
Appendix F (xiii) Appendix F – Sample Press Release FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: [First and last name], [SVA title] [Phone number] [Email] FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: [Month date, year] 1-2-line title in bold, no longer Sub header using italics, should expand upon the above title and clarify organizations involved City, State Abbreviation – Your opening sentence should serve as a “hook” for the reporter, just like the opening sentence of a news story – you want to grab the reporter’s interest. The following sentences should clearly describe the who, what, when, where, and why of your event and reason for the press release. The second paragraph is a great place for a quote from a Chapter Leader or a member participating in the program or event. Remember that reporters often use quotes from press releases in their stories, so ensure that this quote is appropriately written and reflects the event, milestone, or program as well as the Chapter’s goals. The quote should expand upon the importance and meaning what the Chapter is doing. The third paragraph is the appropriate place to include additional details about the event or topic. Dive further into the purpose, explain who will be attending, highlight the compelling aspects that will make a great story, etc. Finally, add a sentence about contact and more information. About Student Veterans of America With a mission focused on empowering student veterans, SVA is committed to providing an educational experience that goes beyond the classroom. Through a dedicated network of more than 1,500 on-campus chapters in all 50 states and three countries overseas representing more than 750,000 student veterans, SVA aims to inspire yesterday’s warriors by connecting student veterans with a community of like-minded Chapter Leaders. Every day these passionate leaders work to provide the necessary resources, network support, and advocacy to ensure student veterans can effectively connect, expand their skills, and ultimately achieve their greatest potential. For more information, visit us at