
Appendix D (x) Appendix D – Sample Meeting Agenda and Announcement Agenda Items The following agenda items are suggestions and can be adapted to meet the needs of the Chapter. The most common procedural guide is "Robert's Rules of Order." Call to Order. The President calls the meeting to order. The call order may be followed by any opening ceremony the Chapter may have instituted. Roll Call. If attendance is taken, it should be done from a prepared list of members' names. The list can include spaces for recording whether a member is present, absent, or tardy. Or pass around a sign-in sheet during the meeting. Reading and Approval of Minutes. After the minutes from the previous meeting are read, any corrections are made, and minutes are approved. Reports of the Officers. The President recognizes each officer in turn. Reports are usually for informational purposes. If a report involves a recommendation for action, the Chapter may discuss the recommendation when the report is finished. Reports of the Committees. The President calls for reports from standing committees first (i.e., marketing committee), followed by reports of special committees (i.e., homecoming committee). Unfinished Business. Includes all business left over from previous meetings, working from a list of unfinished business topics, each one in turn for discussion and action. New Business. Members can introduce any new topics at this time. Announcements. The President may make, or call upon other members to make, any announcements of interest to the organization. Program. Some Chapters may elect to have a speaker, film, or other educational or cultural program. This is usually presented before the meeting is adjourned, because the program may require action to be taken by the organization. Adjournment. The agenda is completed, and meeting is over.