
Appendix D (xi) Sample Meeting Agenda [Your Chapter Name] [Your Educational Institution] Agenda for the [insert # here] Chapter Meeting of the [insert year] Academic Year, [date and time] [Location] I. Call to Order II. Attendance III. Amendments to Current Agenda IV. Approval of Last Session Meeting Minutes V. President’s Reports and Announcements 1. Item to discuss -Minutes recorded on this topic 2. Item to discuss - Minutes recorded on this topic VI. Vice President’s Reports and Announcements 1. Item to discuss - Minutes recorded on this topic 2. Item to discuss - Minutes recorded on this topic VII. Vice President’s Reports and Announcements 1. Item to discuss - Minutes recorded on this topic 2. Item to discuss - Minutes recorded on this topic XV. Advisor’s Reports and Announcements 1. Item to discuss - Minutes recorded on this topic 2. Item to discuss - Minutes recorded on this topic XVI. General Announcements XVII. Adjournment