 pm, $2,025. REMOTE ELI-TESL 3001/2/3 R, M/W/Th, May 19-August 13 (skip 5/26 & 6/19), 6:00-9:30 pm, $2,025. HYBRID Personal Fitness Trainer Certification Course Turn your passion for fitness into a career with our NCCA-accredited program, including 15 hours of essential training on anatomy, exercise physiology, kinesiology, biomechanics, and nutrition. Enjoy a hybrid learning experience with live lectures and hands-on skill labs. Includes national test vouchers and 30-hour optional internship. To register, call 914-606-6830 or email CE-CERTS 2018, 12 Tues./Sat., June 3-July 19 (skip 7/1 & 7/5), $895 (+ textbook). #5657 REMOTE Tuesdays, 6:30-9:30 pm. IN-PERSON At SUNY Westchester Valhalla: Saturdays, 12:00-3:00 pm, Physical Education Building, Gym/Fitness Center. IN-PERSON At SUNY Westchester Valhalla: National Certification Exam, Written: July 15, 6:30-8:30 pm & Practical: July 19, 12:00-5:00 pm, Physical Education Building, Gym/Fitness Center. IN-PERSON Salespersons Exam Prep Prepare for the real estate salespersons state exam with topics on terminology, concepts, test-taking strategies, and how questions are structured for comprehension (No CE credit awarded). At SUNY Westchester Valhalla: CE REAL 2042 Wed., July 9, 6:00-10:00 pm, $95. #5838 REMOTE Buy the Numbers: Investing in Real Estate Earn 3 hours of NYCE credit covering real estate investment basics, financial analysis, taxes, and evaluating property opportunities. For more information, call 914-606-5616 or email SPECIALIZED FIELDS