
48 Chapter? How can the Chapter reach groups of students on campus who have traditionally been marginalized and make their campus experience better? Chapter Leaders are encouraged to use your National Headquarters logo and branding guides, while ensuring compliance with university branding guidelines. This includes color schemes, fonts, and ways in which logos are used on campus. Brands are impactful because of their effects on people’s emotions. When people are asked why they love certain brands, it is often hard for them to pin down. They might provide a list of rational and logical reasons, but in the end, it often comes down to a feeling. How does that brand really make them feel? And why do they come back for more of that feeling? Why does that feeling mean something to them? Successful brands today are always emotionally infused. They hold great emotional meaning for people and that’s what makes that brand loved and respected. Chapter Leaders can spread brand awareness and reach by attending other student organization meetings and events. This creates a sense of awareness of the members, mission, and goals of the Chapter as well as how you fit in to your campus culture. Students who are at these events will be able to recognize the Chapter Members outside of the event and create face-to-face relationships. Furthermore, supporting other student organizations is crucial to extending a sense of belonging for all students, especially those who are not typically included. Chapter Officers can create a leadership position that is solely dedicated to marketing and branding, either the Vice President of Communications and Marketing or a committee leader supported by them. This avoids the “create-content-by-committee” way of thinking where there are several voices that are creating content. When only one dedicated person oversees all social media, the Chapter has a better shot at having a clear and consistent voice. Chapter Leaders should talk about the Chapter often. This seems like a small act, but word-of-mouth communication about how the Chapter impacts the bigger picture, the campus, the community, and those who live on/in both, can impact the overall success of a Chapter. Chapters can also spread their reach by co-sponsoring and collaborating with other organizations. All events benefit from collaboration with other organizations or groups. Budgets can often be tight, especially for smaller organizations or smaller institutions. Pooling resources can help multiple organizations reach their goals and create spaces on campus that are welcoming and inclusive, and there are community organizations that also want to collaborate. Fostering great relationships with the community create better opportunities for success within the Chapter, and it also builds a link for members to have opportunities after graduation. Internships and jobs can come from collaborations. This furthers the Chapter’s credibility and presence on campus in a natural and beneficial way.