
52 Definitions Bylaws. An established, written collection of rules and procedures that Chapter Leaders follow to ensure efficient, fair, and sustainable operations. Chapter Member. someone who has met criteria set by the Chapter affording them the benefits of membership. Chapter Advisor. A faculty/staff member of the university (or college, or school) that holds a formal status within the organization, providing counsel and guidance on behalf of the university. Chapter Leader. Any member of the Chapter that serves, in any capacity (elected, appointed, or neither) to lead other members of the Chapter or otherwise steps into a role outside of the traditional, participatory member role. Chapter Leaders may also be referred to as “officers” (see below). Chapter Officer. A specific Chapter Leader who holds one of the elected or appointed leadership positions within the Chapter. Suggestions for Chapter Officers include: • President • Vice President of Programs and Member Development • Vice President of Finance • Vice President of Recruitment and Member Engagement • Vice President of Fundraising • Vice President of Communications and Marketing • Policy Liaison • Career Services Liaison • Disability Services Liaison National Conference. Held annually, SVA’s NatCon is the largest annual convening of Post-9/11 veterans in the world. Often referred to as “NatCon”. National Headquarters. The office located in Washington, D.C. in which the executive leadership and their staff execute their roles to support our Chapters and our mission. Philanthropy. A charitable fundraiser or service project sponsored by Chapter. SVA Alumni. Any former student veterans, military-affiliated students, supporters, or allies who choose to identify as members of our community after graduation. SVA Chapter. A local group affiliated with the larger global organization, commonly designated by the University (college/school) name affixed to SVA (i.e., “Chapter of State University”). To be considered a registered SVA Chapter, the group must be a registered student organization on campus and maintain current contact information with National Headquarters. SVA Leadership Continuum. A series of core annual programming and events that support and enhance the growth of chapters and individuals designed to transform the SVA Experience into personal and professional success. SVA Liaisons. Chapter Leaders who focus their time in one of three key areas in support of student veterans and military-affiliated students.