
Appendix A (iii) Chapter but must be reined in when the finances cannot support them. Finding a balance is especially important in producing a quality Chapter with limited revenue. • Understand the unique role of the Vice President of Finance. Within the leadership team, this role is unique in that a higher level of trust and responsibility is present to include its connection to the overall success of all Chapter efforts. Institution-specific training or requirements may be in place, and this position must adhere to each. Vice President of Recruitment and Member Engagement • Establish a recruitment playbook. The Chapter strategic plan is the road map for recruitment goals, strategies, and objectives. It will indicate how many, when, where and what type of events to host, as well as the recruitment goals for each event. Work with the Vice President of Communications and Marketing to create promotional documents, fliers and/or pamphlets for tabling and/or posting around campus in high traffic areas such as the student center, veteran resource center, commuter lounge, SCO’s office, etc. Identify places where student veterans are likely working, studying, and living on campus; start by asking Chapter Members themselves. • Form alliances with key enrollment management administrators. SCO have access to all students who are receiving VA benefits. Meet with the SCO to discuss sending out a welcome letter to all incoming students receiving VA benefits. The Director/Dean of Admissions is responsible for recruiting students to the college or university. Meet with the Director/Dean to see if they would be willing to provide information about the Chapter in the admissions presentation, and/or add Chapter promotional material to their recruiting table at local college transfer fairs. The Assistant/Associate Director of Transfer Admissions will likely meet all student veterans enrolling into the college or university, as most veterans are considered transfer students. Working closely with the transfer counselor can be an effective way to recruit incoming students. The Dean of Students is responsible for all aspects of student life on campus. It is important to know this individual when it comes to reaching all students on campus. • Establish a recruitment pitch. An elevator pitch for prospective members should be brief and highlight all the key benefits of joining the Chapter. Ensure all Chapter Members know the pitch or talking points. • Cultivate an active, engaged membership. Identify meaningful programming that members will want to take part in. Use straw polls and surveys to better understand membership needs and limitations. Leverage your knowledge of membership to identify the most impactful events. Consider the childcare needs, and other benefits, geared toward student veterans with children. Identify familyfriendly events like trips to amusement parks, picnics, etc. Understanding that the purpose of enrolling in higher education is professional elevation and work with the Career Services Liaison to create professional development events. Consider virtual events for student veterans who work and attend school. Vice President of Fundraising • Relationship Building. Engage with all opportunities on and off campus to create genuine relationships, which can be leveraged for mutually beneficial outcomes. • Communication. Be able to tell the compelling story of your Chapter, its members, and your engagement with the university and the community to drive people to your brand. • Collaboration. Work closely with the Vice President of Finance to understand funding needs and to develop a goal for fundraising.